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2018/10/31 12:34
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  • station attendant

「駅」は「station」です。「Attendant」はサービススタッフという意味で幅広く使われます。例えば、飛行機の客室乗務員は英語で「flight attendant」と言います。 例: I asked the station attendant a question. 駅員さんに質問をしました。
  • station attendant

  • train station attendant

「駅員」は英語で"station attendant"と言う言い方します。 "train station attendant"は正式な言い方ですけど"train"を抜けて"station attendant"の言い方します。 単語: 駅 --> train 出口 --> exit 親切 --> kind 翻訳:「駅員さんに出口を聞きました。とても親切に教えてくれました。」 "I asked the station attendant where the exit was. They explained it to me in a very kind way"
  • Train Conductor

Train Conductor In all honesty, I have never heard it, he/ she, be called anything other than a Train Conductor. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Train Conductor(電車の車掌) 正直言うと、私は 'Train Conductor' 以外の言い方は聞いたことがありません。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • conductor

  • Train attendant

The train conductor assists the train driver(pilot) in testing the train's air brakes. The conductor is also the person who collects tickets from passengersin all passenger vehicles. He assists passengers in their baggage. He gives instructions to remind passengers of the train or bus stops. He helps ensure safety of the passengers by giving them proper instructions. He lets the passengers know once a train stop or bus stop is near.
train conductorは、電車のエアブレーキのテストで、運転手の助手をします。 conductorは、また乗客からチケットを回収する人でもあります。また乗客の荷物の手伝いもします。 乗客に電車やバスの案内もします。適切な指示をすることで、乗客の安全を守ります。電車やバス停が近くなると知らせてくれます。
Willet DMM英会話講師
  • Train guard

  • Train conductor

  • Station master

A person who indicates on the platform that the train is ready to leave and perhaps, blows a whistle, would normally be referred to as a train guard in the UK, or in context, just 'guard'. However, more and more trains are running without guards and so, it may be that the station master of a small station will perform this role. The train guard also often has the role of checking tickets on a train, so may also be referred to as a 'train conductor'. "The train guard blew his whistle and the train pulled away from the platform." "The station master cried 'All aboard!" to the last passengers on the platform."
電車の出発の準備ができたらプラットフォームにいて、おそらく笛を鳴らす人のことを普通は、イギリスでは train guard、もしくはただ 'guard'とだけ言います。 しかし、駅員なしでさらに多くの電車が運行しているので、小さな駅のstation master(駅長)が、この役割を果たすこともあるかもしれません。 train guardは、また電車で切符の確認もします。ですので、 'train conductor'と呼ばれることもあるでしょう。 "The train guard blew his whistle and the train pulled away from the platform." (駅員は、笛を鳴らし、電車はプラットフォームから出発した。) "The station master cried 'All aboard!" to the last passengers on the platform." (駅長は、「ご乗車願います」とプラットフォームの最後の乗客に叫んだ。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • station attendant

  • train conductor

A person whose job is to check tickets inside the trains and other things is usually called a "station attendant" or a "train conductor". You may use these terms in a sentence in the following ways: -When I was young I wanted to become a train station attendant. -Train conductors are usually in really nice uniform. They are always neat.
電車の中で切符の確認などを行う人は "station attendant"(駅員)や "train conductor"(車掌)と呼ばれます。 これらの語は文の中では次のように使うことができます。 -When I was young I wanted to become a train station attendant.(若い頃は駅員になりたかったです) -Train conductors are usually in really nice uniform. They are always neat.(電車の車掌さんはみんな格好いい制服を着ています。みんなきちんとした格好をしています)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • station attendant

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・station attendant attendant は「係員」というニュアンスを持つ英語表現です。 例: You should ask the station attendant if you need something. 何か必要なら駅員さんに聞くといいですよ。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • The passenger train conductor collected our tickets.

  • The freight train conductor signalled to the engineer to pull away.

  • Railroad train conductors make sure that trains run on time and on course.

Since the image is that of a uniformed man standing next to what appears to be a coach and appearing to be signalling the train pilot to pull away, this person appears to be a 'passenger train conductor'.Should a coach loaded with coal been within sight of the photographer for example, this person would have been referred to as a 'freight train conductor'.A more general term used to refer to all conductors whether they are 'passenger train conductors' or 'freight train conductors' is 'railroad train conductor'.Since we can't be sure if this is a passenger train or a freight train, the person in the image can be referred to as a railroad train conductor. This is so because the railroad train conductor is accommodated in the last coach at the back. So, you may say: The passenger train conductor collected our tickets. or The freight train conductor signalled to the engineer to pull away. or Railroad train conductors make sure that trains run on time and on course.
制服を着て、車両の横に立ち、電車の運転手に出発するように合図を送る人を、 'passenger train conductor'と言います。例えば石炭を積んだ列車の場合は、'freight train conductor'(貨物列車の車掌)と言います。 最も一般的な言葉は、'railroad train conductor'です。列車が旅客列車なのか、貨物列車なのかはわからないのでrailroad train conductor(電車の車掌)は、列車の最後尾にいる人のことを指します。  The passenger train conductor collected our tickets. (乗客列車の車掌が切符を集めた。)  The freight train conductor signalled to the engineer to pull away.  (貨物列車の車掌が、出発すうように機関士に合図を送った。) Railroad train conductors make sure that trains run on time and on course. (電車の車掌が、時間通り順調に運転するよう確認した。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • The train station conductor is there for our safety.

  • It is best to listen to the station attendant because he knows all the safety rules for the passengers.

The train station conductor is employed to make sure that the passengers who travel by train are safe and obey all the rules.
The train station conductorは、電車の乗客が安全にルールに従っているかを確認する人です。
Esmeralda DMM英会話講師
  • train conductor

As an American English speaker, I would describe the person in the picture as a "train conductor." The train conductor is the person who controls the train. They have a special uniform and a big responsibility. I hope that this helps :)
私はアメリカ英語のネイティブスピーカーですが、この人のことは "train conductor"(車掌)といいます。 "train conductor" は電車の安全な運行を管理する人です。特別な制服を着ていて、大きな責任を担っています。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • "station attendant"

  • "train conductor"

This person's occupation is most commonly referred to in English as a "station attendant" or "train conductor". Example sentence: When I was on the train, a train conductor asked me for my ticket.
駅員は英語では、"station attendant" や "train conductor"と言います。 例文: When I was on the train, a train conductor asked me for my ticket. (電車に乗っていたら、駅員がチケットを出すように言った。)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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