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2018/09/24 05:33
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  • How many minutes has it been?

何分経ったか聞くときは「How many minutes has it been?」と聞きます。 カップラーメンの場合は、「How many minutes has it been since I poured the water in?」。 パスタの茹で時間なら「How many minutes has it been since I put the pasta in?」で良いと思います。 もちろん、超カジュアルなら「How many minutes?」だけでも大丈夫です。
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • How many minutes have passed?

  • How many minutes has it been?

何分 how many minutes 「カップラーメンにお湯入れてから何分たった?」 "How many minutes has it been since I poured hot water in *Pot Noodle?" *イギリスのカップラーメンのブランド名。(まずいのでおすすめしません)
  • How many minutes has it been?

  • How much time is left?

How much time is left? This is asking how much longer you must wait. How many minutes has it been? is asking how long have you been waiting.
"How much time is left?"(あとどれくらい時間残ってる?) こちらの例文は、あとどれくらい待たなければならないか、を聞くときの文章です。 "How many minutes has it been?"(何分経った?) こちらの例文は、どれくらい待ったのかについて聞くときの文章です。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • How long has it been?

  • How much time has passed?

Examples: "How long has it been since we started cooking the instant ramen?" "How long has it been since we put the cake in the oven?" "How much time has passed since we started boiling the kettle?" "How much time has passed since we put the hot water in?"
例: "How long has it been since we started cooking the instant ramen?"(インスタントラーメン作り始めてからどのくらい経ちましたか) "How long has it been since we put the cake in the oven?"(ケーキをオーブンに入れてからどのくらい経ちましたか) "How much time has passed since we started boiling the kettle?"(お湯を沸かし始めてからどのくらい経ちましたか) "How much time has passed since we put the hot water in?"(お湯を入れてからどのくらい経ちましたか)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • How long's it been?

  • When did we start (cooking the ramen)?

You want to ask how many minutes have passed - for example when waiting for instant ramen to cook.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How many minutes has it been?

This is a complete way to ask how long it has been since you started to keep track of the time. The person who you ask should respond with the number of minutes and seconds that have passed. I hope that this helps! :)
これは、時間を計り始めてからどのくらい経過したのかを確認する完全な言い方です。 相手は、分数や秒数で答えてくれるはずです。 参考になれば幸いです!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • How long has it been?

  • How many minutes have passed?

"How long has it been?" A phrase used when asking how long/time taken, a very casual expression used in a lot of contexts'. "How many minutes have passed?" For something to have 'passed' means something that has happened and now finished, in the past tense, in this context it is referring to minutes/time passed.
"How long has it been?"(どのくらい経ちましたか) どのくらいの時間が経過したか尋ねています。いろいろな文脈で使われる非常にカジュアルな表現です。 "How many minutes have passed?"(何分経過しましたか) 過去時制において 'passed' は、あることが起きて既に終わっていることを表します。ここでは、過ぎ去った時間について言っています。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • How many minutes has it been?

  • How many minutes has it been since we started cooking?

When you want to find out how long it has been, in minutes, since you started doing something; then you may ask in the following ways: -How many minutes has it been? -How many minutes has it been since we started cooking?
何かを始めてから何分経過したか確認したいときは、次のように言えます。 -How many minutes has it been?(何分経ちましたか) -How many minutes has it been since we started cooking?(調理し始めてから何分経ちましたか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • How many minutes have passed?

  • How long has it been?

例:サッカーの試合で、試合が始まってから、 How many minutes have passed?と聞きことができます。 要するに、時間が(分まで)注目されるとき使う表現。 例:病院に入った時、待ち時間30分と書いてあった。 少し待ってから、how long has it bee」「何分たった?」と聞くことができます。
  • How many minutes has it been?

  • How much time is left?

While waiting for your ramen, you can ask two of these question and your friend will understand what do you mean. The second one is better in my opinion because it's quicker to say.
どちらも、ラーメンが出来上がるのを待っている時に使うことができます。 二つ目の表現の方がいいかもしれませんね、こちらの方が短くて言いやすいですから。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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