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2018/09/24 08:52
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  • This app displays both English and Japanese so it's convenient

アプリは英語で「app」(アップ)と言います。 また、便利である様は「convenient」と言う単語を使います。 表示は「display」。「show」でも大丈夫ですが、 display の方がちょっとフォーマルに聞こえます。 従って、「This app displays both English and Japanese so it's convenient」を提案しました。
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • It is a convenient app because it shows English and Japanese at the same time!

  • It is a good app because it shows English and Japanese simultaneously.

It is a convenient app because it shows English and Japanese at the same time! 'convenient' means it is easy to use and is useful. It is a good app because it shows English and Japanese simultaneously. This is the same as the first example. 'Simultaneously' means at the same time.
”It is a convenient app because it shows English and Japanese at the same time!" (英語と日本語を同時表示するので、便利なアプリです。) ”Convenient"は「便利」という意味です。 ”It is a good app because it shows English and Japanese simultaneously.” (英語と日本語を同時に見せるので、良いアプリです。) ”Simultaneously"(同時に)は、”At the same time"(同時に)と同じ意味です。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • It's such a good app because it shows English and Japanese at the same time!

"It's such a good app because it shows English and Japanese at the same time!" First, you are telling the person that the app is good, but you go to tell them why. The word "such" is used to emphasize that the app is good.
"It's such a good app because it shows English and Japanese at the same time!" 英語と日本語を同時に表示してくれるから、すごくいいアプリだよ! まず相手にそのアプリが優れていると伝えて、それからその理由を説明しています。 "such"は、そのアプリが優れていることを強調しています。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • This app is great because of the dual language facility

If the app shows English and Japanese, then it can probably be programmed to show Spanish and Japanese, or any other combination of languages? In that case, it may be described as having a dual (or multi) language facility.
そのアプリが英語と日本語を表示できるということなら、日本語とスペイン語など他の言語の組み合わせも表示できるのではないでしょうか?もしそういうことなら、次のように言えます。 "a dual (or multi) language facility" [訳]二ヶ国語(又は多言語)機能
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The app translates words into two different languages at the same time.

  • English and Japanese are shown in the app making it very convenient.

The app translates words into two different languages at the same time. This tells us the function of the app is to translate a language into another one. English and Japanese are shown in the app making it very convenient. This is saying that the app is very good because it translates the words from one language to another.
【例文】 The app translates words into two different languages at the same time. [訳]このアプリは二カ国語で表示してくれます そのアプリの機能は言葉を別の言語に翻訳することだと伝えています。 【例文】 English and Japanese are shown in the app making it very convenient. [訳]このアプリは英語と日本語を表示してくれるのでとても便利です そのアプリは言葉を別の言語に翻訳してくれるのでとてもいいと伝えています。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • This app is so user-friendly because it shows both English and Japanese at the same time.

The term "user-friendly" refers to something that is easy to use and convenient. It is commonly used to talk about products in American English. I hope that this helps. :)
"user-friendly"という言葉は、使いやすくて便利なものを表します。アメリカ英語では製品を表すときによく使われます。 お役に立てると幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • It shows both English and Japanese at the same time, it's very convenient.

If you want to explain that an app is convenient because it shows both English and Japanese at the same time, you can say: "It shows both English and Japanese at the same time, it's very convenient."
あるアプリについて「これは日本語と英語を同時に表示してくれるので便利だ」と説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 "It shows both English and Japanese at the same time, it's very convenient." (日本語と英語を同時に表示してくれて、すごく便利です)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • It's a really cool app as it shows both English and Japanese at the same time so it's really convenient.

Satoさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 上の文脈を英語で表現したい場合は、下記の表現ではいかがでしょうか。 ・It's a really cool app as it shows both English and Japanese at the same time so it's really convenient. --- as = 理由を示すことばとなります --- at the same time = 同時に --- convenient = 便利 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • It's convienient as it shows both English and Japanese at the same time

  • It's handy as it shows English and Japanese simultaneously

When two things are done at the same thing they are also said to be done 'simultaneously' if something is easy to use then it can be called 'convienient' or 'handy'
二つのことが同時に起こるなら、これは 'at the same' 他に、'simultaneously' でも表すことができます。 使いやすいものは、'convienient' や 'handy' と表すことができます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • This app provides both English and Japanese options.

  • I found a convenient app in both English and Japanese.

This app provides both English and Japanese options. ** provide: to have available I found a convenient app in both English and Japanese. **convenient: it fits well into the need for something in both of these languages.
This app provides both English and Japanese options.(このアプリは日本語訳と英語訳両方を表示してくれる) ** provide: 提供する I found a convenient app in both English and Japanese.(日本語と英語で表示される便利なアプリを見つけました) **convenient: 英語と日本語両方が表示されるものを求めている人にぴったりのもの。
Ana Filipa DMM英会話講師
  • It's very convenient because this app provides both English and Japanese at the same time.

  • It's a great app because it shows English and Japanese at the same time.

It's very convenient because this app provides both English and Japanese at the same time.(このアプリは英語と日本語の両方を同時に提示されるのでとても便利です) app=アプリ convenient=便利 provide=供給する、提供する、与える、供給する、規定する both=両方の、双方の at the same time=同時に It's a great app because it shows English and Japanese at the same time. (これは英語と日本語が同時に表示されるのでとてもいいアプリです。) 少しでも参考になれば幸いです。
Shiori S 英語講師
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