❶It’s going to take a while.
❷It’s going to take ○ more minutes.
It’s going to take 5 more minutes.
Thank you for your patience.
(待ってくださり ありがとうございます)。
Here the sentence is similar to the given sentence. The important part in this sentence is where you say that it is going "to be." The verb to be is used most of the time where English speaking people are concerned.
"It will take a while"
"It's going to be a while."(しばらくかかります)
- これは上の文と似ています。この文で重要な部分は "to be" です。動詞の "to be" は英語ではほぼあらゆる場面で使われます。
In the restaurant industry, people like to ask how long their food will take, well it depends on what food they order and how busy the restaurant is. If it is not busy then certain foods can be prepared in a short while and when it is very busy, food might take a bit longer.
"I am sorry, we are very busy and your food will take about 30 minutes!"
If you are going to give a client the time on how long their food will take, always extend it.
If the meal takes 15 or 20 minutes to prepare, add another 10 minutes to that time. Lots of chefs believe that good food takes time to prepare.
"I am sorry, we are very busy and your food will take about 30 minutes!"(申し訳ありません、大変混雑しておりまして、料理には30分ほどかかります)
- お客さんに料理にどのくらい時間がかかるのか伝えるなら、少し長めに言いましょう。
"It'll be a few minutes before your food is ready"
"Please wait a moment for your food to come out"
Here are another two ways that you are able to tell the customers at the restaurant that their food will be ready shortly. These expressions are common English ways to let them know that they will have to wait. Hopefully, these expressions help you out some! Best of luck!
"It'll be a few minutes before your food is ready"(料理ができるまで数分かかります)
"Please wait a moment for your food to come out"(料理ができるまで少々お待ちください)
Well, if some time is necessary to prepare the dish, then you may inform the customers that 'The food will be a while' or, as in the second example sentence, you can give the customers an estimate of how long the wait will be.
もし料理を作るのに少し時間がかかるなら、'The food will be a while'(その料理は少し時間がかかります)と伝えるかもしくは、どのくらい待たなければならないのかだいたいの目安を示すことができます。
Depending on the conversation and the customer you can explain the delay of your delivery in a few different ways;
"It may take a while"
"Due to the number of orders, your order may take longer than usual"
"Our delivery time is around 30-45mins on average"
"It may take a while"(しばらくかかるかもしれません)
"Due to the number of orders, your order may take longer than usual"(注文の数が多いので、いつもよりも長く時間がかかるかもしれません)
"Our delivery time is around 30-45mins on average"(注文をお届けするまでにかかる時間は平均で30~45分です)
時間 - time
かかる - cost, take
時間かかりますは”take time”になります。
That job will take some time so Ill do it later
Today meeting looks like it’ll take some time so lets do our best
「時間がかかります」〜は、"It will take time"です。
It will take some time for the food to be ready.
We require some time to prepare the food.
Your food will take some time to be prepared.
"Take a while" and "take some time" are interchangeable.
These expressions are normally used when something
is going to take longer than expected.
Other examples:
Please be aware that your food will take a while to get to you.
The expression please be aware is used as a precaution so that the
customer knows beforehand that whatever they have ordered takes
longer to prepare than most of the other dishes on the menu.
"To get to you"means before "it's ready to be served.''
You can use any of the above two sentences to tell the customer that their food is going to take some time to come.
A; How long will the food take?
B; It's going to take a while.
The first phrase is a question, and informs the customer of a delay. It also requests their acceptance of this, which gives them the choice of cancelling their order.
The second phrase explains very politely that there may be a delay in the delivery of the order, and also offers an explanation for this.
Saying that: there is a bit of wait for food at the moment, is informing the customer that it is going to take a while for their food to come out. This can be due to the fact that the restaurant is busy during that time and there are a lot of orders currently being made.
It will take a little longer for your food to come out, I hope that is okay.
I hope it is okay, but your food will be a little longer.
You food will be a bit longer, I hope that is okay.
When you are working in a restaurant and you want to let a customer know that their food is going to be a little longer, then you can use one of these three sentences.
I hope that helps.
Have a great day.
You can use the phrase 'It may take a while.' 'A while' is a portion of time (usually longer than a person wants it to be).
-Your food may take a while. We are very busy.
-Your food may take __ minutes to be prepared. Is that okay, or would you like something else?
Notice here that we can use many different modal verbs such as, "might," "may," and even the future tense modal, "will." In addition, you can interchangeably use the words, "a while," and, "some time," to keep the same meaning.
Depending on how long the food takes you can say many things.
Sorry 'sir' or 'ma'am' but your food will take quite a while. Or your food is going to be a bit longer because of....
Your food will be out in a while gives the customer an ambiguous answer but allows them to think that the food will be out shortly or it will take a while.
Server: (goes over to pour drinks after taking food order) Can I help you folks with anything else?
Customer: When will our food be out?
Server: Your food will be out in a while, not too long.
Customer: Thanks!
It might take some time.
It might take a while.
take some time は「少し時間がかかる」という意味の英語表現です。