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コーヒーの香りは好きなのですが、苦みが苦手で飲むと胃が痛くなります。 同じ苦みでもビールの苦みは好きです。 笑いをとれるように話したいです。
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2018/09/04 07:32
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  • I don’t like the bitterness of coffee, but I enjoy the bitterness of beer.

  • I like the bitterness of beer, but not the bitterness of coffee.

❶ I don’t like the bitterness of coffee, but I enjoy the bitterness of beer. (コーヒーの苦味は苦手だけど、ビールの苦味はすきだ)。 ❷ I like the bitterness of beer, but not the bitterness of coffee. (ビールの苦味は好きだけど、コーヒーの苦味は好きではない)。 笑いを取る言い方をしたければ、 ❸ I don’t like the bitterness of coffee, but I really enjoy the bitterness of beer. (コーヒーの苦味は苦手だけど、ビールの苦味はとてもすきだ)。 〜と言えるかもしれません。 苦味は bitterness です。 Coffee gives me an upset stomach. (コーヒー飲むと私の胃が痛くなります)。
  • I like the smell of coffee but not the taste of it. But I like the taste of beer!

  • I like the taste of beer but not the taste of coffee so I drink beer in the mornings.

  • Coffee doesn't taste good to me but beer does.

I like the smell of coffee but not the taste of it. But I like the taste of beer! I like the taste of beer but not the taste of coffee so I drink beer in the mornings. Coffee doesn't taste good to me but beer does. It's too early for coffee but not for beer. Beer just has a better taste to me than coffee. I think coffee tastes too bitter but the bitterness in beer suits me just fine. I would rather drink bitter beer than bitter coffee.
I like the smell of coffee but not the taste of it. But I like the taste of beer!(コーヒーの香りは好きだけど味は苦手です。でもビールの味は好きです) I like the taste of beer but not the taste of coffee so I drink beer in the mornings.(ビールの味は好きだけどコーヒーの味は苦手です。だから朝はビールを飲みます) Coffee doesn't taste good to me but beer does.(コーヒーはおいしいと思わないけどビールはおいしいです) It's too early for coffee but not for beer.(コーヒーには早すぎるけどビールならいいです) Beer just has a better taste to me than coffee.(コーヒーよりもビールの方がおいしく感じる) I think coffee tastes too bitter but the bitterness in beer suits me just fine.(コーヒーは苦すぎると思うけど、ビールの苦みは気にならないです) I would rather drink bitter beer than bitter coffee.(苦いコーヒーよりも苦いビールの方がいいです)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • "It's strange but true, I like the bitterness of beer but not of coffee."

By using "It's strange but true," you are commenting to the listener that you know there is some conflict within you, as you know you like the bitterness of beer but not of coffee, but you don't truly know why. It's a fact in your life at the moment, so it is "true" for you at this time.
"It's strange but true"(変だけど本当)は、話し手がこれについて矛盾があることを認識していることを表します。「ビールの苦みは好きだけどコーヒーの苦みは好きではない、それがなぜかは分からない」ということ。 これは現在の事実なので、"true"(本当で)と言うことができます。
Stephen P DMM英会話講師
  • Funny enough, the bitterness of beer tastes great to me but not that of coffee.

  • The only bitterness I enjoy in a drink is the bitterness of beer.

Bitterness in drinks is something that not everyone can get used to. Some people enjoy certain tastes whereas others find them really distasteful. Coffee and beer have very unique tastes and are enjoyed by certain individuals. To explain that you like the bitterness of beer and not that of coffee, use the sentences above. Distasteful: unpleasant "I love the bitterness of a beer but I can't handle that same bitterness in coffee!"
飲み物の苦みが苦手な人はいますね。 味の好みは人それぞれです。 コーヒーやビールは癖のある味ですが、好きな人は好きです。 「ビールの苦みは好きだけどコーヒーの苦みは苦手」と説明したいなら、上記のように言えます。 Distasteful: 不快な "I love the bitterness of a beer but I can't handle that same bitterness in coffee!" (ビールの苦みは好きですが、コーヒーの苦みは苦手です)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • They say you are what you eat, so I'm only slightly bitter because I can stand the bitterness of beer but not coffee.

  • When it comes to bitter things beer can stick around, but coffee can take a hike.

