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味噌汁がどんな料理かという質問に対しての答えです。 味噌汁の具は日によっても、家庭によっても違うと思うのですが、そういうニュアンスを伝えられればと思います。
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2018/10/24 11:17
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  • The ingredients for miso soup vary from day to day and from home to home

味噌汁の具は日により、家庭により異なることを英語で表現すると「The ingredients for miso soup vary from day to day and from home to home」になります。 Ingredient は食材のことです。「おかず」や「具」と言う単語は英語にはないです。 また、「vary」は異なると言う意味です。「Variety」(バラエティ)の動詞です。 例文: - The ingredients for miso soup vary from day to day and from home to home. Sometimes you will find Nameko mushrooms, in some areas you might find aubergines. But usually you will find tofu(でもほとんどの場合豆腐が入っています).
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Ingredients used in miso soup change daily.

* ingredients: 材料 * daily: 日毎に、日によって 家庭によって味噌汁の作り方や使う具材が違います、という場合は "Each family has their own miso soup recipe or original ingredients." で大丈夫です。
  • Miso soup ingredients vary depending of the particular day and family recipe.

  • Miso soup ingredients can differ from family to family and day to day.

Differ' and 'vary' both mean that 'something changes' or 'the nature of something shifts over time.' 'Particular' means 'specific'.
differ'と'vary'はどちらも「変わる」「〔物事の本質が〕時と共に変化する」という意味です。 'particular'は「特定の」という意味です。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • The ingredients used for miso soup vary from day to day, as well as in different households.

  • Ingredients for miso soup vary from day to day and in different households

When you want to explain that the ingredients used for miso soup are different depending on the day and in different households; then you may explain this in the following ways: -The ingredients used for miso soup vary from day to day, as well as in different households. -Ingredients for miso soup vary from day to day and in different households
「味噌汁の具は日によっても、家庭によっても違う」と説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 -The ingredients used for miso soup vary from day to day, as well as in different households. (味噌汁の具は日によっても、家庭によっても違う) -Ingredients for miso soup vary from day to day and in different households (味噌汁の具は日によっても、家庭によっても違う)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Every time that I make miso soup the ingredients change.

  • I make miso soup differently every time I cook it.

  • Everyone has their own way of making Miso soup.

Every time that I make miso soup the ingredients change. I make miso soup differently every time I cook it. Change = to be made different = change Everyone has their own way of making Miso soup. This way of saying something shows that many different people have many different ways of doing the same thing.
Every time that I make miso soup the ingredients change. 味噌汁を作るたびに具が変わります。 I make miso soup differently every time I cook it. みそ汁の作り方は毎回違います。 Change = 変わること ------- Everyone has their own way of making Miso soup. 人それぞれ味噌汁の作り方があります。 この言い方は、一つのことにいろいろなやり方がある場合に使われます。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Depending on the family and location, the ingredients used in miso soup can vary.

"To vary" is to change or be different. "Ingredients" are the foods and spices used to make a dish. I hope that this helps! :)
"To vary" は「変わる、異なる」という意味です。 "Ingredients"(材料)は、料理に使う食べ物やスパイスを指します。 お役に立てると幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • The ingredients of miso soup vary tremendously depending on area, availability, and personal preference

  • People have a lot of freedom to add whatever they want to miso soup

When talking about miso soup - and then asked what kind of food it is, you want to explain that the ingredients used for the soup vary from day to day, as well as in different households.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The ingredients used for miso soup change daily.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「The ingredients used for miso soup change daily.」 =味噌汁の具はその日によって違います。 (例文)The ingredients used for miso soup change daily. I usually put tofu in it. (訳)味噌汁の具はその日によって違います。私は普段お豆腐を入れてます。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
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