Rather than doing that, you should do something that'll benefit you.
Don't waste your time doing that. Do something that will pay off for you.
自身のためになること = something that will benefit you, something that will be beneficial to you, something that will pay off for you, something positive for yourself, something that will be good for you
「pay off」はもちろんお金的な状態でも使えます。
I have a big debt to pay off.
Stop doing that, and focus on something that is to your benefit!
Stop doing that, and focus on something that is to your benefit!
Focus onは何かに集中をかけてやることの意味もありますので、この場合にはいいと思いますね
Something that is to your benefitは健康のこと勉強のことが代表的ですね。
How about you quit what you're doing and do something useful
Stop what you're doing and do something beneficial.
Do something usefulはためになることや、役に立つことをしなさいという意味です。親や先生が子どもに向かっていうことが多いです。
一つ目の例文のHow about you~は、~したらどう?