フライトが欠航することは「Flight cancelled」になります。
そして、返金は「refund」なので、「The flight was cancelled, so may I have a refund?」を提案いたしました。
"Dear Customer Services,
The flight I was scheduled to take was cancelled as a result of the typhoon.
Since the flight was cancelled, I would like to request a full refund.
I would like to postpone this journey until November, so please provide a full refund in the interim.
Kind regards,
別のチケットがいるようでしたら、「Alternatively, please provide me with a ticket for a November flight free-of-charge.」を入れます。
The flight was cancelled so I'd like my money back.
「返金」は refund か money back で言えます。
「台風の影響で飛行機が欠航となり 行けなくなりました」というのは Because of the effects of the cyclone, the flight was cancelled and I couldn't go anywhere と表現できます。
cyclone = オーストラリアの「台風」の言い方
「11月に延期したいので 今回は無償キャンセルしてもらえませんか? 」は I would like to postpone my booking until November, so could you cancel my booking for today for free? で言うことができます。
get a refund のような言い方もできます。I would like a refund で「返金をお願いします」となります。