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(私が)乗る予定の電車が来た。は、どう言えばいいですか? 英検対策している割には、身近な出来事がシンプルに表現できず...逆効果...
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2018/11/21 06:33
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  • My train has just pulled into the station

To pull in = (of a vehicle) to arrive at a specific place. "The taxi has just pulled into my drive."
To pull in =(乗り物が)特定の場所に到着する 例文 "The taxi has just pulled into my drive." (タクシーがちょうどうちの車道に入ってきました)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My train is here

  • My train has arrived.

You can use any of these statements of expression to indicate that the train that you are going to ride is now in the train station. 1. My train is here. By referring to the train as "my train" does not literally mean that you own the train, it means that is the train that you will travel on out of the station. 2. My train has arrived. To arrive somewhere means to reach a place of destination, this statement means that the train has reached its place of destination in the train station until it leaves again.
上記どちらの表現でも、乗ろうとしている電車が到着したことを伝えられます。 1. My train is here.(私の乗る電車が到着しました) "my train"と言っていますが、これは自分の所有している電車という意味ではありません。自分の乗る予定の電車という意味です。 2. My train has arrived.(私の乗る電車が到着しました) "to arrive"は「目的地に到着する」という意味です。この文は、電車が駅の指定の場所に到着したという意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • This is my train so I need to go.

  • My train has arrived.

  • It's time for me to get on my train now that it is here.

This is my train so I need to go. My train has arrived. It's time for me to get on my train now that it is here. Here's my train, time to get on it. My train is just now pulling into the station. That's my train pulling into the station now.
This is my train so I need to go. 私の電車が来たので行かないといけません。  My train has arrived. 私の電車が来ました。 It's time for me to get on my train now that it is here. 電車に乗る時間です。 Here's my train, time to get on it. 私の電車です。乗る時間です。 My train is just now pulling into the station. 電車が来ました。 That's my train pulling into the station now. 電車が来ました。
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • My train's here

  • My train's just pulled into the station

"My train's here" A short abbreviation implying that the train you will catch/ride is here/at the station. "My trains just pulled into the station" For something to 'pull in' this is used when something i.e. a car,train,bike has arrived, in this context it has arrived at the train station.
"My train's here" 電車が来ました。 短い省略のところは、乗る予定の電車が駅に来たということです。   "My trains just pulled into the station" 電車がちょうど来ました。  'pull in'とは、車や電車、自転車が到着した、つまりこの場合は駅に電車が到着したということです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • The train that I am supposed to take has arrived.

"The train has arrived "と現在完了形を使えば、まさに到着した!という状況を表すことが出来ます。ご参考になさってくださいね。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • My train has arrived.

  • I'm must be off, my train has arrived

  • My train is here.

You might be in the middle of a conversation with someone when you realize your train has arrived and need to leave in order to catch it on time. If this is the case, you can say: "I don't mean to be rude, my train has arrived and I must go now." "I don't mean to cut our conversation short but my train has arrived, chat later!" I'm must be off: I must leave. Cut the conversation short: end it before it was complete
人と会話中に自分の電車が来てその場を離れないといけないということがあるかもしれません。 そんなときには、次のように言えます。 "I don't mean to be rude, my train has arrived and I must go now."(申し訳ありません。電車が来たので行かないといけません) "I don't mean to cut our conversation short but my train has arrived, chat later!"(申し訳ありません、電車が来たので。また後でお話ししましょう) I must be off: 行かないといけない Cut the conversation short: 途中で会話を終わらせる
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • The train that I am going to ride has come.

"The train that I need to board has arrived at the platform that will take me to my destination." Catching a train usually means that you have a predetermined destination that you are travelling too. This will also mean that there is a time table of times for when this specific train departs and also from which platform it will departs from. You will be able to explain this as this is how you are commuting to this specific place. Remember to be on time otherwise you can miss the train and this could cause you to be delayed in your journey.
"The train that I need to board has arrived at the platform that will take me to my destination." (目的地行きの、乗る電車がプラットフォームに到着した。) Catching a trainとは、たいていあらかじめ決まっている目的地に行くことを意味します。また、この特定の電車がいつ出発して、どこから出発するのかを示した時刻表のことも指します。  これで、どのように特定の場所まで行くのかということを説明することができます。時間通りに行動しないと、電車に乗り遅れ、旅行の行程が遅れてしまうことを念頭に置いておいてくださいね。
Roisin DMM英会話講師
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