❶Do you want to eat first? Or take a bath?
A: Honey, do you want to eat first? Or take a bath?
B; Um...I think I’ll take a bath first.
A: Ok, tell me when your done then.
"Bath first or eat first?"
Often in a casual sense in a house hold you would skip 'what would you like?' etc, this is because it is in a very causal sense and you are talking to someone very familiar ex. a family member.
"What do you prefer?"
is a more formal quetion, used in a polite context, to 'prefer' something is stating you like one thing or another, ex. "Do you prefer the color blue or red?"
"Bath first or eat first?"(お風呂とご飯、どっち先にする)
家族とのカジュアルな会話では、しばしば 'what would you like?' などは省略されます。これは家族など非常に親しい人とのカジュアルな会話だからです。
"What do you prefer?"(何がいいですか)
これは、よりフォーマルで丁寧な言い方です。'prefer' は「~をより好む」という意味です。
"Do you prefer the color blue or red?"(青と赤、どちらがいいですか)
Which do you prefer? Eating first or taking a bath?
Do you want to have a bath before you eat your dinner?
All of these can be used to ask the person if they want to have their dinner before they have a bath or the other way around.
Would you prefer eating or having a bath first?
"prefer" - to like one choice more than the other
Which do you prefer? Eating first or taking a bath?
Do you want to have a bath before you eat your dinner?
Would you prefer eating or having a bath first?(食べるのとお風呂に入るのどちらが先がいいですか)
"prefer" - 一方のものよりもう一方のものの方が好き
Which do you prefer? Eating first or taking a bath?(食べるのとお風呂に入るのどちらが先がいいですか)
Do you want to have a bath before you eat your dinner?(夕食の前にお風呂の方がいいですか)
If you want to ask someone what they want then you would ask 'do you want'
'to have a bath or eat first' asks them what they want to do before the other
どうしたいかを聞きたいときには、 'do you want'(~がしたいですか?)と言うことができます。
'to have a bath or eat first'は、お風呂に入るか、ご飯を食べるかという意味です。