世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




I've got 〜といった表現のように、文法的には違っているがネイティブはそういうものなのか、単に間違えているのかを聞きたいです。
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2018/07/27 08:06
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  • Your sentence sounds grammatically incorrect, but is that just how native speakers say it? Is it considered Okay like that?

  • You said (*repeat what they said?*) and it sounds grammatically incorrect. Is that how you're supposed to say it? Is that how native speakers say it?

When you're speaking to an English native speaker and they say something that sounds grammatically incorrect, then you can say: -Your sentence sounds grammatically incorrect, but is that just how native speakers say it? Is it considered Okay like that? -You said (*repeat what they said?*) and it sounds grammatically incorrect. Is that how you're supposed to say it? Is that how native speakers say it?
英語のネイティブスピーカーと話していて、相手が何か文法的に間違っていると思えることを言ったときは、以下のように言えます: Your sentence sounds grammatically incorrect, but is that just how native speakers say it? Is it considered Okay like that? (あなたの文は文法的に間違っているように感じますが、ネイティブスピーカーはそのように言うのですか?それで大丈夫ですか?) You said (*相手の言ったことを言う*) and it sounds grammatically incorrect. Is that how you're supposed to say it? Is that how native speakers say it? (あなたは*と言いましたが、文法的に間違っているように感じます。そのように言うものなのですか?ネイティブスピーカーはそのように言うのですか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Do native speakers say it like that because it doesn't seem grammatically correct?

By using the word "seem" you can make sure that you aren't offending someone by suggesting that they do not speak well. I hope that this helps :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I can't believe that's good grammar! Do you really say that?

There are two elements to your query: the fact that the sentence seems to be bad grammar, and your query as to its correctness.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is that grammatically correct to say as a native speaker?

Many times when learning a new language, we may be talking to a native speaker and hear them say something that sounds incorrect based on our knowledge of the English language. This could be a slang term or maybe it is a mistake on the part of the English speaker. If it is someone we know personally and we are friends with them, we could ask them: "Is that grammatically correct to say as a native speaker?" This might be inappropriate to say to someone we don't know very well.
新しい言語を学んでいる時、ネイティブと話していて、間違っているのではないかと感じる表現を耳にすることはあります。 これはスラングかもしれませんし、話し手が間違えているのかもしれません。 もし、相手が個人的に知ってる人で、友達なら、下記のように聞けるでしょう: Is that grammatically correct to say as a native speaker? (それはネイティブも使う、文法的に正しい言い方ですか?) これは、よく知らない人に言うのは不適切かもしれません。
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • Your sentence seems grammatically incorrect but is that considered okay to native speakers?

  • Grammatically, your sentence is wrong but is that just how native speakers say it?

  • Is that how native speakers say it even though it seems to be grammatically incorrect?

Just a note, there are a lot of sentences and phrases that native speakers say that are actually grammatically incorrect so don't be too surprised if some come up. Most native speakers, who are not teachers, do not technically know the grammar rules, they just 'know' what sounds right and what doesn't. There are many ways you could structure this question but basically, there are 2 parts to the sentence joined with a conjunction like "but" or "even though". The word "incorrect" is pretty formal, you could make it less formal by saying "wrong".
ネイティブスピーカーの使う英語には文法的に正しくないものがたくさんありますね。ですから、そのようなものに出くわしてもあまり驚かないでください。ほとんどのネイティブスピーカーは、先生でない限り、文法のルールを知りません、ただ正しい響きであるかどうかが分かるというだけです。 この質問の組み立て方はいろいろあります。ただ、基本的には、この文には二つのパートがあって、これらを "but" や "even though" などの接続詞でつなぎます。 "incorrect" はかなりフォーマルな言葉です。"wrong" というと、よりインフォーマルになります。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • Is that grammitically correct?

  • Do native speakers actually say that as it doesn't seem grammatically correct?

By using the term 'seem' you are saying it in a nice way and are not trying to offend someone by asking a question Sometimes things do not sound grammatically correct but they are spoken in that way or mistakes can also be made sometimes so if you are unsure when learning a new language then it is always best to ask to make sure
seem' を使うことで、丁寧に、相手の気持ちを損ねないように質問しています。 文法的に間違っているようでも、「それが一般的な言い方」ということもあると思いますし、あるいは実際に間違っている場合もあると思います。ですから、外国語を学んでいてよく分からないことがあったら、聞いてみるのが一番でしょう。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Is this a very natural way of saying this sentence, even though it is grammatically incorrect?

  • If I say this sentence as you have written it, will I be understood?

Saying that it is "very natural" refers to the way natural speakers speak; that is to say, native speakers. When learning a language, at first it is normal not to sound natural but as we progress with the learning process, we begin to sound more fluent and advanced. Especially when it comes to phrases that don't follow the grammatical rules of the language. It is important to question these types of sentences with a native speaker. "Will I be understood?" is another way of expressing if people, in general, will understand you what you say
"very natural"(とても自然)はネイティブスピーカーの話し方を指します。 外国語を学ぶときは、初めは普通自然な話し方ができませんが、学習を進めていくうちに徐々に滑らかになり上達していきます。特に文法のルールに合わない表現については、ネイティブスピーカーに確認することが大切です。 "Will I be understood?" は、自分の言ったことが一般的に理解されるかを確認する言い方です。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
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