「生活費」は cost of living と言います。
Cost of living includes groceries, rent, electricity bill, water bill and telephone bill.
all three terms are very well used among native speakers when decribing a certain limit on expenses.
'Budget' can be used in more than this sense, "My spending budget for today is.." "My Budget for buying a car is.."
"My spending budget for today is.."(私の今日の予算は..です)
"My Budget for buying a car is.."(車を買う予算は..です)
"Cost of living"
In the U.S. this expression is the most common. Some people say living expenses but depending on the state you live in its probably not a common expression. Cost of living is the most general term. Some people add an "a" at the end "COLA" which stands for cost of living area. This term is mostly used by the military so if you live close to a base or a military community this might be a popular term.
"Cost of living"(生活費)
アメリカではこの表現が最も一般的です。"Living expenses" と言う人もいますが、これは週によっては一般的な表現でないこともあると思います。"Cost of living" が最も一般的な言い方です。
"Cost of living" の略称は "COL" ですが、この最後に "A" が付くことがあります。"COLA" は "Cost of living area" の略です。これは主に軍隊で使われる言葉です。ですから、基地の近くに住んでいるとよく耳にするかもしれません。
In every country, there is a standard amount of money it will cost you to survive on food, shelter and to maintain health.
Every country is different, some countries are more expensive to live in than others and so the cost of living will be higher in such countries.
食料費や住居費、保健医療費など生活をしていくのに要する費用というのがありますね。この標準的な金額は国によって異なります。それはつまり、ある国では他の国よりも "cost of living"(生活費)が高いということです。
だから、「生活費」は英語で「living expenses」「living costs」と「cost of living」を使って表現できます。
→「Food costs, the electricity bill, the water bill, etc. are included in living costs」
→「Food costs, the electricity bill, the water bill, etc. are included in the cost of living」
When referring to cost of living, this means an amount of money needed to buy the necessary things you need to stay alive. This could include food and accommodation.
Overheads could be referring to costs associated with staying in a particular place, for example, you might ask your friend: What are your overheads for the place where you live?
"cost of living" は、人が生きていく上で必要な経費をいいます。これには食費や家賃が含まれます。
What are your overheads for the place where you live?