世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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kei emaさん
2018/09/06 18:38
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  • You're my only Skype contact.

  • You're the only one on my Skype contact list.


●You're my only Skype contact.


●You're the only one on my Skype contact list.




例文:I'll contact you on/by/via/through skype.(スカイプで連絡するね。)★どの前置詞で繋げてもOKです(人それぞれです)。


Michiru 英語・異文化コミュニケーションコンサルタント
  • You're my only Skype contact

  • I only have you as a contact on Skype

When you want tot let someone know that they are the only person you talk to on Skype, then you can say it in the following ways:
-You're my only Skype contact
-I only have you as a contact on Skype

-You're my only Skype contact.
-I only have you as a contact on Skype.

Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • You're my only friend on Skype.

  • You're my only contact on Skype.

If you only have one contact or friend on Skype it would be okay to presume that you only use Skype for the purpose of contacting that one person.
In Skype people that you have 'added' can be called either contacts or friends. If someone is a business acquaintance then you may be more likely to call the a Skype 'contact' rather than friend.


スカイプで追加した人のことは、"contacts"(連絡先)か "friends"(友達)と言えます。もし相手がビジネス上の知り合いなら、"friend"(友達)より "contact"(連絡先)と言うことの方が多いかもしれません。

Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • You're my only contact on Skype.

  • You are the only person I talk to on Skype.

Here are two examples you can use.
1. This is probably the most common expression.
"You're my only contact on Skype."
Contact - A person such as a friend, business partner, business contact, family, etc.

  1. This expression could refer to one person, or the one person you speak to.
    "You are the only person I talk to on Skype."

    The only person - This could refer to a friend, business contact, the one person you speak to.
    I talk to on Skype - You may have several contacts, but only speak to one of them.

1. 多分これが最も一般的な表現です。
"You're my only contact on Skype."
Contact - 友達、ビジネスパートナー、仕事関係の人、家族など

  1. これは「一人の人」または「話をする一人の人」について使えます。
    "You are the only person I talk to on Skype."

The only person - 友達、仕事関係の人、話をする一人の人など
I talk to on Skype - つながっている人は何人かいるかもしれませんが、話をするのはそのうち一人だけ、ということ。

Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • I only use Skype to talk to you.

I only use Skype to talk to you - This would be expressing that you have Skype only so you can speak with them.

I only use Skype to talk to you(あなたと話すときにしかスカイプは使わない)

Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • You are the only person I skype.

  • You are the only contact I have on my skype account.

  • I only use skype when contacting you.

When trying to tell someone that you only use skype for them, you can say something like "I only use skype for you." or "you are the only contact I have on skype.". The word "only" tells them that there is no one else that you speak to or use skype for except for that particular person.


"I only use skype for you."(あなたとしかスカイプは使わない)
"You are the only contact I have on skype."(スカイプでつながっているのはあなただけ)

"only" は、話し手とスカイプでつながっているのがその人「だけ」であることを表します。

Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I only have one contact on Skype, and that's you.

  • I don't have any other contacts other than you on Skype.

I only have one contact on Skype, and that's you. - This sentence can be used to express to the listener that he/she is your only contact on Skype.

I don't have any other contacts other than you on Skype. - This sentence can be used to express to the listener that you don't have anybody else's contact on Skype except for the person you are speaking to.

I only have one contact on Skype, and that's you.(スカイプでつながっている人は一人しかいません、あなただけです)


I don't have any other contacts other than you on Skype.(スカイプでつながっているのはあなただけです)


Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • You're my only contact on Skype

  • I don't have any other contacts on Skype, only you

  • I only have you as a contact on Skype

Skype is a great way to see and chat to people and friends all over the world on the internet but you might not have alot of people in your contact list so if you only have one person you might tell them 'you're my only contact on Skype' or 'I only have you as a contact on Skype'


'you're my only contact on Skype'(スカイプで連絡先を知っているのはあなただけ)
'I only have you as a contact on Skype'(スカイプで連絡先を知っているのはあなただけ)

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • You are my only contact on Skype.

  • I don't have any other contacts on Skype, besides you.

"I don't have any other contacts on Skype, besides you." can be said if you speak to only one person on Skype.

"I don't have any other contacts on Skype, besides you."


Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • You're my only contact on Skype.

  • You're my only Skype contact.

We can use both of these sentences, which are very similar in structure, within the same ways and they can be used interchangeably to have the same meaning. One leaves contact on its own whereas the other uses Skype as an adjective to describe what kind of contact you are referring to.

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I only have one Skype contact and it's you!

  • You're my only skype contact!

  • You're my sole skype contact!

You only talk to one person on Skype. You want to tell the person that they are your only contact on Skype.
In that case, you can try one of the above-suggested example sentences which may be appropriate for any given situation. There are always a variety of ways to respond to someone or make a comment - depending on the context and other factors such as nationality, appropriacy and body language.
Eg A 'You're my sole skype contact!'
B 'Wow, I'm privileged!'

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You are the only person that you have in my Skype contact's list

  • You are my only Skype contact right now

Skype is a great way of communicating with our family and friends, especially if we live overseas. It is free which is a great advantage. Many people have lots of contacts, maybe they have a business account and make Skype calls for business purposes every day. Personal accounts, however, tend to have small amounts of contacts.

These two sentences explain very casually that you only have one contact in your contact list. They can be used in any situation.

Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • You're my only contact on Skype.

When you would like the person to know that they are the only person you speak to on Skype because they are the only contact that you have, you could use the following sentences;

  • You're the only person I talk to on Skype.
  • I only have one contact on Skype which is you.
  • I only Skype with you.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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