世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/03/13 17:46
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  • I want to work all over the world.

  • I want to work overseas.

all over the worldは「世界中で」 overseasは「海外で」 これらをつけると「世界を舞台に」と同じ意味になると思います。 I want to work for a global company. 「グローバルに展開している会社で働きたい」
  • I want to work globally.

「働きたい」ということですから、I want to workとなり、今回のポイントとなります「世界で」を、globallyと後ろに付ければ完成です。
Zakiyama バイリンガル自由人
  • I really want to spread my wings!

  • This country is too small for me!

  • My ambitions lie beyond our borders

It seems that you feel strongly about this subject. In the UK, if you are passionate about something, it seems very weak to say: "I really want to work abroad." You must put your enthusiasm and passion into your words so that the listener is in no doubt about the strength of your feelings! Say what you feel - and there will be no doubt!
あなたはこの話題に関して強い思いがあるようですね。イギリスでは、何かに熱中しているなら、 "I really want to work abroad."「本当に海外で働きたいです。」というのは少し弱い表現です。 自分の言葉に熱意と情熱を込めなければいけません。そうすると、聞き手があなたの気持ちに迷いがないと思うはずです。自分が感じたまま言いましょう。そうすると、疑う余地はありませんから!  
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to work all around the world

  • I would like to work worldwide

  • I would like to work overseas

To work in different places/all over the world is also called 'worldwide' This can also be called 'overseas' meaning to go to a foreign country usually by travelling (across a sea)
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • My future plan is to work abroad, not in Japan.

  • I want to work in another country, not in Japan.

  • I would like to work abroad and gain international experience.

My plan is to work overseas, not in Japan. My aim is to work globally. Working in Japan does not excite me. I'd like to live and work internationally. Japan is not where I want to work.
例文 My plan is to work overseas, not in Japan. 私の計画は日本ではなく、海外で働くことだ。 My aim is to work globally. Working in Japan does not excite me. 私の目的は、グローバルに働くことだ。日本で働いても、ワクワクしない。 I'd like to live and work internationally. Japan is not where I want to work. 海外に暮らして働きたい。私が働きたい場所は日本ではない。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • I want to work overseas.

  • I want to work abroad.

*I want to work overseas. Overseas means in or to a foreign country, especially one across the sea. For example: "He spent quite a lot of time working overseas." *I want to work abroad. To work abroad usually means to go and work in another continent. For example if you are in Japan and you go and work in America.
例文 *I want to work overseas. 海外で働きたいです。 Overseas は特に海の向こう側の外国という意味です。 例文 "He spent quite a lot of time working overseas." 彼は大部分を海外で働いてきた。 *I want to work abroad. 海外で働きたい。 To work abroad は通常別の国に行って働くということです。例えば日本にいるのであれば、アメリカに行って働くということです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I want to work abroad, not just in Japan

  • I want to work in different places around the world and not just Japan

  • I would like to work in different countries

When you want to explain that you want to work around the world on a global level and not just Japan; then you can say it in the following ways: -I want to work abroad, not just in Japan -I want to work in different places around the world and not just Japan -I would like to work in different countries
日本だけでなく世界中で仕事がしたいと言いたいなら、以下のフレーズが使えます: I want to work abroad, not just in Japan I want to work in different places around the world and not just Japan (日本だけではなく、世界を舞台に働きたいです。) I would like to work in different countries (色々な国で働きたいです。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I want to work internationally.

国際的に働きたい の意味です。 タイトルを見て最初にこの言い方がパッと思いつきました。
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