「一番」-->"the most"
強調したい点は"is the most"や"sounds the most"というところです。
この場面で両方も正しいけど、”sounds the most"の方がもう少し使われている気がすします。ネイティブの知識で「経験と感覚も含めて」というニュアンスが入っていると思います。
Which of these sentences is the most natural-sounding?
「Which of these sentences is the most natural-sounding?」。
また、「which of these」を使うと、「この中のどれが?」に当たります。
Which sentence sounds the most natural?
Which sentence do you think is the most natural?
Which sentence sounds most natural to you as an English native speaker point of view?
また、as an English native speaker point of viewと入れることで
Which of the following sentences sounds most like what a native speaker would use?
"Following" will let your listener know that there is more than one sentence. "What a native speaker would use" is important because there is normally a difference between what is grammatically correct and how a native speaker would say something. I hope that this helps :)
"What a native speaker would use"(ネイティブスピーカーが使うもの)は重要です。というのは、普通、文法的に正しい言い方とネイティブスピーカーが使うものには違いがあるからです。
When you want to ask a native English speaker which sentence sounds the most natural, you can say:
"Which sentence sounds the most natural?"
"Which sentence sounds better?"
"Which sentence sounds the most natural?"(どの文が一番自然ですか)
"Which sentence sounds better?"(どちらの文がより自然ですか)
To a native English speaker, when there are several possible sentences, you want to ask which sentence sounds the most natural. Any of the above suggestions is appropriate for this case.
When learning a new language you will find there are many different ways to say the same thing. It is usual to want to know the best or most common way to say something. Therefore you would ask a native speaker from that country how they would say it. So you would ask the question, which is the best way to say this? That would be after offering some sentences that have a similar context.
例えば "Which is the best way to say this?"(どの言い方がベストですか)。これはいくつか似た意味の文を示した後に尋ねます。