世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/03 00:38
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  • I need to eat some meat today.

need 必要とする wantより強くて、ガッツリというニュアンスがたっぷり入る。 その他→I need some protein タンパク質食べたいよ 注意:I want meat!をいうと女性と肉体関係したいと、スラングで意味しますので気をつけてね。 eatを入れるように。 さらにはっきりとするならば→ I need to eat some meat today, to get my energy back. 復活するため、肉たっぷり食べたいよ。 焼肉のシーズンに入りましたね。 I agree with you!英語頑張ってね❤️
  • I fancy some meat today

  • I need something meaty today

  • I feel like i need to eat something meaty today

example "I have a craving for meat today." or "I fancy something meaty today." or "I feel like I need to eat some meat today." or "I fancy some meat today." fancy means I want, or I like . craving is when you have a desire for something example "I am craving meat today".
"I have a craving for meat today." 今日はお肉が食べたい気分です。 "I fancy something meaty today." 今日はお肉な気分だ。 "I feel like I need to eat some meat today." 今日は、お肉が食べたい気分だ。 "I fancy some meat today." 今日は、お肉が食べたい。 fancyとは、ほしい、好きだという意味です。cravingとは、何かがすごく欲しいという意味です。 例: "I am craving meat today." 今日は、お肉が食べたい。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I wanna eat a lot of meat today.

「がっつり」というニュアンスに関しては ネイティブは帰国子女に譲ります。 とりあえず「たくさん」と表現できることが 大切かなと思いました。 lot を強調して言うことで「たっぷり」感が出ますよ。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • I'm up for a meat feast today

Up for' A phrase used to describe your willingness to participate in something. It could be up for a night out or hiking a mountain or trying a new sport. e.g Tosh is always up for it. It is an informal expression and one that is used frequently in every day conversations. Meat feast - a feast means to have a lot of delicious food thats in plentiful supply in a happy situation. So this phrase explains that you want to eat lots of meat in a joyful way.
"Up for A"は「Aに参加したい」という意味のフレーズです。 "up for a night out"(夜遊びをしたい) "up for hiking a mountain"(山のハイキングに行きたい) "up for trying a new sport"(新しいスポーツをやってみたい) という風に使えます。 "Tosh is always up for it." (Toshはいつもそれに参加したいと思っている。) これは砕けた表現で、日常会話でもよく使われるフレーズです。 また、"Meat feast" という表現もあります。 "feast"は恵まれた生活の中でたくさんの美味しい食べ物を食べるという意味です。よって、このフレーズはたくさんのお肉をがっつり食べたいということになります。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • I feel like eating a lot of meat today

  • I am craving for a lot of meat today

▪I feel like eating a lot of meat today Feel like= want to. ▪I am craving for a lot of meat today craving=a powerful desire for something. Example 1 Friend: What would you like to eat today? You:I feel like eating a lot of meat today Example 2 Friend: What would you like to eat today? You:I am craving for a lot of meat today
▪I feel like eating a lot of meat today Feel like= したい ▪I am craving for a lot of meat today craving=何かに対する強い欲求 【例文1】 友達: What would you like to eat today?(今日は何を食べたい?) あなた:I feel like eating a lot of meat today(今日は肉をたくさん食べたい) 【例文2】 友達: What would you like to eat today?(今日は何を食べたい?) あなた:I am craving for a lot of meat today(今日は肉をたくさん食べたい)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I feel like eating loads of meat today

  • I fancy eating a lot of meat today

Feel' and 'fancy' are both words that describe the desire and feelings that you have. 'A lot' and 'loads' both mean 'many'.
Feel'と'fancy'は共に欲求や感情を表す言葉です。 'A lot'と'loads'は共に'many'(たくさん)という意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I feel like a meat-eating lion today!

  • Today I really feel the carnivore in me!

  • I'm going to eat half a cow today!

Carnivore = A carnivore is an animal that gets food from killing and eating other animals. "Let's go and have a pizza eh?" "No, no, it's no good for me today!" "But you love pizza! You always say it's the tastiest food on planet Earth!" "Yeh, but my body is craving protein. Today I really feel the carnivore in me!" "OK, let's eat steak this evening!"
Carnivore = 他の動物を殺して食べる動物です 【例文】 "Let's go and have a pizza eh?" (ピザを食べに行こうよ) "No, no, it's no good for me today!" (いや、今日はやめておくよ) "But you love pizza! You always say it's the tastiest food on planet Earth!" (でもピザ好きでしょ!いつも世界で一番美味しい食べ物だって言っているし) "Yeh, but my body is craving protein. Today I really feel the carnivore in me!" (うん、でも身体がタンパク質を欲しているんだ。今日は肉をがっつり食べたいんだ!) "OK, let's eat steak this evening!" (いいよ、今夜はステーキを食べよう!)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I wanna be a carnivore

  • I need to get protein

  • I want to eat meat

carnivore = an animal or human that eats meat Meat contains high levels of protein so if I felt weak or like I needed a big hearty meal, I could say I need to get protein or I want to eat meat.
carnivore = 肉を食べる動物、人間。肉食のという意味です。 お肉は、たんぱく質を多く含んでおり、弱っていたり、がっつりと食べたいなら、  I need to get protein. たんぱく質が必要だ。  I want to eat meat. お肉が食べたい。 と言うこともできます。
Alistair W DMM英会話講師
  • I just want to eat meat today.

  • I am going to have a carnivorous diet today,

  • I just want to eat flesh today.

"Carnivorous" can be used in a slightly humorous way to describe a person who likes to eat meat. "Flesh" is the soft part of an animal's body. For example, "He was starving and just wanted to eat real meat / to be a carnivore." The opposite is "herbivore", when applied to animals, or "vegetarian" when applied to humans. A vegan eats no animal products at all.
Ian Cameron DMM英会話講師
  • i want to eat some meat today

  • i feel like something with a lot of meet in it today

you can say "i want to eat some meat today" or if you want to describe it more in depth you can say "i feel like eating something with a lot of meat today" both of these are casual sentences but will describe what you want.
Jackk DMM英会話講師
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