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2018/09/08 09:25
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  • beautician

  • hairdresser

  • aesthetician

美容師の言い方として色々ありますが、よく使われているのは以下の三つであります。 beautician hairdresser (理容師や髪結いの意味です) aesthetician 私は美容師を[職業](としています。 I am a beautician. I work as a beautician. そして、映画などに場合は化粧や整髪の[専門家](である人を"make-up artist"と言います。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • hair stylist

私からは別の言い方をご紹介しますね。 I am a hair stylist. 私は美容師です。 [髪](を[整える](人ということで、hair stylistという表現もできます。 素敵なご職業ですね! ご参考になったなら幸いです。
Chie N 英語講師
  • Hairdresser

  • Barber

  • Hairstylist

All of the above words refer to people who cut or arrange hair. A 'barber' refers to someone who specifically cuts men's hair, whereas the other two words may be for either sex. The word hairstylist is usually associated with women however. "John is at the barber's having his beard removed." "Mary is having a perm with her hairstylist."
これらの例全て、髪を切ったり、セットしたりする人のことを指します。  'barber'(床屋)は、男性の髪を切る人のことです。他の2つはどちらでも使うことができます。けれども、hairstylist はたいてい女性の髪を切る人のことを指します。 "John is at the barber's having his beard removed." (ジョンは、髭を剃ってもらうのに床屋にいる。) "Mary is having a perm with her hairstylist." (メアリーは、美容師にパーマをかけてもらっている。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Hairdresser.

  • Barber.

"Hairdresser" is the word used for a person who does unisex (both male and female) hair-cuts and other services such as dying and styling hair. The place that they work is typically called a 'hair salon'. "I'm going to the hair salon to have my hair cut by my hairdresser.". "Barber" is the word used for a person who usually focuses on male grooming such as haircuts, beard trimmings and traditionally, shaving of the facial hair. The place that they work is called a 'barber shop'. "My dad goes to the barber shop ever other Sunday to have his beard cut and styled.".
"Hairdresser" は、男性も女性も関係なく髪を切る人のことで、カラーやスタイリングのような他のサービスもします。そのような人達が働く場所を 'hair salon'(美容院)と言います。 "I'm going to the hair salon to have my hair cut by my hairdresser." (美容師さんに髪を切ってもらいに美容院に行く。)   "Barber"は、たいてい男の人の髪を切ったり、髭のトリミング、顔そりをする人のことです。そのような人がはたらくところを 'barber shop'(床屋)と言います。 "My dad goes to the barber shop ever other Sunday to have his beard cut and styled." (お父さんは、髭のカットとスタイリングをしてもらうのに隔週日曜日に床屋に行く。)
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • hair dresser

  • beautician

Informally in American English, we would call this woman a "hair dresser." For example: She worked as a hair dresser for 12 years. The official term for someone who works with hair is "beautician." For example: He had to study for two years to become a fully licensed beautician. I hope that this helps :)
アメリカの口語では、この女性は "hair dresser" と呼ばれます。 例えば: She worked as a hair dresser for 12 years.(彼女は美容師として12年間働きました) 正式には「髪を扱う職業の人」は "beautician" といいます。 例えば: He had to study for two years to become a fully licensed beautician.(彼は美容師免許を取るのに2年間勉強しなければなりませんでした)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • hairdresser.

  • hair stylist.

If you would like to know wha to call someone who cut's your hair as their profession, you can call them a "hairdresser" or a "hair stylist". These are the people you go to when you need your hair cut.
美容師のことを"hairdresser" や"hair stylist"と言います。ヘアカットが必要ならこの人のところに行きます。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • "Hairdresser"

  • "Hair stylist"

This person's occupation is most commonly referred to in English as either a "Hairdresser" or "Hair stylist". Example sentence: My hair has got too long, so I have booked an appointment with my hairdresser to have it cut to a better length for me.
この人の職業は一般的に "Hairdresser"(美容師)または "Hair stylist"(同)といいます。 例文: My hair has got too long, so I have booked an appointment with my hairdresser to have it cut to a better length for me. (髪が長くなったので、美容院を予約しました)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Barber

  • Hairstylist

  • Hair dresser

A hairdresser, a Barber or a hairstylist is the person who styles your hair. Some of them train to learn such skill, some of them don't. Example sentences are:1. Once I find a perfect hairdresser, I'll stick with him or her. 2. My hair is very easy to fix, there's no need to go to a hairstylist.
A hairdresser, a Barber または a hairstylistが美容師を指します。そのような技術を学んだ人もいれば、そうでない人もいます。 例文: 1. Once I find a perfect hairdresser, I'll stick with him or her. (一旦完璧な美容師を見つけると、その人にずっとお願いする。) 2. My hair is very easy to fix, there's no need to go to a hairstylist. (私の髪はとても手入れが簡単だから、美容師のところに行く必要がない。)
Willet DMM英会話講師
  • This is hairdresser.

