世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/08/21 19:16
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  • Can we also eat outside?

外でも食べられるか尋ねる場合「Can we also eat outside?」と聞きます。 または、指を指してあそこで食べられるか聞く時は:「 Can we eat over there?」と言えます。
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Do you think we could have our order at the outdoor tables?

  • Would it be also possible to dine at the patio area?

  • Would it be also possible to dine at the outside bar?

ASAKOさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつ自然な表現を紹介します。 1. Could we eat at the outside area? 2. Would it be also possible to dine at the patio area? 3. Would it be also possible to dine at the outside bar? 4. Do you think we could eat at the outdoor space? 5. Do you think we could have our order at the outdoor tables? --- to dine = 食事をする --- patio = 「パティオ」または、「テラス] お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • Can we sit/eat outside please?

  • Is it possible to sit/eat outside please?

When talking about having a meal at a restaurant then you can ask if you can 'eat' or 'sit' if you want to ask if you can do something then you would say 'can we?' or 'is it possible?' Outside means in the fresh air and not in the building
レストランで食事をすることについて言う場合、「食べられるか(eat)」あるいは「座れるか(sit)」という聞き方ができます。 何かが可能かどうか確認したいなら、'can we?' あるいは 'is it possible?' と言えます。 'outside' は「〔屋内でなく〕戸外で」の意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • There's tables outside, can we eat out there?

  • Can we sit at the outside tables to eat?

  • We would like to eat outside, is that allowed?

There's tables outside, can we eat out there? Can we sit at the outside tables to eat? We would like to eat outside, is that allowed? Would it be possible for us to eat outside? Are we allowed to sit outside to eat?
There's tables outside, can we eat out there? (外にもテーブルがありますね。そこで食べてもいいですか?) Can we sit at the outside tables to eat? (外のテーブルで食べてもいいですか?) We would like to eat outside, is that allowed? (外で食べたいのですがいいですか?) Would it be possible for us to eat outside? (外で食べても大丈夫ですか?) Are we allowed to sit outside to eat? (外で食べてもいいですか?)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Could we have a table outside, please?

  • Is it ok if we sit outside?

To ask a server/waiter if you can sit at a table outside you could ask, "Could we have a table outside, please?" In this sentence you are asking the server to seat you at a table outside. or you could say, "Is it ok if we sit outside?" In this sentence you are asking for permission. Is this ok to do.
ウェイター/ウェイトレスに外のテーブルに座ってもいいか尋ねたいなら、次のように言えます。 "Could we have a table outside, please?"(外のテーブルにしてもらってもいいですか) この文では、ウェイター/ウェイトレスに外のテーブルにして欲しいとお願いしています。 あるいは、次のように言うこともできます。 "Is it ok if we sit outside?"(外に座ってもいいですか) この文では許可を求めています。 Is it ok if... = ...してもいいですか
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • May we have a table outside please?

  • We would like to sit/eat outside please.

  • May we eat/sit outside please?

When you go to a restaurant, and you want to sit at the outside tables, you can use the first sentence. The waiter will then escort you to the table of your liking. If the waiter of the restaurant asks you where you would want to sit, you can use the second sentence. You can use the third sentence for either making the suggestion that you would want to eat outside, or if you are answering the waiter to their question of where you would like to sit. escort - take to
レストランに行って外にあるテーブルに座りたいなら、一つ目の文が使えます。このように言うと、ウェイターはテーブルまで案内してくれます。 ウェイターにどこに座りたいか聞かれたときは、二つ目の文が使えます。 三つ目の文は、外のテーブルに座りたいとこちらから言う場合と、どこに座りたいかウェイターに聞かれた場合、どちらでも使えます。 escort - 連れて行く
Anqia DMM英会話講師
  • Can we sit outside?

  • Is it okay if we sit outside?

  • We're going to sit outside. Is that okay?

Usually if there are tables & chairs outside then you can dine out there. You can always ask the waiter/waitress to be sure by saying any of the following. -Can we sit outside? -Is it okay if we sit outside? -Is it okay if we dine outside? -We're going to sit outside. Is that okay?
普通外に椅子とテーブルがあれば、そこで食べることができます。ウェイター/ウェイトレスに次のように確認できます。 -Can we sit outside?(外の席に座れますか) -Is it okay if we sit outside?(外の席に座れますか) -Is it okay if we dine outside?(外で食事ができますか) -We're going to sit outside. Is that okay?(外の席に座ろうと思うのですが、いいですか)
Niabh DMM英語講師
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