例えば、もし映画で結末が分かっていたら見たって、ドキドキしないし、面白くないですよね? それと同じように人生も未来(結末)が見えなくて、ハラハラドキドキするところが面白いんだよ。という事を伝えたいです。Nobody knows our future, so えぶりばでぃ would be fun so much. で可?
I think that life is interesting because you never know what will happen.
"I think" is a great phrase to use to express an opinion or idea. "You never know what will happen" is a common phrase to talk about when you don't know what will happen. I hope that this helps :)
"I think" は素晴らしいフレーズで、意見や考えを伝える時に使います。”You never know what will happen" (何が起こるか誰にも分からない)は、よく使われるフレーズで、何が起こるか分からないという意味です。
What makes life interesting is the unknown part of it.
●Life is fun because it's unpredictable!
●What makes life interesting is the unknown part of it.
part of→○○の部分
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll get.
"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll get."
This is a quote from the film, "Forest Gump". Sometimes people will quote the movie to express your feelings about life being interesting because you ever know what will happen.
"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll get."
これは「Forest Gump(フォレスト・ガンプ)」という映画のセリフです。
Life is unpredictable. You do not know what is around the corner.
When we talk about something that is 'around the corner' we are talking about about something that is in the future or coming up. Usually no more than a couple of months.
This phrase can be used in many situations, for example - "My birthday is just around the corner" or "my holiday to Hawaii is just around the corner."
「around the corner」は、未来のこと(これからまさに起ころうとしていること)を表します。普通は2、3カ月以内です。
"My birthday is just around the corner."
"My holiday to Hawaii is just around the corner."
The beauty of life is that no one knows what tomorrow will bring.
The future is unknown, therefore we just have to play the hand that we are dealt.
The beauty of life is that no one knows what tomorrow will
This means that we are not masters of our own destinies and
therefore we have to make the most of any situation that we
find ourselves in.
The future is unknown, therefore we just have to play the
hand that we are dealt.
Play the hand that you are dealt means that whatever
circumstances you find yourself in, how you deal or cope
with it is entirely up to you.
The beauty of life is that no one knows what tomorrow will bring.(人生のいいところは明日何が起こるか分からないことです)
The future is unknown, therefore we just have to play the hand that we are dealt.(未来は誰にも分からないので、与えられた状況で最善を尽くすしかない)
"Play the hand that you are dealt" は「いかなる状況でも、それにどう対処するかは自分次第である」という意味です。
Life is interesting because you don't know what will happen in the future.
Uncertainty about the future is what makes life very interesting
When you want to express that you think life is interesting because you don't know what will happen in the future; then you may explain this in the following ways:
-Life is interesting because you don't know what will happen in the future.
-Uncertainty about the future is what makes life very interesting
-Life is interesting because you don't know what will happen in the future(人生は先が見えないから面白い)
-Uncertainty about the future is what makes life very interesting(人生が面白いのは先が見えないから)