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2018/09/12 09:24
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  • It is even hard for Japanese people.

日本語検定は,確かに難しいですよね。私も日本語検定のための本を見る機会がありましたが、凄く難しいです。日本に住んでいる”日本人でも、難しいよ”は it is even hard for native Japanese people that live in Japan.と言います。 お役に立ちましたか?^^
  • Don't worry. This is a hard test and not even all native Japanese speakers can pass.

Usually when someone does not pass a test they worry because most people take a test or exam to further their education or to get a job. If you do not get the right results then it is natural to worry. This answer can be expanded more to reassure your friend. For example - "Don't worry. This is a hard test and not even all native Japanese speakers can pass it the first time round."
ほとんどの人は仕事を得るためだったり、教育的に前進するために、テスト(試験)を受けます。ですから、テストに不合格になった人は普通悩みます。思ったような成績でなかったら、悩むのは当然です。 この答えをさらに広げて、友達を安心させることもできます。例えば: "Don't worry. This is a hard test and not even all native Japanese speakers can pass it the first time round." 〔訳〕心配しないで。これ難しいテストだから。日本語ネイティブでも最初は受からないことがある。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • It's difficult even for Japanese people

  • Even Japanese people find the test hard

  • It's hard even for Japanese people

If you are saying that something is not easy to do then you can use the words 'hard' or 'difficult' by saying 'it's hard even for Japanese people' meaning Japanese people find it hard as well
何かをするのが難しいなら、'hard' または 'difficult' が使えます。 'it's hard even for Japanese people' は「それは日本人でも難しい」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • It's even difficult for Japanese people.

  • It's even difficult for native Japanese speakers.

"It's even difficult for Japanese people," states that it is even hard for Japanese people to do. "It's even difficult for native Japanese speakers," says that it is something that is hard for those who are native Japanese speakers, or those who have spoken Japanese from early childhood.
"It's even difficult for Japanese people" は「それは日本人でも難しい」という意味です。 "It's even difficult for native Japanese speakers" は「それは "native Japanese speakers"(日本語を子どもの頃から話している人)でも難しい」という意味です。
Staci DMM英会話講師
  • It's difficult/hard even for Japanese people to pass.

  • Japanese people even find this test difficult to pass.

When trying to explain that something is difficult you can also use the word 'hard'. -It's difficult/hard even for Japanese people to pass. -Japanese people even find this test difficult to pass.
何かが難しいことは 'difficult' に加えて 'hard' でも表せます。 -It's difficult/hard even for Japanese people to pass.(これは日本人でも合格するのが難しいです) -Japanese people even find this test difficult to pass.(このテストは日本人でも合格するのが難しいです)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • It's difficult even for Japanese people.

  • This is difficult for natives as well.

  • We also have a hard time with this.

There are not to many variations on this idea. Here are a few simple ways to express your idea. -It's difficult even for Japanese people. -This is difficult for natives as well. -We also have a hard time with this.
これはあまり言い方は多くありません。 以下の例では、あなたの言いたいことをシンプルに表しています。 -It's difficult even for Japanese people.(日本人でも難しいです) -This is difficult for natives as well.(ネイティブでも難しいです) -We also have a hard time with this.(私たちでも難しいです)
Zachary S DMM英会話講師
  • This is difficult, even for Japanese people.

  • This is hard, even for Japanese people.

  • Even Japanese people have trouble with this.

1)This is difficult, even for Japanese people. 「 日本人でもむずかしいよ」を直訳した文書になります。 difficultはむずかしいという意味です。 2) hardは「かたい」という意味で知っているかもしれないが「むずかしい」という意味もあります。 3) Even Japanese people have trouble with this. もっと婉曲表現みたいに「日本人でも困りますよ」という意味になります。 主語’This'の替わりにほかの言葉を入れ替えるのも可能です。たとえば 「敬語は日本人でも難しいよ」 ’Honorific language is difficult even for Japanese people'になります。
  • The Japanese Language Proficiency Test is a challenge - even for native speakers

  • The Japanese Language Proficiency Test poses difficulties for Japanese people also

When talking about the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, to a friend who wasn't able to pass, you want to say that it's hard/difficult even for Japanese people. Above are a couple of examples whichmay fit this scenario.
日本語検定試験に落ちてしまった友人に「日本人でも難しいよ」と伝えたいということですね。 上に二つ例をお示ししました。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This is hard even for Japanese.