  • She is a hairstylist

The work of a hairdresser or hairstylist is to make people's hair neat and beautiful. They usually cut, color and style hair in many different ways. The word "hairdresser" can also be used to describe the place that you go to to get your hair styled.
美容師の仕事は人をきちんと、美しくしてくれます。たいてい様々な方法でカット、カラー、髪のスタイリングをしてくれます。   "hairdresser"も、美容師のことを表す言葉です。
Esmeralda DMM英会話講師
  • Hairdresser

  • Hairstylist

A person that cuts and styles hair may be called a hairdresser or a hairstylist. We usually use these terms for a person that does women's hair. A person that specializes in cutting men's hair is usually called a "barber". You may use these terms in the following ways: -I made an appointment with the hairdresser at the salon for Thursday at 10 am. -I have always wanted to be a hairstylist because I love working with hair. -My barber wasn't available to cut my hair today, so I'm going to cut it tomorrow.
「美容師(髪の毛を切り整えてくれる人)」は英語では 'hairdresser' または 'hairstylist' と言えます。普通これらの語は、女性の髪の毛を切る人を表します。男性の髪の毛を切ることを専門とする人は "barber"(理髪師)と呼ばれます。 これらの語は次のように使うことができます。 -I made an appointment with the hairdresser at the salon for Thursday at 10 am.(木曜日の午前10時に美容院を予約しました) -I have always wanted to be a hairstylist because I love working with hair.(髪の毛を扱うのが好きなので、ずっと美容師に憧れていました) -My barber wasn't available to cut my hair today, so I'm going to cut it tomorrow.(今日はいつもの理髪師さんが空いていなかったので、髪の毛は明日切りに行きます)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Hairdresser

  • Beautician

  • Hair stylist

All three of these different occupations sort of have the same meaning and can be used interchangeably. The one main difference between these is that the word, "beautician," can refer to someone who does other styles of body treatments as well such as nails and/or other beauty treatments such as makeup, etc.
これら三つの語は基本的に同じ意味で、置き換えて使えます。 違いとしては、"beautician" はネイルアートやメイクアップなど他の美容ケアを行う人も指します。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Hairdresser

美容師は色んな言葉がありますが一番メインはhairdresserといいます。 日本は美容師が本当に多いですね。日本来た時すごいびっくりした。 私の夢は美容師になりたいです My dream is to become a hairdresser 美容師の仕事は大変ですね、毎日色んな人と話せないと Being a hairdresser must be tough mustn’t. You have to talk to so many people everyday.
  • Hairdresser

  • Hairstylist

ご質問ありがとうございます。 美容師は Hairdresser や Hairstylist と言います。 I'm a hairdresser. 美容師です。 I work as a hairstylist. 美容師として働いてます。 I've been working as a hairstylist for 10 years. 10年間美容師として働いています。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Hairstylist

  • Hairdresser

  • Cosmetologist

My hairstylist is on vacation and I can not get my hair cut. Your grandmother was my mother's hairdresser for 20 years. In America, you must obtain a cosmetologist license to color hair.
My hairstylist is on vacation and I can not get my hair cut.(お世話になっている美容師が休暇中なので、髪の毛が切れない) Your grandmother was my mother's hairdresser for 20 years.(あなたの祖母は私の母の美容師を20年していました) In America, you must obtain a cosmetologist license to color hair.(アメリカでは美容師免許がないとヘアカラーリングはできない)
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • cosmetologist

  • hairdresser

  • barber

A person who specifically works with hair is usually called a hairdresser or barber. Women are called hairdressers and men are called barbers usually. "I went to the hairdresser's yesterday to get my hair done." "The barber cut my hair and trimmed my beard." A cosmetologist is someone you not only does hair but can do manicures and pedicures, eye lashes extensions, and makeup. "She went to school to be a cosmetologist."
Madison T DMM英会話講師
  • Hair dresser

