世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




新入社員として会社に入社することになりました。 海外の方に挨拶する方法を教えてください。
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2016/03/31 08:27
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  • I've (only) just started working here.

  • I'm a newbie here.

  • I'm a rookie here.

ーI've (only) just started working here. 英訳1で、onlyと言った場合は、「働き[始めたばかり](でまだ何もわからず、[すみません](」といった気持を伝えることができます。 start = 始める、work = 働く ーI'm a newbie here. ーI'm a rookie here. 2・3のnewbie, rookieはどちらも「新人」という意味です。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • I just started working here.

  • I'm new at the company.

  • It's a pleasure to meet you. I've just joined the company and look forward to working with you.

働き[始めたばかり](ですと I just started working here I'm new at the company. I've just joined the company. ちゃんとした[挨拶](として言うなら前後に It's a pleasure to meet you.と〜and look forward to working with youを付け加える年前です。 例:It's a pleasure to meet you. I've just joined the company and look forward to working with you. 先に自分の手を出してhandshake挨拶をするのが礼儀です。
  • I've just started working here.

  • I'm a newcomer.

基本的には他のアンカーの方が回答されている通り現在完了形(継続)を使った1番で表現します。  2番目は「新しく来た人」という意味で結構使われています。 もちろん自分に使ってもいいし、例えば新人を連れて挨拶まわりをする際にも使えます。 お役に立てれば幸いです☆
  • I'm new here

  • I just started working here (time frame)

You can just tell them that you're new. And if you want to make a joke just "I'm the new kid" because it sounds like you're a new kid in a school. If you'd like to be more specific say when you started working there like "I just started working here this Monday, Last week, This month, etc."
Newだけでも十分ですよ。 I'm the new kid.と新入生とかけたジョークをいうこともできます。 いつから働き始めたのかを言うのもありです。 この月曜日から、先週から、今月から、など、何か特定しても良いですね。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • Hi, I'm new here.

  • Hi, today is my first day here.

  • Hi, I'm the new designer that started last week.

All the phrases clearly indicate that you are new at the company and that you only started recently. The last sentence indicates that you the new "designer" that everyone was expecting.
すべてのフレーズは、あなたが最近働き始めたことを明確に示しています。 最後の文は、あなたが期待していた新しい「designer」であることを示しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I am new here.

  • I just started working here.

You have just started a new job, you are meeting all of these new people, when introducing yourself you can let them know that you are new by using one of these two sentences. For example. Hello how are you? Good, and you? I am good. Have I seen you before? No, probably not, I am new here. Oh, well, welcome aboard. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Hi...I just started here. I'm Jack.

  • Hello, my name's Jack. This is my first week here.

It is great if you can tell the other person your name and the fact that you started with the company very recently. Other people may well ask you some questions about your background which could help you settle comfortably into your new position.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm new here.

  • I have only just started working here.

  • I'm the new kid on the block!

There are several ways to express that you have just started working somewhere. The choice of which sentence to use depends on the atmosphere of the work environment. For example, if you are talking to a senior member of staff, you will be more inclined to use "I have just started working here". On the other hand, if the atmosphere is more relaxed and friendly, you can say that you are the 'new kid on the block'.
あなたが仕事を始めたばかりと言う事を言い表すには沢山の表現があります。 どの表現を使うかは、どのような職場環境かによります。 例えば、目上の人に話しかける場合 "I have just started working here"(ここで働き始めたばかりです)と言う表現を使うといいでしょう。 その一方で、もう少しフレンドリーでリラックスした雰囲気の場合'new kid on the block'(新入り)と言う表現を使うことが出来ます。
Amy S DMM英会話講師
  • I just started working here.

  • I'm new here.

I just started working here. ここで働き始めたばかりです。 I'm new here. 私はまだ新人です。 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 start working で「働き始める」となり、just started working で「働き始めたばかり」です。 お役に立てればうれしいです。
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