世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/02 01:06
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  • If there's anything that catches your attention, please let me know, even if it means interrupting.

  • You can interrupt me to correct anything you notice.

  • Please interrupt me at any time to correct my mistakes.

こんにちは! If there's anything that catches your attention, please let me know, even if it means interrupting. 何か気になったことがあったら、私の話をさえぎっても良いので教えてください。 You can interrupt me to correct anything you notice. 何か気づいたことを指摘するために私の話をさえぎっていただいて結構です。 上記のような言い方ができます! 「さえぎる」は interrupt で、「指摘する」は let one know(教える)や correct(なおす)などが使えます。これらだけ覚えておけばご自身でも英文を作りやすいと思います! 例:Please interrupt me at any time to correct my mistakes. 私の間違いをなおすためにいつでも話をさえぎってください。 参考になれば幸いです!
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Could you please correct me as soon as I make a mistake.

*Could you please correct me as soon as I make a mistake. as soon as means that you want to be corrected when you make the mistake even when you are still talking. You can also ask the teacher to write down in the chat box for you so that you can also practice after the lesson.
*Could you please correct me as soon as I make a mistake. as soon asは、あなたがまだ話していたとしても、間違えた時には直して欲しいということを意味しています。 レッスンの後に練習ができるように、先生にチャットボックスに書いてもらうように頼むこともできます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Please interrupt me if I make a mistake

  • Please pull me up immediately if I make a mistake

If you wish to know immediately every time you make an error of any kind, then you may request that the teacher interrupts you, for example, if you are reading, and then explains what the mistake was. To pull someone up means to cause someone to stop or pause the activity that they are engaged in: "The shock of his words pulled her up short."
例えば音読をしているときなど、間違った時すぐに教えてもらいたければ、"interrupt"してくださいと先生に頼むといいですよ。 そしてなにが間違いだったか説明してもらうようにお願いします。 pull somone upとは、行っている活動を止めたり一時停止したりすることを意味します。 The shock of his words pulled her up short. 彼の言葉がショックだったので、彼女は突然固まってしまいました。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please correct any mistakes as I make them.

  • I don't mind being interrupted, as I would like to be corrected as I make the mistake.

  • Please let me know straight away if I make a mistake, even if it means interrupting me.

If you wanted your teacher or tutor to stop you straight away and to correct you when you make a mistake, you could use any of the above mentioned examples. It's good to let them know you would like to be corrected immediately or else most people would wait until you are done, as it can be considered rude to interrupt unless given permission to do so.
先生や講師にミスをしたらすぐに指摘してもらいたいなら、上記の例が使えます。 すぐに指摘して欲しいと知らせるのはいいことだと思います。でないと、ほとんどの先生は話を遮るのは失礼だと思って終わるのを待ってから指摘すると思います。
Lizzy S DMM英会話講師
  • You are welcome to correct me when I make mistakes in class, even if it means interrupting me.

  • Please correct my mistakes during the lesson

When you want to ask your teacher to correct all your mistakes during the lesson even if it means interrupting you; then you may ask in the following ways: -You are welcome to correct me when I make mistakes in class, even if it means interrupting me. -Please correct my mistakes during the lesson
レッスン中、話を遮ることになっても間違いを指摘して欲しいと先生にお願いしたいなら、次のように言えます。 -You are welcome to correct me when I make mistakes in class, even if it means interrupting me. (レッスン中、話を遮ることになっても間違いを指摘してください) -Please correct my mistakes during the lesson (レッスン中私の間違いを指摘してください)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please correct me if I make a mistake?

  • Feel free to interrupt me

"Feel free" is a way of letting someone know that they should not hesitate in their actions, it is a way of inviting your teacher to correct you even if this means interrupting.
"Feel free" は「遠慮しないで~してください」という意味です。たとえ話を遮ることになっても間違いを指摘して欲しいことを伝える言い方です。
Chinique DMM英会話講師
  • If I make a mistake will you point it out immediately, even if you have to interrupt me.

  • If I make a mistake, please stop and point it out right away.

  • Please stop me immediately when I make a mistake and point it out.

All of these sentences are compound sentences that combine the idea of pointing out a mistake and it's OK to interrupt me. I'd make use of the phrase "right away" and the word "immediately". In common usage, these are the same and mean that somthing should happen very quickly.
これらの文は全て、重文になっています。間違いを指摘して欲しいということと、話を遮っても構わないということ、これらを一つの文で表しています。 私なら "right away" というフレーズと "immediately" という語を活用します。これらは一般的には同じ意味で使われます。「すぐさま/直ちに」という意味です。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
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