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2015/11/18 20:11
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  • Please drive safely.

- "Please drive safely. I'm not in a hurry."(安全運転してください。特に急いでいません。) 海外でタクシーに乗車する際、ドライバーに対して安全運転を強く要請したいときは、"Please drive safely"と伝えることができます。「Please」は丁寧な頼み事をするときに用い、「drive safely」は「安全運転をする」という意味になります。 さらに、"I'm not in a hurry"(急いでいません)と付け加えることで、ドライバーに対して時間に余裕があること、つまり過剰なスピードを出す必要がないことを示すことができます。これにより、ドライバーはあなたが安全第一であることを理解し、その通りに運転してくれるでしょう。 なお、"I'm not in a hurry"は直訳すると「私は急いでいない」となりますが、「特に急いでいないので安全運転してください」というニュアンスを表すために使用されます。 他の表現としては、"Take your time"(ゆっくり運転して)や "No need to rush"(急ぐ必要はない)なども使えます。
  • Can you drive slowly?

  • Can you slow down?

「もう少しゆっくり運転してもらえますか?」 「スピードを落としてくれませんか?」 安全運転を訴えるよりも「スピードを落とす」という風に伝えるといいと思います。 私は上海に行った時、空港からのタクシーは今思い出しても本当にヒヤヒヤでした。 使ってみてください。 そして、あまりにも危ないと感じる運転をする運転手さんには、 Excuse me, I don’t feel safe. Can you drive a little more slowly? 「すいません、安全だと思えないんですけど。もう少しゆっくり行ってもらえませんか?」
  • Please slow down and drive safely. There's no rush.

  • (Sir,) I need you to slow down.

  • You're going too fast. Please slow down.

シンプルに Please drive safely. と言えますね。 タクシーに乗る前なら、 I need you to drive safely. I don't mind if we're a little slow. 安全運転でお願いします。ゆっくりで構いませんので。 のような言ってもいいでしょう。I need you to...という言い出しは、とても断固とした意思を感じる言い方です。 差し迫った危険がない限り、失礼な言い方をしたくなければ Hey! Slow down. のような言い方は避けたほう無難です。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • Please drive carefully!

  • I'm a very nervous passenger and would appreciate it if you would drive slowly, please.

Well, if you wish to both insult and alienate a taxi driver immediately, there is probably no better way than to ask them to 'drive carefully'! Taxi drivers are usually professional people who drive every day for a living. Of course, they (or anyone) would wish to drive safely. If you say that it means that for some reason you believe they will not drive safely - and that will be taken as negative criticism and probably not be accepoted very well. A better alternative would be to talk about your own concerns in general with being a passenger and state that you are obviously a nervous or highly strung passenger: Asking to drive slowly is better than asking to drive carefully for the reasons already mentioned: "I'm a very nervous passenger and would appreciate it if you would drive slowly, please." "OK, sure."
もしタクシーの運転手を今すぐ罵倒し、疎外にしたいと 思うのであれば、drive carefully(慎重に運転して)と言うより 良い方法はありません。 タクシーの運転手は、生計を立てるために毎日 運転しているプロです。もちろん誰でも安全に 運転して欲しいと願っています。 もし何らかの理由で、運転が安全でないと 思って、慎重に運転してと言ったとしても、 その発言は否定的な批判と受け取られ、 良いようには受け止めてもらえないでしょう。 もっと良い言い方は、乗客のとしての一般的に 心配していることや運転に神経質になっている 乗客としての心情を話すことです。 既に述べた理由から、ゆっくり運転するように 頼むことは、慎重に運転するように頼むよりも良いです。 例 "I'm a very nervous passenger and would appreciate it if you would drive slowly, please." 「私は神経質なので、もう少しゆっくり運転して頂けるとありがたいですのですが。」 "OK, sure." 「分かりました」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • If you drive safely, I'll pay you double.

物価の安い国であれば、お金をちらつかせて交渉するのもいいかもしれません(笑) If you drive safely, I'll pay you double. 安全運転してくれたら、倍払いますよ。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • A) Please drive safely .

  • B) Please drive cautiously .

