太郎:もう、(残業で)3時間しか寝れないよ。二郎:しょうがないよ。元気出せよ、もうすぐ正月休みだぜ!=T:Oh no. I can't sleep only 3 hours(><)、I'm so sad. J:It's no use complaining of that. Taro cheer up. the holidays are just arround the corner! で可?
I’m only able to sleep 3 hours because of overtime.
Because of over working, I can only sleep 3 hours.
〜〜のせいで - because of〜〜
あなたのせいで - because of you
雨のせいで - because of the rain
残業 - overtime
残業のせいで - because of overtime, because of over working
しか寝れない - can only sleep
3時間 - 3 hours
3時間しか寝れない - can only sleep 3 hours