世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/19 18:55
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  • We are off the topic.

  • get off track

Sorry, I got off track. [ごめん](、話それちゃった。 We're getting off track. 話それてるね。 track は電車等の「レール」とか、単純に「[道](」とかの意味の単語です。話が track から外れた(脱線する)という意味ですね!
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Hold on, let me go back for a moment.

  • Let me get my on track.

It is okay to say "hold on" or "excuse me" to go back on your conversation.
話を戻す時には "hold on" や "excuse me" と言えます。
Dao DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry we have gone off topic now.

  • Let's get back on track.

"sorry" is your apology. "gone off topic" means to go astray or start talking about something else. You can also say"we have digressed." "Let's get back on track." means lets get back to the topic.
"sorryは、申し訳ないと謝罪しています。 gone off topicは、話が脱線したり、何か他のことを話し始めたりすることです。 we have digressed.とも言うことができます。 Let's get back on track.は本題に戻りましょうという意味です。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, I've deviated from the matter in hand.

  • Sorry, I got sidetracked.

  • Sorry, I've been pulled off course a little.

Matter in hand = the main topic being considered To deviate = to move off the desired trajectory Sidetracked = to move off the main line (the analogy is with a railway line). 'Sorry, I've been pulled off course a little' would be used in the case where other members of the group perhaps have asked questions not entirely related to the main to the main topic.
Matter in hand = 話しているトピック、話題。 To deviate = 逸れる(目的や主題から) Sidetracked =メインラインから外れる(鉄道用語からきた言葉)。 一緒にいるメンバーの話題と関連していない質問をしてしまった時に、'Sorry, I've been pulled off course a little' ということもできます。 主な話題。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Whoops, I'm wandering from the subject again!

  • Where were we?

よくありますね…笑 そんな時は Where were we? 「何の話だったっけ?」 と言って話を戻します。
  • Lets get back to the matter at hand.

  • That's besides the point.

The first phrase is something you can say to someone you are talking to to help get the conversation back to the original topic. "Let's get back to the matter at hand" means we should talk about the original point of this conversation. "That's besides the point" is something you can say if you have ellaborated on something that doesn't have a lot to do with the original topic. You can say this phrase, then continue straight on with your next point regarding what you were supposed to be talking about. I hope this helps.
1つ目のフレーズは、会話を元のトピックに戻そうとしているときに言うことができます。 "Let's get back to the matter at hand." は、会話のもともとの話題に戻りましょう、という意味です。 "That's besides the point" は、元のトピックから話題がそれてしまったときに言うことができます。 このフレーズを使って、元々の話していた話題にの戻ることができます。 参考になれば幸いです。
Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • I have gone a little bit off tangentMy point is/was...

  • To get back to our original topic...

  • Forgive me ,I digress...

"I have gone a little bit off tangent.My point is/was..." to go off tangent = to suddenly start talking or thinking about a completely new subject.You can first acknowledge your going off-topic and then summarize what you were trying to say. "To get back to our original topic..." W e usually say this when we are about to get back to the central topic. "Forgive me ,I digress..." To digress is to temporarily leave the main topic of conversation to talk about something else.
①"I have gone a little bit off tangent.My point is/was..." 話が少し逸れてしまった。要するに、こういうことです…  To go off tangentは、本題から外れること。先ず、本題から外れてしまったことを認識し、話そうと思っていたことについてまとめる。 ②"To get back to our original topic..." 最初のトピックに戻ると…”  本題に戻るときに使います。 ③"Forgive me ,I digress..." すみません、本題から離れます…  To digressは、一時的に本題から離れ、他の話題について話すこと。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • "Sorry I have appeared to have lost my train of thought"

  • "We have gotten off track"

  • "Let's get back on track"

If you were in the middle of an important conversation and you have realized that you have gotten off track, you could say any of the following: "Sorry I have appeared to have lost my train of thought", "We have gotten off track" or "Let's get back on track".
大事な話の途中で、話が脱線してしまったときには、次のように言えます。 "Sorry I have appeared to have lost my train of thought"(すみません、話がそれてしまいましたね) "We have gotten off track"(話がそれてしまいましたね) "Let's get back on track"(本題に戻りましょう)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry we seemed to get off track.

  • I apologize we seemed to get off topic.

  • We seemed to get off topic.