  • Barber

  • Hair stylist

A hair dresser and hair stylist can be used for both males and females when either cutting, styling and doing anything to your hair. A barber is someone who specifically works on men, and they can also be used for mens grooming like trimming and styling a beard. A typical sentence for a man could be 'Im going to the barbers later, i need my hair and beard trimming.' 'Katie is going to get her hair blow dried' would be for a hair dresser/stylist.
"hair dresser"(美容師)と "hair stylist"(美容師)は、男性または女性の髪の毛を切り整える人です。 "barber"(理髪師)は男性の髪の毛を切り整える人です。また、男性のひげの手入れをすることもあります。 例えば男性は、 'I'm going to the barbers later, I need my hair and beard trimming.'(後で理髪店に行きます。髪とひげを整えてもらわないと) などとよく言います。 'Katie is going to get her hair blow dried'(ケイティは髪の毛をブローしてもらいに行く) これは "hair dresser/stylist" です。
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Barber

  • Hairdresser

  • Hairstylist

A barber is what we call a male or female that only cuts men's hair. This is also the name of the place where he or she works "I am going to get my hair cut at the barber's today" "My barber is very friendly" A hairdresser is what we call a male or female that cuts both male's and female's hair. This is also the name of the place where they work. "I'm going to make an appointment to get my hair cut at the hairdresser's tomorrow" A hairstylist is a person who designs and arranges hairstyles in contrast with a barber or hairdresser who just cuts your hair to make it look nice and different. "An experienced hairstylist can help you identify the right type of hair cut"
"barber"(理髪師)は、男性の髪の毛を切る男性または女性をいいます。また、"barber" は、"barber" の働く店も指します。 "I am going to get my hair cut at the barber's today"(今日は理髪店に髪を切りに行ってくる) "My barber is very friendly"(私のお世話になっている理髪師さんはとてもフレンドリーです) "hairdresser"(美容師)は、男性と女性どちらの髪も切る男性または女性です。また、"hairdresser" は、"hairdresser" の働く店も指します。 "I'm going to make an appointment to get my hair cut at the hairdresser's tomorrow" (あした美容院を予約しようと思う) "hairstylist"(ヘアスタイリスト)は、髪の毛のスタイリングをしてくれる人です。"barber" と "hairdresser" は、単に髪の毛を切るだけです。 "An experienced hairstylist can help you identify the right type of hair cut" (経験豊富なヘアスタイリストはその人に合った髪型を見つけてくれる)
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • hairdresser

  • barber

The person that cuts hair is most generally called 'a hairdresser.' A 'hairdresser' can cut the hair of a man or a woman and works at a place called a 'salon.' EX) Stacy went to the salon to get her hair cut and styled by a hairdresser. Commonly, there are hairdressers that only cut MEN'S hair. These people are called 'barbers.' Barbers specialize in cutting men's haircut styles and trimming/styling beards and mustaches. They work in places called 'barbershops.' EX) I went to my favorite barbershop to see Mike, my barber.
髪の毛を切る仕事をする人は、一般的に 'hairdresser'(美容師)と呼ばれます。'hairdresser' は、男性または女性の髪を切る人で、'salon'(サロン)で働いています。 例) Stacy went to the salon to get her hair cut and styled by a hairdresser. (ステイシーはサロンに行って美容師に髪を切って整えてもらいました) 男性の髪の毛しか切らない 'hairdresser'(美容師)もいます。これは 'barber' と呼ばれる人です。'barber' は、男性の髪の毛を切ったりひげの手入れをすることを専門とします。'barber' は 'barbershop'(理髪店)で働いています。 例) I went to my favorite barbershop to see Mike, my barber. (いつもお世話になっている理髪師のマイクに会いに理髪店に行ってきた)
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • hair stylist

  • Hairdresser

  • Barber

A hairdresser is someone who styles or cuts hair from a salon or on a housecall. Hairdressers can be both male or female. There are many types of hairdressers, some hairstylists work with certain types of hair and others can work with all hair types, some are only good at cutting hair or at plaiting it. "I visit the hairdresser every month to fix up my hair." "I am off to get my hair done at the barber, see you later." "That barber ruined my hair, I don't use her services anymore." "My hairstylist is a man." "I prefer to have a female hairstylist." Housecall: getting serviced from your home
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • hairdresser

hairdresserが一番無難な言い方だと思います(*^_^*) I'm a hairdresser. 「私は美容師です」 単語を忘れた場合は、 My job is to cut people's hair. 「私の仕事は髪を切ることです」 あるいは、もっと簡単に I cut people's hair. 「私は人の髪を切ってます」 などと言えば、何のことかは理解してもらえます(*^_^*)
  • hair stylist

hair stylist - 美容師 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 hair は「髪」という意味の英語表現です。 例: I am a hair stylist. 私は美容師です。 She is a hair stylist working in Tokyo. 彼女は東京で働く美容師です。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 またいつでも質問してください。
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