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2018/09/22 00:31
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  • company phone

  • company cell-phone

会社携帯をcompany phone"や"company cell-phone"と言います。 会社はcompanyで、phoneはカタカナのフォンの意味です。 そして、cell-phoneというのは"携帯電話”のことです。 私は会社電話を使っています。 I use company phone.
  • Business cellphone

  • Company paid cellphone

This is a very understandable concept in English. If the phone is provided by the business or company and is used for the purpose of the company, then you would call it a "company cellphone", "business phone", or something like that.
このコンセプトは英語で非常に伝わりやすいです。 会社から支給され会社のために使われる携帯のことは、"company cellphone" や "business phone" などと言えます。
Jae C DMM英会話講師
  • This is the company's phone.

  • I can't use this phone for personal use, only business use.

  • The company I work for provided me with a phone.

This is the company's phone. I can't use this phone for personal use, only business use. The company I work for provided me with a phone. This isn't my phone, it's the company's. This phone belongs to the company I work for not me. This phone's the company's phone.
This is the company's phone.(これは会社の携帯です) I can't use this phone for personal use, only business use.(この携帯は個人的なことには使えません、仕事だけです) The company I work for provided me with a phone.(会社から携帯が支給されました) This isn't my phone, it's the company's.(これは私の携帯ではありません、会社のです) This phone belongs to the company I work for not me.(これは会社の携帯です、私のではありません) This phone's the company's phone.(この携帯は会社の携帯です)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Work phone

  • Company phone

When you have a phone that you only use for work purposes, we would simply call this a 'work phone' or if you work for a company, you could call it a 'company phone'. For example: Can I borrow your phone? No, not that one because it is my work phone!
仕事にのみ使う携帯のことは、シンプルに 'work phone' と言えます。 会社に勤めているなら、'company phone' とも言えるでしょう。 【例】 Can I borrow your phone? (携帯を貸してもらえますか) No, not that one because it is my work phone!(いや、それはダメです、それは仕事用の携帯です)
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • company phone

  • work phone

We can use the term 'company' or 'work' before saying phone to refer to it as something you use for your job. E.g. 'I can use the company phone to make that call'.
phone'(携帯)の前に 'company'(会社)または 'work'(仕事)を加えると、それが仕事用であることを表現できます。 【例】 'I can use the company phone to make that call' (その電話は仕事用の携帯からかけられます)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • A company phone

  • A work phone

A phone which is supplied by th company or is used exclusively for work calls is known as a company phone or a work phone. 'I left my work phone at the office.'
会社から支給される携帯電話、あるいは仕事のみに使われる携帯電話のことは "A company phone" または "A work phone" と呼ばれます。 【例】 'I left my work phone at the office.' (オフィスに仕事用の携帯を忘れてきました)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • work phone

  • not my personal phone

By saying "work phone" you can let the person know you aren't the bill payer of the phone, regardless of whether you work for a company or private business, etc. If you say, "not my personal phone", you are inferring that it isn't a phone to be used for personal use, and therefore isn't yours, but rather your employer's.
"work phone" と言うと、勤め先が会社か民間企業かなどに関わらず、その携帯電話の料金の支払人が自分ではないと伝えることができます。 "not my personal phone" は、それが個人的に使うための携帯でないこと表します、ですから自分のものではなく会社のものだというニュアンスになります。
Steve Tr DMM英会話講師
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