These are different ways to say got off track or off topic. It is easy to get off topic when holding a conversation with someone or even in a group, in order to get back on track without offending anyone here are a few sentences you can use, and also how to get back on track once you pointed out that you went off track. I'm sorry we got off topic, but as I was saying before we really need to focus on the project. We got a little of track, but let's go back to the topic we were discussing before. Oh no, the time is almost up and we seemed to get off track, do you mind getting back to what we were doing before.
「話がそれてしまった」と伝える言い方です。 話が本題からそれてしまうことは時々ありますね。「話がそれてしまった」と伝えた後、会話を本題に戻すときには次のような表現が使えます。 I'm sorry we got off topic, but as I was saying before we really need to focus on the project.(話がそれてしまいましたね。プロジェクトのことに集中しないといけません) We got a little of track, but let's go back to the topic we were discussing before.(少し話がそれていますね。本題に戻しましょう) Oh no, the time is almost up and we seemed to get off track, do you mind getting back to what we were doing before.(もうすぐ時間ですね、話がそれてしまいました。本題に戻しましょう) どれも、丁寧に伝えています。
Berta DMM英会話講師
  • I digress...

  • I'm sorry to get off-topic, but as we were saying...

When you are in the middle of an important conversation but realize that you have gotten off track; to get back to your original track and/or indicate that you have gotten off track, you can use the following phrases: -I digress... -Sorry to get off-topic, but as we were saying... You may use the above in a sentence in the following ways: -Yes, it is a beautiful sentiment but I digress. Back to my point about the issue of immigration in America... -I'm sorry to get off-topic, but as we were saying about how bad things are in America...
大事な会話の途中、話がそれてしまったときは、次のように言って話を元に戻すことができます。 -I digress...(話がそれましたね) -Sorry to get off-topic, but as we were saying...(申し訳ありません、話がそれてしまいました。しかし...) これらの表現は文の中では次のように使うことができます。 -Yes, it is a beautiful sentiment but I digress. Back to my point about the issue of immigration in America... (はい、美しい感情ですね。話がそれてしまいました。アメリカの移民問題に話を戻すと...) -I'm sorry to get off-topic, but as we were saying about how bad things are in America...(申し訳ありません、話がそれました。アメリカの現状についてですが...)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, but can we get back on track.

  • Let's get back to our original point for a second.

  • We can return to this issue later, firstly let's get back to where we started.

Sorry, but can we get back on track. Let's get back to our original point for a second. We can return to this issue later, firstly let's get back to where we started. Looking at the three I would say the first it more direct, despite the fact that it starts with sorry. If you want to go for the most polite, I would say go for the third option. However, the choice is yours to make. I hope it helps. Have a great day. Will
Sorry, but can we get back on track.(すみませんが、話を本題に戻してもいいですか) Let's get back to our original point for a second.(いったん話を本題に戻しましょう) We can return to this issue later, firstly let's get back to where we started.(これについてはまた後で話しましょう。まずは本題です) 三つ例をご紹介しました。一つ目の例は 'Sorry' で始めていますが、実はこれが最も直接的です。丁寧に言いたいなら、三つ目の例がいいと思います。ただ、決めるのはあなたです。 参考になれば幸いです。 良い一日を。 ウィル
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, I got a little sidetracked.

If you "get sidetracked," it means that you strayed from the main idea. It's always a good idea, especially in an important conversation, to apologize for doing so. I hope that this helps. :)
"get sidetracked" は「脇道にそれる」という意味です。大事な会話で話が脇道にそれたときには、謝っておいた方がいいでしょう。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I have gone off an a tangent

  • I have strayed from our conversation

  • How did we start talking about this!?

During a conversation, we can find ourselves straying to talk about somthing that was not what we originally intended to talk about, when this happens, we can describe this in a number of ways:- # Here are some ways that we can express this:- 1. I have gone off on a tangent. (A tangent is a completely different line of thought or action) This is an informal expression often used by native English speakers, when they have strayed from the original topic in a conversation and started talking about something entirely different. 2. I have strayed from our conversation (To stray means to move away from the right course of action) 3. How did we start talking about this?
会話の途中で、元々話していたことから話がそれる場合があります。そのようなときは、以下のように言うことができます。   1. I have gone off on a tangent. (tangentとは、全く異なる考えか行動のことです。) (話を脱線してしまった。) これは、カジュアルなフレーズで、ある会話のトピックからそれて、別の話を始めたときに使うことができます。   2. I have strayed from our conversation (To stray は、あるところからそれる、動くという意味です。) (話がそれてしまった。) 3. How did we start talking about this? (どこからこんな話になったっけ?)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
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