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2018/08/26 08:35
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  • I want the siblings to get along well.

  • My hope is for them to get along well as brother and sister.

兄弟仲良くなってほしい = I want the siblings to get along well. 「Get along well」は日本語で「仲良し」ということです。「なる」の感じは「want」の中にあります。あなたの場合、「My hope was for them to get along well as brother and sister, so I used the same kanji for both of their names.」と言うなら、意味がよく説明されます。
  • I gave them similar names in hopes that they will get along well.

The first part of the sentence describes that both of your childrens' names have the same kanji. The second part of the sentences explains why you did so, which is because you hope that they will get along well. I hope that this helps :)
例文の最初の部分では、二人の子どもが名前に同じ漢字を使っていることについて伝えています。 例文の後半部分では、なぜそうしたのかを説明しています。それは、二人に仲良くして欲しいからですね。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I want my children to get along.

Saying, "I want my children to get along." is simple. You have two children, they are siblings, but you wouldn't refer to them as siblings in a natural way when speaking about your children. You talk about your siblings, but you talk about your children.
"I want my children to get along." 「子どもに仲良くして欲しい」 シンプルな言い方です。お子さんが二人いるわけですよね。二人は「siblings(きょうだい)」です。ただ、普通自分の子どもについて言う場合「siblings」とは言いません。「siblings(きょうだい)」ですが、自分にとっては「children(子ども)」です。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I named both of my children with the same kanji so they will get along as siblings.

  • I wanted my children to be close in their relationship so they have the same kanji in their names.

  • My children are to be close in names and relationship.

I named both of my children with the same kanji so they will get along as siblings. I wanted my children to be close in their relationship so they have the same kanji in their names. My children are to be close in names and relationship. I put a lot of thought in naming my children because I wanted them to have a close relationship. My children have the same kanji in their names to draw them closer together.
I named both of my children with the same kanji so they will get along as siblings. (子供二人とも同じ漢字をつけたので、兄弟仲良くなるだろう。) I wanted my children to be close in their relationship so they have the same kanji in their names. (子供同士仲良くなってほしかったので、名前に同じ漢字をつけました。) My children are to be close in names and relationship. (私の子供は名前がよく似ているので仲良くなるだろう。) I put a lot of thought in naming my children because I wanted them to have a close relationship. (兄弟仲良くなってほしかったので、名づけに思いをたくさんこめました。) My children have the same kanji in their names to draw them closer together. (仲良くなってもらうために、兄弟同じ漢字を名前に付けました。)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I hope the children get on with each other

It would be extremely rare in the UK for a mother or father to refer to their children as 'siblings'. Children of any one family are usually referred to as 'the children' by their parents, or of course by name: "John and Jenny," for example. To get on with someone = to be friendly with someone.
英国では、母親や父親が自分の子どものことを「siblings」と言うことはめったにありません。普通「the children」と言います。もちろん名前で「John and Jenny(ジョンとジェニー)」などと言うこともできます。 To get on with someone = 仲良くやっていく
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I want my son and daughter to get along

  • I want the siblings to get along with each other

"I want my son and daughter to get along" 'Get along' is a term used to describe working well with someone else, in this case the son and daughter, the son and daughter to not argue but to have fun together. "I want the siblings to get along with each other" 'Sibling' is the expression used to describe sons and daughters, as well as brothers and sisters.
"I want my son and daughter to get along" 息子と娘には仲良くなってもらいたい。 'Get along'とは、誰かと仲良くやるという意味のフレーズです。この場合、息子と娘が喧嘩することなく楽しくやってほしいということです。  "I want the siblings to get along with each other" 兄弟互いに仲良くやってほしいです。 'Sibling'とは、兄弟、姉妹という意味の言葉です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I have given my two children similar names in the hope that they will get along well.

  • I hope for a great relationship between my son and daughter and so I have given them similar names.

  • I wish for a great bond between my son and daughter.

We can use the above sentences to explain that we hope our two kids have a great relationship. Siblings usually tick each other off a lot. It is great to cultivate a healthy, open-minded relationship between them so they can grow up with love and respect for one another. Bond: relationship, closeness In the hope that: hoping that, wishing that Tick off: annoy, irritate Cultivate: try to create or grow "I want my children to get along well and so I have added the same Kanji symbol in their names in hopes that they will feel connected to each other."
「兄弟仲良くなって欲しい」は上記のように言えます。 きょうだい同士はけんかをすることが多いですが、尊敬と愛のある関係が築けると素晴らしいですね。 Bond: 関係、親密さ In the hope that: ~を期待して、~を願って Tick off: 困らせる、イライラさせる Cultivate: 築く、培う "I want my children to get along well and so I have added the same Kanji symbol in their names in hopes that they will feel connected to each other." (子どもたちに仲良くなって欲しかったので、名前に同じ漢字を使いました)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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