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(グループでトークをしているとき) 自分が話したいことを考えている間に話題が変わってしまい、結局話したいことが話せない状態を表現したいです。  
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2018/08/04 11:18
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  • The topic of conversation often changes before I can think of a reply!

  • In my discussion group, the topic will often change before I can form a reply.

"The topic of conversation often changes before I can think of a reply!" Topic of conversation - what is being said around you, whether in a meeting, among friends or in a class. Reply - what you want to say to add to the conversation. It is also used as what you say in response to a question. For example..."I asked Tom a question but did not receive a reply." "In my discussion group, the topic will often change before I can form a reply." Discussion group - this could be a class, etc Form - to put together what you want to say. "I was forming a response in my mind." Hope this helps!
【例文】 "The topic of conversation often changes before I can think of a reply!" (答えを考える前に会話の話題がよく変わってしまいます!) Topic of conversation -これはミーティングであれ、クラスでの会話であれ、 あなたの周りで話されている話題です。(会話の話題) Reply - あなたが会話の中で付け加えたり、言いたい事の事です。 (返事/返答) これはまた、質問の回答などの事も言います。 【例】 "I asked Tom a question but did not receive a reply." (トムに質問したけど、回答は返ってこなかった) "In my discussion group, the topic will often change before I can form a reply." (ディスカッションのグループで、返答を作っている間によく話が変わってしまいます) Discussion group - これはクラスでのグループなどの事です。 Form - 言いたい事を組み立てる/作るという意味になります。 【例】 "I was forming a response in my mind." (頭の中で答えを作っていました) お役に立てれば幸いです!
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • The topic changes faster than I can think of an opinion on it.

  • As soon as I think of a retort, the topic changes!

opinion: is your thoughts on the subject. retort: means reply but is used in a firm voice. Things like this often happen to many people and you can express your frustration with these two phrases indicating that you don't want the topic to change before you have your say in. Hope this helps!
opinion: その話題に関するあなたの考え retort: 反論するという意味です。 このようなことはよく起こります。この二つのフレーズで、自分が意見を言う前にトピックをかえてほしくないという気持ちを表せます。
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
  • I find it hard to keep up with the conversation.

  • Whilst I am thinking of what to say, the topic of conversation changes.

When you 'keep up' with something, this means that that something is moving to quickly for you, in this example it is a conversation. The second answer is more of a direct way of saying to someone "During English discussions, the topic often changes quickly while I am still thinking about what to say."
あなたが何かに 'keep up' (ついていく)という事は、何かが速く進んでいます。 この例では会話ですね。 二番目の回答は、 よりもっと直接的な言い方になります。 【例】 "During English discussions, the topic often changes quickly while I am still thinking about what to say." (英語のディスカッション中、何かを言おうと考えている間に、よく話題がすぐに変わってしまいます)
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • The topic in the English class discussion changed while I was forming an opinion on the topic before that.

  • During English class discussions, the topic changes swiftly while I am still thinking about what to say.

When you want to explain that a topic in your English class discussion often changes while you're stilling thinking about it, then you can say: -The topic in the English class discussion changed while I was forming an opinion on the topic before that. -During English class discussions, the topic changes swiftly while I am still thinking about what to say.
「英語の授業のディスカッションで、まだ考えているうちに話題が変わってしまう」。これについて説明するなら、以下のように言えます: -The topic in the English class discussion changed while I was forming an opinion on the topic before that. (英語の授業のディスカッションで、まだ考えているうちに話題が変わってしまった。) -During English class discussions, the topic changes swiftly while I am still thinking about what to say. (英語の授業のディスカッションで、まだ何を言うか考えているうちに話題が変わってしまう。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I struggle to keep up with and contribute to our English discussions

  • Due to the rapidly changing choice of topics, it's a challenge for me to be proactive in our English conversations

To keep up with someone or something means to keep pace with or be comfortable with the speed that something is happening. If you struggle to keep up with something, it means you cannot go at the same speed as that thing and gradually fall behind.
「To keep up with someone/something」は、何か起こっていることのスピードについていく、という意味です。「struggle to keep up with something」は、そのスピードについていけず、次第に遅れていくことを表します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • When I'm speaking English with people, the topic changes so fast I can't keep up.

  • During English discussions, by the time I figure out what to say, the topic has changed.

Both these phrases are standard ways of expressing this in American English. You could also say ' the time I know what to say, the topic has shifted.'
上記どちらのフレーズもこれについて表すアメリカ英語での標準的な言い方です。 次のように言うこともできます。 ' the time I know what to say, the topic has shifted.'(何を言うか考えているうちに話題が変わっている)
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • During English discussions, by the time I come up with a response, the topic has already changed.

If you "come up" with something, you create or form a thought or idea. This is a good phrase to use because it describes how difficult it is for you to be able to create a response. I hope that this helps. :)
"come up with something" は「〔考え・アイデア〕を思いつく」という意味です。これは「返答がなかなか頭に浮かばない」というニュアンスになるので、この場面にぴったりです。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • During English discussions, the topic often changes and I am still thinking about what to say

  • As soon as I think of a reply the topic has been changed

When learning or not being fluent in a foreign language you might sometimes find it hard to keep up in group discussions as topics can change quickly and people can also talk really fast 'as soon as I think of a reply the topic has been changed'
グループディスカッションでは、話題がすぐに変わったり周りの話すスピードが速かったりで、その言語が堪能な人でないとなかなかついていくのが難しいかもしれません。 'as soon as I think of a reply the topic has been changed'(返事を考えているうちに話題が変わっている)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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