世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


空港でよく使うフレーズです。 わかりやすくかつ簡単に説明するにはどういった聞き方がいいでしょうか。 また、到着地での荷物の受け取りはどちらにしますか?も簡単なフレーズを使うとどうなりますか?
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2018/11/11 15:50
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  • Would you like to take out something from your luggage, or would you prefer to pay the excess baggage fee?

  • Which would you like to do at the baggage claim at your destination?

直訳すると「荷物を減らしますか」はWould you like to decrease the amount of luggage?になりますけど、これは少しかたい表現ですからWould you like to take something out of your luggage?の方がいいと思います。超過はexcessで、料金はfeeになります。
  • Would you like to remove some items or pay an excess baggage fee?

"Would you like to remove some items or pay an excess baggage fee?" 'would you like?' a formal and polite way of asking a question To 'remove' something is to take something out or away of something. 'Items' is a term for things/objects such as T-shirts,laptop,cushions etc.. 'excess' is the amount of something that is more than it should be. 'baggage' refers to your bag you use to carry things. 'fee' is used as the payment/price of a service.
"Would you like to remove some items or pay an excess baggage fee?"(荷物を減らしますか?それとも超過料金を支払いますか?) 'would you like?' は、質問をするときの丁寧な言い方です。 'remove' は「取り除く/取り去る」という意味です。 'items' は、Tシャツ、ノートパソコン、クッションなどの「物」を指します。 'excess' は「過度の/超過の」という意味です。 'baggage' は荷物を入れる「かばん」を指します。 'fee' はサービスの「料金」のことです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to take something out or pay the excess fee?

  • Would you prefer to remove something or to pay the fee?

When you take something out or away then you are also said to 'remove' it 'excess' means that there is more than is needed or there should be (so the suitcase is heavier that it is allowed to be) To prefer means to do something over another one out of choice
何かを取り出す、除くことを 'remove' と言います。 'excess' とは、超過したという意味です。(スーツケースが規定よりも重いということです。) To prefer とは、ある選択肢から1つ選んでそれをするという意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to lighten you luggage to avoid paying the excess charge?

  • Would you prefer to remove something from your bag, or pay the excess charge?

You work at an airport, and when a customer's baggage exceeds the weight limit, you want to ask them if they want to take something out of their baggage to make it lighter, or if they want to pay the excess fee.Either of the above comments is fine.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to remove some items from your baggage or pay excess fees?

  • Your bag weight is over the limit, would you like to lighten it or pay the excess fee?

  • This luggage is too heavy, please remove some items or you may choose to pay the excess fee.

Traveling is fun and we want to take as many necessary things with us as possible. We need to travel light so that we can save on baggage costs If the baggage is too heavy then the traveler needs to pay extra for the extra weight. The luggage allowance is different in different airports, make sure you know how much you will need to have with you if you have very heavy luggage. "The luggage allowance has been passed, would you like to remove some items or pay the excess fee, sir?" "I would like to please pay the excess fee, I need all my things."
旅行は楽しいですね。 旅行に行くときは、必要なものはできる限り持って行きたいですね。 ただ、荷物が重すぎると、超過料金を支払わなければならなくなります。 重量制限は空港によって異なりますから、荷物が多いときは事前に確認しておくといいでしょう。 "The luggage allowance has been passed, would you like to remove some items or pay the excess fee, sir?" (重量制限をオーバーしています。荷物を減らしますか、それとも超過料金を支払いますか) "I would like to please pay the excess fee, I need all my things."(超過料金を支払います。全て必要なものなので)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • "Would you like to remove something from your luggage, or would you prefer to pay the excess fee?"

By asking the customer this question, you are giving them two options to choose from. To "remove" is to take something out of something or somewhere, in this case the luggage. By using "prefer" in the second part of the question, you are giving the customer the choice of following their preference. They may "prefer" to take something out of their luggage to lighten it, or "prefer" to pay the excess fee. Notice you only use "prefer" once, as it's not optional for the customer to lighten their luggage (if they choose to), but it is a requirement of the airline they are flying with. On the other hand, paying the excess fee is an option, if the customer prefers to do so.
ここでは、客に二つの選択肢を与えています。 "remove" は「〔この場合、荷物から〕取り除く」という意味です。 質問の後半では、"prefer" を使って相手の好みを尋ねています。荷物を減らすことを "prefer" するか、あるいは、超過料金を支払うことを "prefer" するか。 "prefer" は一度しか使っていません。荷物を減らすことは「選択肢」ではなく、「義務」だからです。一方、超過料金を支払うことは選択肢です。
Stephen P DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to remove some items or would you prefer paying the charges?

Would you like to remove some items or would you prefer paying the charges/excess fee? "remove" - take something away "items" - things, objects "prefer" - to like one idea more than another "charges" - money that needs to be paid for a service
Would you like to remove some items or would you prefer paying the charges/excess fee? (荷物を減らしますか?それとも超過料金を支払いますか?) "remove" - 取り除く "items" - 物 "prefer" - 一方のものよりももう一方のものの方が好き "charges" - サービスに支払うお金
Ronel DMM英会話講師
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