I didn't say anything because I didn't want to be thought of as an acquaintance
I didn't say anything because I didn't want people to think we knew each other
最初の例の「acquaintance」は面識の有る人物、知り合いと言う意味でほぼご質問の通り「知り合いと思われたくなかったから何も言わなかった」の意訳で。二番目の例は「didn't want people to think we knew each other」を使って「周りにお互いを知っていると思われたくなかった」と指し示してでの例です
I didn't want other people to think he and I knew each other, so I didn't talk to him.
I didn't want other people to think he and I knew each other, so I didn't talk to him.
want O to V「OにVして欲しい」
talk to 「話しかける」
★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師 KOGACHI