It is no use thinking about it now. What goes around comes around!
★It is no use ~ing = ~しても[仕方がない](、~しても[無駄](である
この表現を使った有名なことわざに、"It is no use crying over spilled milk" (覆水盆に返らず/過ぎた事を悔やんでも仕方がない)があります。
★What goes around comes around. =なるようにしかならない、事は起こるべくして起こる
Whatever happens is going to happen.
That's the way it goes.
There's no point in even thinking about it. The only thing I(we) can do is move forward.
There's no point in even thinking about it=考えるのは[意味がない](強調)
「[仕方がない](」はIt can't be helpedになりますが、「There's no point in ○○」の方が自然で、よく使う言い方だと思います。
誰かと一緒に前を向いて突き進めば、The only thing we can do is move forwardと言います。そちらだけだったらThe only thing I can do is move forwardと言います。
There's no point thinking about it now. You just have to let nature take its course.
It's no use thinking about it now. Whatever will be, just will be
You just have to let nature take its course という表現は
直訳に近いのが後者の whatever will be, just will be だと思います。
Que sera sera (ケ・セラ・セラ)のスペイン語とイタリア語交じりの