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2016/03/22 22:27
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  • I went on a trip for two nights and three days

「○泊○日」という言い方を英語にする時は、「○ nights and ○ days」というのがまず一般的でほぼ唯一の表現方法だと思います。 従って、「2泊3日で[旅行](に行ってきました」というのは、上記英訳例のように; ”I went on a trip for two nights and three days" と言えばほぼ全体的に直訳の文、表現となりますね。 参考になれば幸いです♪
Hara Ken English teacher
  • I went on a trip for two nights.

日本語ではほぼ必ず「◯泊✕日」と言いますが、 英語圏で[旅行](パンフレットを見ても「◯ nights」としか書かれていませんし、 口頭で確認する時も「3日」の部分は言いません。 通常は2泊なら3日になるという了解があるためです。 したがって、実際には  I went on a trip for two nights. だけで「3日」には触れなくてだいじょうぶです。 two-night trip のように言えば「2泊3日の旅行」と表現することもできますよ。
  • I've been on a short trip

  • I've been on a 3 night trip

  • I've been on a 2 day trip

All of the above phrases are good to say. If you went at a weekend, Saturday and Sunday, you can also say I went on a weekend trip. If your weekend trip includes either the Friday or the Monday - you can say - I have had a long weekend away. Hope this helps Jane :)
上記のフレーズはどれも良い言い方です。 もし週末(土日)に行くなら、I went on a weekend trip. ということもできます。 もしweekend trip が金曜や月曜を含んでいるのなら、I have had a long weekend away. ということもできます。 参考になれば幸いです。
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • My trip lasted 2 nights and 3 days

  • The length of my trip was 2 nights and 3 days

  • I'll went on my trip for 2 nights and 3 days

You explained already to your friend all the details of your trip : the places you visited and the people you met. Also, you mentioned something about the local cuisine. Your friend asks you: "Was the weather good?" "Yeh, it was sunny every day!" "And how long did it last?" "The length of my trip was 2 nights and 3 days"
あなたは旅行の詳細を説明しました。訪問した場所や出会った人々のこと、そしてその地域の料理などについても。 友人は更に訪ねます: "Was the weather good?"(天気は良かった?) "Yeh, it was sunny every day!"(ええ、毎日とても良い天気だったよ) "And how long did it last?"(何日間行ってきたの?) "The length of my trip was 2 nights and 3 days"(2泊3日の旅行でした)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I went on holiday for 2 nights and 3 days.

  • My vacation lasted for 2 nights and 3 days.

A trip is another word of vacation or holiday. When you go on a trip, you go away from your home, to a different location (state, country, etc.) for a period of time. People often go on trips for leisure, business or to visit family or friends. 2 nights and 3 days is the duration of your trip.
trip(旅行)とは、別の言葉ではvacationやholidayと言います。tripとは、ある期間、自宅から離れた場所、別の州や国などにいくことを意味します。娯楽のために旅行に行く人もいれば、仕事で、または家族や友人を訪ねに行く人もいます。2 nights and 3 daysは、旅行の期間です。
Kelsie DMM英会話講師
  • I went away for three(3) days.

  • I was away for two(2) nights and three(3) days.

  • I went on a short trip.

"I went away for three(3) days." This explains that you were away for three days. It is not necessary to mention the two nights as people will include this in the three days. "I was away for two(2) nights and three(3) days." this tells the person that you were away for that period of time. "I went on a short trip." When saying you were away for the short trip this normally refers to a time less that a week.
I went away for three days. 3日間出かけていた。 この文は、3日間出かけていたという表現です。話相手は、3日間出かけていたというと、2泊したということはわかるので特に2泊したという必要はありません。 I was away for two nights and three days. 2泊3日の旅行にでかけていた。 この文は、2泊3日間の旅行であったことを伝える表現です。 I went on a short trip. 小旅行に行っていた。 'short trip'は、ふつう1週間以下の旅行のことを指すのでこういった表現もできます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I went on a three day trip but only slept over for two nights.

  • My trip was three days and two nights.

>I went on a three day trip but only slept over for two nights. This explains that your your vacation was for three days but you only stayed over for two nights. >My trip was three days and two nights. This is saying that you had a trip that was three days and only two nights. This means that you returned home on the third day.
I went on a three day trip but only slept over for two nights. *2泊3日の休暇であることを意味する表現です。 My trip was three days and two nights. *2泊3日の旅なので3日目に帰らなければならないことを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I'm going on a weekend break.

