世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2018/11/18 10:13
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  • I work the (cash)register at a drugstore

  • I'm a cashier at a drugstore

  • I work as a cashier at a drugstore


  • Cashier!


I am a cashier at a drug store/pharmacy/chemist!

"drugstore" - American English for a place that sells medicines
"pharmacy" and "chemist" - British English for a place that sells medicines


I am a cashier at a drug store/pharmacy/chemist!

"drugstore" - 薬を売る店を指すアメリカ英語
"pharmacy" と "chemist" - 薬を売る店を指すイギリス英語

Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I work at the register at a drug store.



  • I work at the register at a drug store.
    --- register = レジ


  • I'm a cashier at the drug store

  • I work as a cashier at the drug store

Someone who works a cash register or till is called a 'cashier' so you could say 'i'm a cashier' or 'i work as a cashier'
by saying 'at a drugstore' you are explaining where and what shop you work in

レジやお会計のところで働いている人のことを、 'cashier'と言います。 ですので、 'i'm a cashier' や 'i work as a cashier'は、レジ係ですという意味です。

 'at a drugstore' をつけると、薬局でという意味になります。

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "I'm a checkout chick at a pharmacy."

  • "I work as a cashier at the local drug store."

"I'm a checkout chick at a pharmacy" is an informal and common expression used to describe a female who works at the cash register in a supermarket, drug store, department store etc.

"I work as a cashier at the local drug store." "Cashier" is the job title/term used to describe a person who works at the cash register of any store.

"I'm a checkout chick at a pharmacy"

"I work as a cashier at the local drug store."


Rada DMM英会話講師
  • I work as a cashier at a drug store

  • I am a drug store cashier

Cashier- a person handling payments

You say that you are a cashier as this is your job. You would say at the drug store to indicate where it is that you are working.

Cashier- 会計の係の人
cashierの仕事をしているというふうに言うことができます。 どこで働いているのかをdrug store(薬局)を使って伝えることができます。

Josh McC DMM英会話講師
  • Cashier.

A person who works the cash register is known as a cashier.

レジの仕事をする人のことは 'cashier' といいます。

Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm a cashier in a chemists

  • I work on the till in a pharmacy

When explaining your part-time job, you want to explain that you work the cash register at a drug store. Above are a couple of examples that fit this context. In the UK we prefer the word 'chemists' or to a lesser extent, 'pharmacy', to 'drug store' - which is more widely used in the US.


イギリスでは 'drug store' よりも、'chemists'(薬局)または 'pharmacy'(同)の方がよく使われます('pharmacy' よりも 'chemists' の方が一般的)。アメリカでは 'drug store' は一般的な言葉です。

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I work as a cashier in a drug store.

  • I work the cash register in a pharmacy.

  • I am a cashier at a chemist.

To say that you work at the cash register, you can say that you are a 'cashier'.

When saying where you work, you can say 'drug store' or 'pharmacy'. We can also say 'chemist' - although this is a British term to refer to a drug store.

「レジ係をしている」は、'I'm a cashier' と言えます。

「ドラッグストア」は 'drug store' または 'pharmacy' と言えます。また、'chemist' という言い方もあります。'chemist' は「ドラッグストア」を指すイギリス英語です。

Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • I work part time of the tills at the shop

  • I work at the pay here area at the shop

  • I work on the tills are the drug store

You can use the word "till" instead of cash register if you are talking to someone from England. We rarely use the term cash register. You can also refer to where you pay for your items as this is also used. Most often though, people will use the term tills.

イギリス人と話すなら、"cash register"(レジ)の代わりに "till"(同)が使えます。イギリスでは "cash register" はほとんど使われません。

レジのある場所(pay here area)について言うこともできます。

ただ、ほとんどの場合は "tills" が使われます。

Daviid M DMM英会話講師
  • I work at the cash register in a drugstore.

  • My job is the cashier at a drugstore.

Working as a cashier involves taking payment at the cash register/till, for goods bought in the store. In this case a drugstore, or in British English, you may hear the word Pharmacy or Chemist.

Cashier'(レジ係)は、レジで商品の代金を受け取る人です。この場合は 'Drugstore'(ドラッグストア)のレジですね。イギリス英語では「ドラッグストア」は 'Pharmacy' や 'Chemist' と呼ばれます。

Franji DMM英会話講師
  • I tend to the cash register at a pharmacy.

  • I deal with the till at the drug store.

  • I handle the register duties at a chemist.

These words can be used to speak of a drug store:
Chemist store

At a pharmacy, we can find many types of medicine that need to have permission from a doctor before it can be given out.

The register and till are the same thing, they speak of the object that holds all the money.

"There was money missing from the till when we rounded up for the day."
"I work at the drug store down the road, I handle the till."

"Drug store"(薬局)は次のように言うこともできます。
Chemist store


"Register" と "Till" はどちらも「レジ」を指します。同じ意味です。

"There was money missing from the till when we rounded up for the day."(売り上げを計算したら、レジからお金が抜き取られていた)
"I work at the drug store down the road, I handle the till."(通りの先にある薬局でレジの仕事をしています)

Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I work the register at a drugstore/pharmacy/chemist.

  • I am a cashier at a drugstore/pharmacy/chemist.

  • I work on the tills at a drugstore/pharmacy/chemist.

These sentences are all good to use to explain working the cash register at a chemist.

In the UK we say pharmacy or chemist and in America they say drugstore, so depending on who you are speaking to you can decide which word you use. But if you say drugstore to a person from the UK they will still understand you!

You can also say something like:

'I am a drugstore cashier'

'My job is working the tills at a pharmacy'

'I work on the cash register at a chemist' (if you leave out 'cash' and just say 'register' people will still understand).


「薬局」はイギリスでは "pharmacy" または "chemist"、アメリカでは "drugstore" と呼ばれます。ですから、相手によってこれらを使い分けることができます。ただ、仮にイギリス人に "drugstore" と言ったとしても意味は伝わります!


'I am a drugstore cashier'(薬局でレジの仕事をしています)

'My job is working the tills at a pharmacy'(薬局でレジの仕事をしています)

'I work on the cash register at a chemist'(薬局でレジの仕事をしています)
※ 'cash' を省いて、単に 'register' だけでも伝わります。

Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • I work as a cashier at a drugstore

  • I am a cashier at a drugstore

When explaining your part-time job, you want to tell that you work the cash register at a drug store. A cashier is a person handling payments and receipts in a store, bank, and drugstore, etc. A person who works as a cash register is called cashier. When you say at a drugstore, you explain where you work.


'cashier' は、店・銀行・ドラッグストアなどでお金を受け取ったりレシートを発行する人です。

レジで働いている人は 'cashier' と呼ばれます。

'at a drugstore'(ドラッグストアで)は、どこで働いているかを伝えます。

Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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