1. Referring to oneself as bitter is not necessarily a positive thing, but using it in a sarcastic way by making the statement, "you are what you eat" can imply that it isn't meant to be taken seriously and implies humor. In this example, the context of the expression, "I can't stand" means that the thing that it's referring to is unpleasant or distasteful. 2. Saying that something can stick around can mean that it is enjoyable and always welcome, but to say it can take a hike expresses that it is not enjoyable, and therefore, it can go away. The expression may be taken as humor as well.
1. 自分のことを "bitter" と言うのは、必ずしも肯定的な意味にはなりませんが、ここでは "you are what you eat"(食べ物はその人を表す)と言って、冗談として伝えています。この文では、"I can't stand" は「~が嫌いだ」という意味です。 2. "something can stick around" は「楽しいもの」や「好きなもの」について言います。一方、"something can take a hike" は「楽しくないもの」や「要らないもの」について言います。この表現も冗談のニュアンスになるかもしれません。
Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • My kind of bitterness is beer, not coffee.

  • I prefer the bitterness of beer rather than the bitterness of coffee.

My kind of bitterness is beer, not coffee. - This sentence can be used to express that you enjoy the bitter taste of beer, but you don't enjoy the bitterness of the coffee. I prefer the bitterness of beer rather than the bitterness of coffee. - If you had to choose between beer and coffee, this sentence expresses that you would choose beer over coffee because you like the bitter taste of beer more than the bitterness in coffee.
My kind of bitterness is beer, not coffee.(ビールの苦みは好きですが、コーヒーの苦みは好きではありません) この文は「ビールの苦みは好きだけど、コーヒーの苦みは好きではない」と言いたいときに使うことができます。 I prefer the bitterness of beer rather than the bitterness of coffee.(コーヒーの苦みよりもビールの苦みの方が好きです) この文は、「ビールとコーヒーどちらかを選ばなければならないとしたら、ビールを選ぶ。なぜなら、コーヒーの苦みよりもビールの苦みの方が好きだから」という意味です。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • For some reason I like the bitterness of beer even though I don't like the bitterness of coffee.

  • I don't like the bitterness of coffee but I don't mind the bitterness of beer.

  • Even though I do not like the bitterness of coffee, I like the bitterness of beer.

when trying to state that you like the bitterness of beer but not coffee you can simply say "I like the bitterness of beer but not coffee for some reason". To make it more "funny" or to say it in a joking way, the intonation in the way you say it also will play a part so you can say it very lightly while laughing or smiling.
「ビールの苦みは好きだけどコーヒーの苦みは苦手」は、シンプルに次のように言えます。 "I like the bitterness of beer but not coffee for some reason"(どうしてか、ビールの苦みは好きなんだけどコーヒーの苦みは苦手) 冗談として言うならイントネーションがポイントです、笑いながら軽い感じで言うようにしましょう。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I don't like the bitterness of coffee, but i like the bitterness of beer

  • I like the bitterness of beer but not coffee

When drinking coffee some can be very strong and have a bitter taste and not everyone will like this, whereas beer can also be bitter but it is refeshing and cold especially on a hot day so people might prefer the taste of the 'I like the bitterness of beer but not coffee' is a simple way to explain what you like
強くて苦いコーヒーは苦手な人もいますね。 ビールは苦いですが、冷たくてすっきりした味(特に暑い日には)なので、こちらの方が飲みやすいかもしれません。 'I like the bitterness of beer but not coffee'(ビールの苦みは好きだけど、コーヒーの苦みは苦手) は、これについて説明するシンプルな言い方です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Coffee is too bitter for me.... but strangely, the bitterness of beer is appealing

  • I love the bite of a cold beer, but the bitterness of coffee is another thing altogether

You don't like the bitterness of coffee, but you do like the bitterness of beer. You want to explain this in a joking way if possible. We sometimes refer to 'the bite' of beer - which is the acidic reaction in the mouth. It may not be good for us, but we seem to enjoy it!
コーヒーの苦みは好きではないけれど、ビールの苦みは好きであることを伝えるには、冗談ぽく伝えるのがいいかもしれません。 'the bite' of beer とは、口の中の酸味の変化を意味します。いいものではないのかもしれませんが、好きな人はいますよね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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