1.)I studied for 10 hours from 7am until 5pm every day for 2 years. (2年間毎日朝7時から夕方5時まで10時間勉強しました。) 「勉強しました」は英語でI studiedと訳せます。「10時間」は英語で10 hoursと訳せます。「朝7時から夕方5時まで」は英語でfrom 7am until 5pmと訳せます。amは英語で朝ということです。pmは英語で夕方か午後ということです。「2年間」は英語で2 yearsと訳せます。
When you add "straight" after the word "years," this helps to reinforce that for that entire two year period, you modeled this habit. I hope that this helps! :)
お役に立てば幸いです! :)
勉強 - study 過去形 - studied
2年間 - 2 years (もし2年間はメインポイントだったら2 whole yearsを使う)
毎日 - everyday
〜〜から〜〜まで - from 〜〜 until 〜〜
7時から5時 - from 7 till 5, from 7am till 5pm, from 7 to 5
朝7時から夕方5時まで - from 7am until 5pm
From 7 in the morning, until 5 in the evening
10時間 - 10 hours , for 10 hours
5時間寝ました - slept for 5 hours
2時間泣いた - cried for 2 hours
10時間勉強しました - studied for 10 hours
If you want to explain to someone how much you had studied, you can say:
"I studied for 10 hours every day for two years."
"I studied from 7AM to 5PM for two years."
"I studied for 10 hours every day for two years."(2年間毎日10時間勉強しました)
"I studied from 7AM to 5PM for two years."(2年間朝7時から夕方5時まで勉強しました)
When asked how long you studied for you can simply say how long so you would say 'i studied for 10 hours' you could also state the times you studied 'i studied from 7am to 5pm'
'every day for two years' tells the person you did this every day of the week for two years
どれくらい勉強したかを尋ねられたら、シンプルに'i studied for 10 hours' (10時間勉強した。)と言うことができます。また、'i studied from 7am to 5pm'(午前7時から午後5時まで勉強した。)と具体的な時間を伝えることもできます。
'every day for two years' は、2年間毎日という意味です。
"I studied for 10 hours each day, between 7am and 5pm. For 2 years!" Separating the "for 2 years" in a different sentence adds emphasis and expression to how dedicated you were to your study.
"I studied from 7am to 5pm, for a total of 10 hours a day for about 2 years." This sentence is simple and clear and tells your reader/listener exactly how long you studied for.
NB: you don't necessarily need to include the 10 hours and the 7am - 5pm time slot as this is a duplication of information. One or the other should be sufficient for this answer.
"I studied for 10 hours each day, between 7am and 5pm. For 2 years!"
"for 2 years"を別の文に分けたのは、強調するためです。
"I studied from 7am to 5pm, for a total of 10 hours a day for about 2 years."
注意: 重複になるので 10 hours とthe 7am - 5pmを両方伝える必要はありません。どちらか1つで十分でしょう。
When asked "How much did you study?". you want to say that you studied every day for 10 hours from 7AM to 5PM, for two years. The above example sentences are adequate. You may add 'nonstop' if you wish to really stress your dedication!
努力を強調したければ、'nonstop' を加えることもできます!
For two years I put in 10-hour days from 7 in the morning
until 5 in the evening.
Put in means spending a lot of time and great effort on an
I hit the books for two years straight by studying for 10 hours
daily from 7am until 5pm.
To hit the books means to study hard and two years straight
means that you studied uninterrupted without pause.
For two years I put in 10-hour days from 7 in the morning until 5 in the evening.
"Put in" は「〔時間や努力を〕つぎ込む」という意味です。
I hit the books for two years straight by studying for 10 hours daily from 7am until 5pm.
"Hit the books" は「一生懸命勉強する」という意味です。
"Two years straight" は2年間「休みなく」勉強を続けたことを表します。