Wash (the) rice (a few times) until the water gets clear.
Rinse (the) rice (a few times) until the water gets clear.
Wash the rice (a few times) until the water gets clear.
誰かに説明しているのであれば、目の前に特定のお米がある状態だと思いますので、the rice にしていますが、一般的な話であればいらないと思います。
wash 「洗う」より rinse 「すすぐ」とする方がよりイメージしやすいという話も聞きます。
Wash the rice until the water doesn't get muddy anymore.
Pour water in the bowl of rice, wash the rice and dispose the water. Repeat until the water doesn't get clouded anymore.
Pour water in the bowl of rice, wash the rice and dispose the water. Repeat until the water doesn't get clouded anymore.