A) Please drive safely . *Safely -in a way that is not likely to cause or lead to harm or injury. Example-"all of us have a responsibility to drive safely" B) Please drive cautiously . *Cautiously -in a way that deliberately avoids potential problems or dangers. Example-"we must proceed cautiously" I hope this helps :-)
A) Please drive safely . *Safely 安全に、危険や怪我などにつながらないような方法、 例 "all of us have a responsibility to drive safely" 安全運転をしましょう。 B) Please drive cautiously . *Cautiously潜在的な危険を慎重に回避するように、慎重に、 例 "we must proceed cautiously" 慎重にしななければなりません。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Please drive safely

You can say : Please drive safely. Please drive carefully. Please drive slow.
このように表現できます。 Please drive safely. Please drive carefully. Please drive slow.
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please watch your driving.

  • Could you please drive slower.

1.Could you please watch your driving. - This means that you are angry and the driver is driving carelessly and people's lives are in danger. 2. Could you please drive slower. - This means that the driver is driving fast and you want him to driver slower
1.Could you please watch your driving. -これは、危険な運転手の無謀運転に怒っていることを表します。 2. Could you please drive slower. -これは、運転が早すぎるので、もっとゆっくり走るようお願いする言い方です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Do take your time, I am in no rush...I want to arrive safely.

  • Driver please take extra care, I am "a nervous passenger".

We must not offend a trained taxi driver by suggesting that they drive safely... Since they will only answer ..."I ALREADY DO GUV!" So instead softer language should do the trick;-) please don't rush on my account Do take your time I am in no hurry....and" I just want to arrive in one piece" I'm a nervouse passnger do take extra care:-)
例:Do take your time, I am in no rush...I want to arrive safely. 「急いでないから、ゆっくりでいいですよ。安全運転がいいです。」 例:Driver please take extra care, I am "a nervous passenger". 「運転手さん、もう少し安全に運転してもらえませんか。ちょっと怖いです。」 「安全運転してるぜ、ダンナ!」と言われてしまうので、運転のプロである彼らに指図するのはいけません。 ですので、例文のようなもっと柔らかい表現を使いましょう。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Please drive safely.

  • can you please drive carefully.

If you would like to ask your taxi driver to drive carefully, you can say something like "please drive cautiously". Words like "safely", "cautiously" or "carefully" express that we want the driver to make sure we are safe inside his vehicle when he is driving and that we want him to take extra precaution when driving us to our destination.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Please drive carefully, if you don't mind.

  • I'm not in a hurry, so no need not speed.

1. Please drive carefully, if you don't mind. "Carefully" means cautiously. This single word covers a range of things, e.g. speeding, driving recklessly, obeying traffic rules, etc. By telling the driver to drive carefully, you are encompassing, (covering) all of the afore-mentioned. "if you don't mind"is simply used to be courteous and to take the sting out of the request so as not to make it seem as if you are telling him how to do his job. 2. I'm not in a hurry, so no need to speed. This request is telling the driver politely that you have noticed that he is driving at a speed but that he does not have to as you are in no hurry to get where you want to be. You can say it with a smile on your face to take the sting out of the request. "take the sting out of" means making it less harsh or unpleasant.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, but could you drive a little slower please?

  • Sorry but would you mind driving more carefully, I am nervous

When we are in a car with someone else, and we are the passenger, then we rely on this person to get us safely to our destination. Taxi drivers have a tendency to drive very fast sometimes and as a passenger, we can feel nervous and frightened because we might think that the driver will have an accident. We can use both of these phrases to tell the driver how we feel and politely ask him to reduce his speed.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Please drive safely.

  • You're going too fast, please slow down.

  • Can you drive slowly.

The first example would be the most common, as it is using the word, "safely," to describe the action of driving. In addition, we can either use the adverb, "slowly," to describe the driving or use the verb form, "slow down," to command them to drive at a safe speed.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Please slow down.

  • There's no rush, you can slow down.

Taxi drivers are often busy people and are always in a hurry to give the next ride. But sometimes they can drive too fast. You can use either of the above two sentences to politely tell the taxi driver not to drive fat.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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