  • Even Japanese find it difficult.

普通日本人なら、日本語能力試験みたいなテストは楽勝と思うかもしれませんが、能力試験の1級ともなると、やっぱり日本人でもなかなか合格はしないのではないかと思います。 こういう文章は、外国人を褒めたり、励ます時に使うと相手はすごく喜ぶし、元気が出ると思いますよ。外国人にとって、ネイティブにも出来ないようなことが、自分には出来ていると、いい気分になるし、自信にもなるでしょう。
  • Don't feel bad. That test is tough even for native Japanese speakers.

  • Don't be too hard on yourself. That test is hard even for Japanese people.

  • I've known native Japanese speakers who haven't passed that test. Don't beat yourself up.

"Don't feel bad.", "Don't be too hard on yourself." and "Don't beat yourself up." are all all English phrases that tell someone that they shouldn't be discouraged. They can be used in any number of situation where you need to encourage someone who feels bad about a setback.
"Don't feel bad." と "Don't be too hard on yourself." "Don't beat yourself up." は「ガッカリすることはない」と伝えるフレーズです。 失敗して落ち込む人を励ましたいときに使うことができます。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • Don't worry, it is a very difficult test even for natives

  • Not all Japanese people can pass, so, don't worry so much

I would prefer to use native (associated with the country, region, or circumstances of a person's birth) because it's more commonly used word for this purpose.
私だったら "native" という言葉を使うと思います。"native" は、このような文脈でよく使われます。 "native" には「生まれた国[地域、環境]に関係する」という意味があります。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • It's difficult even for native Japanese speakers

  • Even Japanese people find it diffucult

  • There are also many Japanese people who also fail that exam.

If you want to express to a friend that the Japanese Language Proficiency Test is hard for Japanese people to pass can be expressed in the following ways:- 1. It's difficult even for native Japanese speakers. You can use this statement to express that he/she shouldn't feel bad because even native speakers find it difficult. 2. Even Japanese people find it diffucult. This sentence means the same as the previous statement. 3. There are also many Japanese people who also fail that exam. This sentence can be used to give encouragement to someone who has may feel badly for not doing well in the exam. +
「日本語検定試験は日本人でも難しい」と友達に伝えたいということですね。次のように言えます。 1. It's difficult even for native Japanese speakers.(日本語のネイティブスピーカーでも難しいよ) この表現は「ネイティブスピーカーでも難しいから気にすることないよ」と伝えたいときに使えます。 2. Even Japanese people find it diffucult.(日本人でも難しいよ) これは上の文と同じ意味です。 3. There are also many Japanese people who also fail that exam.(あの試験は日本人でも落ちる人がたくさんいるよ) これは試験に落ちて落ち込んでいる相手を励ますときに使えます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test is no mean feat even for someone from Japan.

  • Don't be too hard on yourself because many Japanese people have been unsuccessful with the test.

1. Passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test is no mean feat, even for someone from Japan. If something is “no mean feat” then it means that it is an extremely difficult thing to accomplish. Many people have struggled to succeed at the task. Example: Achieving an A+ in Mathematics at university level is no mean feat! 2. Don’t be too hard on yourself because many Japanese people have been unsuccessful with this test. This means that you are too critical of yourself because you have not been successful with a task. Sometimes we try our best, yet things do not always go the way we want it too then we are extremely angry or disappointed in ourselves. Example: Don’t be too hard on yourself – I know that you put in a lot of effort to get the job.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • This test was hard, even for Japanese native speakers.

  • Even for Japanese speakers, this test was super hard.

  • This test can be difficult for Japanese speakers, dont worry theres always next time.

Reassuring someone if they havent managed to pass a test can always be kind to do as you will make them feel better about themselves for not passing. If you want to tell someone, that even Japanese native speakers struggle passing the test, you could use either of the three sentences above. Any will suffice. Ending with a positive finish, by saying, dont worry theres always next time! This will hopefully encourage the person to continue and try again and hopefully they will pass on the next exam.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Don't feel discouraged. Even Japanese people find this test difficult.

It is normal for us to feel bad after failing a test. Especially if we studied a lot and we were hoping for a high grade. But luckily, it is normally possible to retake so we don't need to worry so much. It may not be the end of the world To feel "discouraged" means to have lost some confidence. We normally feel this way after finishing an exam if we think we did poorly.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
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