  • I'm having a mini break soon for a couple of nights

  • I'm so excited for my weekend getaway!

*I'm going on a weekend break.*- you can say this if you're going away on Friday, Saturday and Sunday *I'm having a mini break soon for a couple of nights*- mini break- can mean anything from 1 night to 4 nights generally *I'm so excited for my weekend getaway! * - getaway can mean mini holiday or 5 day holiday either is fine :) If you're in a new relationship sometimes 'going for a mini break' can be seen as a big step in a relationship, meaning that it's serious, whether you're meeting the parents or going away just the 2 of you in the UK and perhaps the US it is often seen as a good sign that a relationship is going well or is more than just a fling Hope this helps! ^ ^
*I'm going on a weekend break.*- you can say this if you're going away on Friday, Saturday and Sunday *I'm having a mini break soon for a couple of nights*- mini break- can mean anything from 1 night to 4 nights generally *I'm so excited for my weekend getaway! * - getaway can mean mini holiday or 5 day holiday either is fine :) If you're in a new relationship sometimes 'going for a mini break' can be seen as a big step in a relationship, meaning that it's serious, whether you're meeting the parents or going away just the 2 of you in the UK and perhaps the US it is often seen as a good sign that a relationship is going well or is more than just a fling
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • I've been on a short trip

  • I went on a trip for three days and two nights.

The first one isn't detailed and people wouldn't know how long you have been gone. The second one is a detailed one. For example - I decided to use my vacation on 100%, so, I went on a trip for three days and two nights to the USA.
一つ目の例は少し曖昧です、どのくらいの間旅行に行っていたかは伝えていません。 二つ目の例はより具体的です。 例: I decided to use my vacation on 100%, so, I went on a trip for three days and two nights to the USA. (休暇を100%活用しようと思って、2泊3日でアメリカに行ってきました)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I went on a trip for three days and two nights.

  • My trip lasted for three days and two nights.

Sometimes we go on short trips that last for a short time. You can use the following sentences to indicate the length of your trip:- 1. I went on a trip for three days and two nights. Example: I went on a trip to Egypt last summer, my trips was short, it only lasted three days and two nights. 2. My trip lasted for three days and two nights. Example: This year my trip lasted for three days and two nights, next year I want a longer trip.
旅行は期間の長いものもあれば短いものもあります。「2泊3日の旅行」は次のように言えます。 1. I went on a trip for three days and two nights.(2泊3日で旅行に行ってきました) 例: I went on a trip to Egypt last summer, my trips was short, it only lasted three days and two nights. (去年の夏にエジプトに旅行に行きました。期間は短かったです、2泊3日でした) 2. My trip lasted for three days and two nights.(旅行は2泊3日でした) 例: This year my trip lasted for three days and two nights, next year I want a longer trip. (今年の旅行は2泊3日でした、来年はもう少し長い旅行に行きたいです)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I went on a 2 nights 3 days (2N3D) trip.

  • I just came back from a 2 nights 3 days trip.

[2泊3日で旅行にいってきました.] 上の文書以外でも以下は使えます。 Recently, I went on a trip. It was a 2 nights 3 days outing. Although it was a normal weekend, I took a day off and went for a 2N3D trip. 通常の週末でしたが、1日休みをとって2泊3日で旅行に行きました。 Related words: 連休:long weekend 目的地:destination 観光:sightseeing
  • I went on a three-day trip.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・I went on a three-day trip. 3日間のたびに行ってきました。 three-day trip のほかに two-night trip のように言うこともできます。 どちらも「2泊3日」を英語で表しています。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • I went on a trip for two nights and three days.

  • I went on a trip for two nights.

  • I went on a trip for three days.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のように表現することができます(*^_^*) 一番直訳的には、 I went on a trip for two nights and three days. 「2泊3日の旅行に行った」 と言えます。 あとは、 I went on a trip for two nights. 「2泊の旅行に行った」 I went on a trip for three days. 「3日間の旅行に行った」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
  • A 2 nights and 3 day getaway

  • 3 day short trip

A 2 nights and 3 day getaway example sentence: It was the end of lockdown in my city so I went for a two nights and three day getaway to a town this is located two hours outside of my city. 3 day short trip example sentence: I decided to go on a short trip for three days and two nights out of my city because the government finally relaxed the travel restrictions.
Joey B DMM英会話講師
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