It's not the correct recipe, but if you think of it as B-level gourmet food, it's good for what it is.
The recipe isn't authentic, but in terms of B-grade gourmet food, it's pretty good.
1. "It's not the authentic recipe, but if you think of it as a kind of B-class gourmet, it's actually quite good."
2. "The decor isn't fancy, but if you think of it as a casual dining spot, it's really nice."
3. "The movie isn't a masterpiece, but if you think of it as a fun action flick, it's really entertaining."
- authentic: 本物の、正真正銘の
- recipe: レシピ、調理法
- B-class gourmet: B級グルメ
- casual dining spot: カジュアルな食事場所
- masterpiece: 名作、傑作
- entertaining: 楽しい、面白い