世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/09/13 12:30
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  • I'm a pretty slow typer.

  • I can't type really fast.

ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつか自然な表現を紹介します。 - I'm pretty slow so I'm having some trouble keeping up with the lesson. - I can't type really fast so I'm having some trouble keeping up with the lesson. --- to keep up with something/someone = ~についていける お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください! ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • I type really slowly

  • I am a slow typer

  • I am so slow at typing.

All of these examples tell the other person that you type really slow. You can also use the opposite and say "I can't type really fast."
三例とも、タイピングがすごく遅いと伝えています。 反対語も使えます: I can't type really fast.(早くタイピングできません。)
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • I'm a slow typer.

  • I type very slowly.

  • It takes me a while to type.

The expressions above relate to a person who takes a long time to respond to a message because they type slowly. This might be the case on a laptop or even a smartphone. This is a common problem amongst people who barely use laptops or smartphones regularly and therefore don't type enough to get practice to be fast enough. Example: I'm sorry for my delayed response, I'm a slow typer.
上の文はタイピングが遅いのでメッセージの返信に時間がかかってしまう人について言っています。ラップトップの話かもしれませんし、スマホかもしれません。これは、あまりラップトップやスマートフォンを使わない人に共通する問題です。あまり使わないので上達も遅くなります。 例: I'm sorry for my delayed response, I'm a slow typer. (返信が遅れてすみません。タイプが遅いのです。)
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • I am not good at touch typing.

  • I am fairly slow at typing on a keyboard.

Touch typing' is where someone uses their muscle memory to type without looking at the keyboard and utilises all fingers and both thumbs on each hand. When you are 'fairly' slow at something this means that you are somewhat slow, or quite slow. You could also say that you are 'fairly good' at something, meaning you are moderately good. Just like any other skill typing requires practise to become sufficiently quick and accurate.
「touch typing」は、両手のすべての指を使って、キーボードを見ないで筋肉の記憶に従ってタイプすることを言います。 「fairly slow」は「いくぶん(かなり)遅い」という意味です。 「fairly good」と言うこともできます。「そこそこ良い」ことを表します。 他のスキル同様、タイピングも早く正確に打てるようになるまでには、練習が必要です。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I am slow at typing (on the computer).

  • I can't type very fast.

「パソコンを打つ」は日本語の表現ですね。「パソコンでタイプを打つ」と言う意味ですね。英語だったら to type と言う動詞をつかいます。 1) I am slow at typing (on the computer). 「(パソコン)でタイプを打つのが遅い」という意味です。 昨今はタイプを打つのはコンピューターを意味するので「パソコンで:on the computer」はあえて言わなくても伝わります。 2)I can't type very fast. 「タイプの早打ちができない」 これは意訳をしました。「タイプを打つのが遅い=早くできない」と言う意味で捉えて英語にしました。英語は言い換えがすぐに出てくると表現力が増しますね。 頑張ってください!
  • I am a slow typer

  • I type very slowly

When you want to explain that you do not type very fast on a computer, then you may express this in the following ways: -I am a slow typer -I type very slowly
「私はパソコンを打つのが遅い」と説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 -I am a slow typer(私はパソコンを打つのが遅いです) -I type very slowly(私はパソコンを打つのがとても遅いです)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm useless at using the keyboard!

  • I'm a little slow on the keyboard

  • I'm a rather slow typer, I'm afraid

You are slow at typing on the computer and may express that by using one of the above suggested comments.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I can not type quickly.

  • I'm a slow typer.

  • I am slow at typing.

"I am slow at typing." states that you can not type quickly.
"I am slow at typing."(タイピングが遅いです)は「素早くタイプすることができない」という意味です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I am slow at typing

  • I can't type very fast

These expressions here are implying that one is unable to 'type' very fast, this context is usually implying that it is on a keyboard for a laptop or computer, even on ones phone. Both sentences worded differently but with the same outcome, to say you are slow at something and that you aren't fast at something.
これらの表現では、「私はタイピングが遅い」と伝えています。これは普通はラップトップやコンピューターのキーボード、あるいは携帯電話についていう場合もあります。 これらの文は言い方は異なりますが、言っていることは同じです。「~をするのが遅い」と「~をするのが速くない」の言い方です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I type really slowly on a computer.

  • I am a slow typer.

If you would like to tell someone that you are a really slow typer, you can say something like "I type really slowly on a computer. or "I am a slow typer.". These are both easy ways to explain to someone that you do not type very fast on a computer.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I am not a good typist, I type very slowly

  • I can't type really fast

Some people are not able to type very fast. Although, this seems a bit strange to me. But of course, the older generation who didn't use computers or mobile phones are the ones who probably type very slowly. We can use either of these sentences above to explain to someone that you don't type very quickly. A "typist" is a person who types. Most people are typists these days. We use computers a lot and send many text messages a day.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not very good at typing.

  • Fast typing is not my strong suit.

  • I am a slow typer

in the first and second sentence, you admit that you are not good at typing. Expression "strong suit" means the best quality of a person. By saying that fast typing is not your strong suit, you also admit you are not very good at it. "I am a slow typer" is a straight forward sentence to let someone know you are slow at typing on the computer.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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