世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2018/10/18 20:27
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  • Today, can we spend a little bit more time on introductions and get to know each other a bit better.

This answer is a perfect way of asking your teacher to extend the self introduction part of a lesson. Sometimes a teacher may sound as if they have had an interesting life and you'd like to know more. Or you would just like to get to know your teacher a bit better.


Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I need a little more time to continue with my introduction.

  • I'm sorry, I haven't quite finished with my introduction, may I continue please?

When you're trying to explain to your English teacher that you would like more time to introduce yourself, you can say:

  • May I have more time to introduce myself?
  • May I have more time to continue with my introduction?


  • May I have more time to introduce myself?(自己紹介の時間をもう少し頂けますか)
  • May I have more time to continue with my introduction?(自己紹介の時間をもう少し頂けますか)
Baiden DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like our self introduction to last a little bit longer.

  • Can we continue with our self introduction for a little bit?

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your teacher that you want your self introduction to last longer than it normally does. In each sentence you will notice the term a little bit. This means a small or short amount of something. This is a term that is common in our everyday conversation and is appropriate for informal settings.


”A little bit"というフレーズがありますが、これは何かが量的に「少し」または「短い」ことを表します。カジュアルな場面で使える、日常会話フレーズです。

Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Is it possible if I could use a little more time to introduce myself?

The beginning of the phrase is asking if something is possible. This means that the person is asking permission. This is a VERY polite way for asking for something. The next part of the phrase is asking if some extra time can be used.

まず「Is it possible」で、あることが可能かどうか尋ねています。相手の許可を求めているわけです。これはお願いをする時のすごく丁寧な言い方です。


Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Can we please have our self introduction be more involved by making it longer.

  • Please can we increase the duration of our self introduction.

  • Can we please spend more time on our self introduction?

If you would like to spend more time practicing a self-introduction it is a good idea to spend more time chatting on the topic, this way there are more ideas you could express that you hadn't before and this will help you learn more.

You could expand the topic and speak about dreams for the future, past mistakes, inspirations, fears and more.
You could go into more detail about your hobbies and why you enjoy them, what got you started with each one etc

Expand: lengthen, broaden
Increase: to make longer, add more
Duration: length of time
More involved: more detailed




Expand: 長くする、広げる
Increase: 長くする、増やす
Duration: 時間の長さ
More involved: より綿密な

Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Let's do an in-depth introduction and get to know each other.

Lets do は「~しよう」と言う意味ですね  

an in-depth introduction が「長く自己紹介をする、とか深く話す」   

and really get to know each other

  • Can we spend some extra time on our self introduction?

  • Can our self introduction be a little longer please?

Both examples above are good ways of expressing to the teacher that you would like to spend a bit more time on the self introduction.


Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Can we take a little more time on the self introduction

  • I would like to have a slightly longer self introduction

When you tell someone you haven't met before about yourself this is called a 'self introduction'
Usually it is pretty short so you can continue with the lesson but if you want a longer one to get to know each other then you could ask 'can we take a little more time' or ' i would like to have a slightly longer'

これまで会ったことのない人に自己紹介することを、'self introduction'と言います。

たいていとても短く、レッスンに入っていけますが、もしもっとお互いのことを知りたくて長めにとりたいなら、'can we take a little more time' (もっと時間をとることはできますか?)や ' i would like to have a slightly longer'(もう少し長くとりたいです。)と言うことができます。

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Could we spend a little longer than usual on the introductions, please?

  • Is it OK if we dwell on the introductions a little as I want to practise that?

At the beginning of an online English lesson, you want to say to your teacher that you want to take a little more time for the self introduction than usual. It doesn't have to be very long, just not the usual short one. If you can give a reason for wanting to spend longer than usual on introductions, it may help the teacher understand your needs better.



Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can we take a little longer than usual for our self introduction, please?

  • Please can we introduce ourselves for a little more time than usual?

Hi, I am your tutor today, how are you?
I am good. I have a question though.
What is your question?
Can we take a little longer than usual for our self introduction, please?

I hope this helps.
Have a good day.

Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Could we please spend a bit more time on the introductions today?

Asking this question is a good way to ask the teacher if it's okay if you both spend more time introducing yourselves respectively. Adding please is also important because it is polite to use your manners.

Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Can we take more time for self introductions today?

  • Let's have a longer self introduction today.

  • I'd like to have our self introductions last longer today.

There are many ways that we can say that we want a long introduction to our teachers. We can either ask it as a question formation with, "can we..," or we can make it as a statement using, "lets," or, "I'd like."

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Can we extend our introduction time?

  • Can we have a bit more extra time for our introduction?

You may use the above two sentences to ask your teacher if you would like more time to introduce yourself.

- Hello teacher, can we extend our introduction time in the lesson today please?

Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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