Put the certificate of the student in the envelope and place it in the mailbox of each department
「部署毎に受講者の証書を封筒に入れ各部署のメール箱に入れる」は英語では「Put the certificate of the student in the envelope and place it in the mailbox of each department」になります。
「部署毎の(1名から複数名)受講者の証書を封筒にまとめ入れて各部署のピジョンボックスに入れておく」は「Put the certificate of the student (1 to several people) for each department into the envelope and put it in the Pigeon box of each department」になります。
Put all the certificates for participants from one department in an envelop and put the envelopes in the mail box for each department.
証書は certificate
受講者は participants
Put all the certificates 「全ての証書を」
for participants from one department 「あるひとつの分署の受講者の」
in an envelop 「封筒に入れ」
Put all the certificates for participants from one department in an envelop
and put the envelopes in the mail box for each department.