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ハイフンはdash、@はat sign、数字はNo.3とか4みたいに伝えればよいのでしょうか? また、これはどの国でも伝わりますか?
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2016/03/26 10:47
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  • Dash

  • at

  • one, two, three....

ほぼ仰るとおりです! 「ー」=dash 「@」=at・at sign(個人的にはatを使っています。) numbers=普通に[数字](を言っていきます。 経験上で知る限りはどの国でも伝わります。 他に良く使う 「_」=underscore・underline もあります。
  • dash, hyphen

  • at

  • 1,2,3

「-」は dash または hyphenどちらも聞いたことがあります。 「@」は at と言います。 [数字](はNo.を付けずにそのまま数字を読めば大丈夫です。 ただ、”2”と伝えたつもりが"two"になってしまうことも無きにしも非ずなので その場合は、in a number を付けるといいかもしれません。 例えば、taro123@~.comのようなアドレスの場合、 "T、A、R、O、and then, in a number 1,2,3, アット~ドットコム"と読みます。 [メールアドレス](を口頭で伝えるのは難しいので必ず相手に復唱してもらって 確認しましょう。 復唱をお願いするときは以下の文を参考にどうぞ! Could you read my email address out loud for me? 私のメールアドレスを読み上げてもらってもいいですか?
  • Hyphen

  • Dash

  • At

"Hyphen" is a more formal way of saying "dash." At is always used for @
hyphen は dash の少しフォーマルな言い方です。 @ はいつも at と言います。
Selina M DMM英会話講師
  • - hyphen

  • @ at

  • - Dash

Standard explanation of symbols.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • @ (at sign)

  • 123

  • - (hyphen)

- is called a hyphen or dash @ this is an at sign 123 - we say one two three For example: We read this email as as mola hypen one two three at sign yahoo dot com.
"-ハイフンもしくはダッシュ @ アットサイ 123は、ワン、ツー、スリーと一文字ずつ読みます。 例えば: mola-1234@yahoo.comはmolaハイフン ワン、ツー、スリー、フォーアットサイン ヤフー ドット コムのように読みます。"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • @ is said 'at'

  • - is a 'dash'

  • 1,2,3 is 'one,two,three'

Depending on which numbers you are using their are a whole range of different numbers. If you use the @ sign you would call it AT. So your email at.... the - sign is called dash in English. hope this helps Teacher Jemxi
数字は何を使っているかによります。たくさん種類があるので。 「@」は「at(アット)」、「-」は「dash(ダッシュ)」と読みます。 参考になるといいです Teacher Jemxi
Jemxi DMM英会話講師
  • Dash/ hyphen -

  • At @

These symbols are called many different things depending on the language. For example, in Russian the '@' sign is called 'dog'. However, in English the signs are called and read aloud as followed: @ at "My E-mail is JohnDoe68@(at)" The small line '-' is called a dash or hyphen. For example: "Don't forget to include the - (dash) between the two parts of my last name Cell-Lawrence."
これらの記号は言語により色々な呼び方がされます。 例えば、ロシアでは '@'記号は'dog'(ドッグ)と呼ばれます。 しかしながら、英語ではこの記号は @ at(アット)と呼ばれます。 【例】 "My E-mail is JohnDoe68@(at)" (私のメールジョンドウロクハチアットイーメールドットコムです) この小さい線'-'は"dash"(ダッシュ)や "hyphen"(ハイフン)と呼ばれます。 【例】 "Don't forget to include the - (dash) between the two parts of my last name Cell-Lawrence." (私の名前のセル-ローレンスの間に-(ダッシュ)を入れるのを忘れないでください)
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • Dash

  • Hyphen

  • At

These symbols are very used these days because we use them mainly for email addresses. The rise of people using the internet has lead to an increased use of email accounts. Dash is how we pronounce "-" We can also say hyphen @ is pronounced "at" just like the preposition. "My email address is someone dash 2019 at ("
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • @ = at

  • - = dash/hyphen

  • 1,2,3, = one , two, three

Using these symbols is very common when saying out an email. - = this symbol can be said either hyphen or dash. @ = this is called at. Numbers can be quite common in emails, as long as you know 1- 10 you should be able to explain in an email way.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • "Hyphen"

  • "At"

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

"Dash" is most commonly used for (-) but the official name for this punctuation mark is "hyphen". I believe "dash" is actually for a longer symbol (–). The (@) symbol is short for "at". 1 - one 2 - two 3 - three 4 - four 5 - five 6 - six 7 - seven 8 - eight 9 - nine
Rada DMM英会話講師
  • - hyphen

  • @ at

- hyphen @ at 1 - one 2 - two 3 - three 4 - four 5 - five 6 - six 7 - seven 8 - eight 9 - nine 10 - ten When you want to tell someone your email address which includes - or @ or some numbers, you can say, hyphen, at, and the number from one to ten. I hope that helps Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • @ : at

  • - : dash

  • one two three

We would call these by these titles respectively, but saying the numbers in an email address is totally up to you! For example, the e-mail DMMteacher51@gm.. we can either say, "fifty one," or "five one," depending on how you choose to say the email.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • (-): Dash.

  • (@): At.

  • Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc.

A synonym of dash is hyphen. Generally people's emails consist of their name/nickname/company name etc. Followed by an @ or an underscore (_) then their email provider for example:
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • When explaining an email address the @ symbol is known as "at" and the - symbol is a hyphen.

It is commonly known that in an email address the @ symbol is known as "at" So for example we would say; as john hyphen jones at gmail dot com. Or for example the email address would be said as susan hyphen jones seventy eight at gmail dot com.
Pamela E DMM英会話講師
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