世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/08/04 11:20
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  • The speed at which native English speakers talk is hard to follow.

  • Native English speakers talk so quickly that I cannot follow what they are saying.

When learning a new language it is always difficult at first to keep up with native speakers, however after a while you learn the patterns and flow of the language. Our ear becomes 'tuned' to the new language. Both of these answers are a good way of expressing the feeling of not being able to keep up with those native speakers.
新しい言語を習い始めの時はネイティブスピーカーの話について行くことは、いつもとても難しいです。 ですが、少しの間パターンやその言語に沢山触れることで学ぶことが出来ます。 私たちの耳は新しい言語に 'tuned'(調整/合わせる)します。 これらのどちらの回答も、ネイティブスピーカーの会話について行くことが出来ない気持ちを言い表すことが出来る、いい表現です。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • The speed of native English conversation makes undersatnding difficult for me.

  • I have difficulty following a native English conversation as it's too fast for me.

Native speakers of any language are, of course, perfectly comfortable with their mother tongue and may deliver words at an alarmingly speedy rate. This is quite normal and as we acquire a language, more and more of the conversation will make sense.
どの言語でもネイティブスピーカーは、当然ですが、母国語を完全に容易に話せ、驚くほど速い速度で口に出して話すことが出来ます。 これはごく当たり前の事で、その言語を習得するにつれて会話がますます理解できるようになります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It becomes increasingly difficult for me to follow a conversation if it's two native speakers speaking.

  • I can't really follow the conversation if it's two native speakers speaking.

Obamaさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 1.It becomes increasingly difficult for me to follow a conversation if it's two native speakers speaking. 母語話者同士のお話なら、会話についていくのは、だんだん難しくなる。 2.I can't really follow the conversation if it's two native speakers speaking. 母語話者同士のお話なら、会話についていくのは、あまりできないんです。 その後は、「They usually talk way too fast.」とも追加することが出来ます。 お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • I find it difficult to follow an English conversation between native speakers because they speak very fast

  • It's hard for me to follow a conversation between native English speakers because of their speaking speed.

  • I find it hard to keep up with a conversation between two native English speakers because they speak fast

When you want to explain that you find it hard to follow a conversation between native English speakers because of their speaking speed, you can say: -I find it difficult to follow an English conversation between native speakers because they speak very fast -It's hard for me to follow a conversation between native English speakers because of their speaking speed. -I find it hard to keep up with a conversation between two native English speakers because they speak fast
話すスピードが速いため、英語のネイティブスピーカー同士の会話についていくことが難しいと言いたいとき、以下のように言えるでしょう: I find it difficult to follow an English conversation between native speakers because they speak very fast. 〔訳〕話すスピードが速いので、ネイティブ同士の会話についていくのは難しい。 It's hard for me to follow a conversation between native English speakers because of their speaking speed. 〔訳〕話すスピードが速いので、ネイティブ同士の会話についていくのは難しい。 I find it hard to keep up with a conversation between two native English speakers because they speak fast. 〔訳〕話すスピードが速いので、ネイティブ同士の会話についていくのは難しい。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • It's difficult for me to follow a conversation between native speakers

  • I find it difficult to understand native speakers having a conversation

If you find something not easy to do then we say you find it difficult when having a conversation it can be hard to understand as people tend to speak faster so you can't always keep up
何かを難しいと感じるならそれは 'difficult'(難しい)と言えます。 会話では話す速度が速くなるため、それについて行くこと、理解することが難しくなります。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I sometimes find it challenging to follow native speakers in their conversations.

  • Native speakers' talking pace is sometimes too fast for me to follow.

1) "I sometimes find it challenging to follow native speakers in their conversations." - This sentence emphasizes that the problem only "sometimes" occurs. It uses the word "challenging" to show that something is hard (though not impossible). Saying "to follow" is a good way to indicate that you are trying to keep up with their speed. 2) "Native speakers' talking pace is sometimes too fast for me to follow." - This sentence uses the word "pace" as a substitue for "speed". It can be used in many situations and also works for the speed at which people talk.
1) "I sometimes find it challenging to follow native speakers in their conversations."(ネイティブスピーカーの会話にはなかなかついて行けないことがある) - この文ではこの問題が起こるのは "sometimes"(時々)だけだと伝えています。"challenging" を使って、「(不可能ではないが)難しい」の意味を表しています。スピードについて行くことは "to follow" で表せます。 2) "Native speakers' talking pace is sometimes too fast for me to follow."(ネイティブスピーカーの話すスピードは速すぎてついて行けないことがある) - この文では "speed" に代わる言葉として "pace" を使っています。これはいろいろな場面で使われますが、人の話すスピードも表します。
Lennart DMM英会話講師
  • Native speakers talk too fast on occasion

  • It's hard for me to follow a conversation between native English speakers.

You can explain that when you hear a conversation between native English speakers, it can be difficult to follow. You could also ask them to "slow down" or "please repeat". When you say "follow a conversation", this means to understand the flow or context of the conversation and additionally be able to contribute to the conversation in a meaningful way.
「ネイティブスピーカー同士の会話に付いていくのは難しい」と説明できます。 また、「もっとゆっくり話して欲しい」や「もう一度言って欲しい」などとお願いしてもいいでしょう。 "follow a conversation" は、会話の流れを理解し、加えてそこに参加できるという意味です。
Daviid M DMM英会話講師
  • For native english speakers when having a conversation their speaking becomes faster

  • I have a hard time following native English speakers conversations

"I have a hard time following native English speakers conversations" To have a 'Hard time following', this is used to describe not being able to understand very easily.
"I have a hard time following native English speakers conversations"(英語のネイティブスピーカーの会話にはなかなかついていけません) "To have a Hard time following" は「なかなか理解できない」という意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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