If I can make this amount of money may be it would be better to work part-time instead of full time.
Considering money may be part-time job would be better than full-time job.
"If I can make this amount of money may be it would be better to work part-time instead of full time."
「そんなに稼げるなら正社員よりバイトした方がいいかも」"better A instead of B"は「BよりAのほうが良い」というよな構造になっています。"make this amount of money"は「そんなに稼ぐ」という意味を持っています。他に、"part-time"は「バイト」で、"full-time"は「正社員の仕事」に相当します。
"Considering money may be part-time job would be better than full-time job."
Really, if you're making *that* much money, maybe you should be part time rather than full time for life employee.
If you make more money being part time, then don't be full time.
Really,「本当は」 if you're making *that* much money, 「そんなに稼げるなら」maybe you should be part time 「バイトにしたらどう?」rather than full time for life employee.「フルタイム/正社員より」
If you make more money「~よりもっと稼げるなら」 being part time,「バイトで」 then don't be full time.「正社員辞めたら?」