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徹夜ってオールナイトでよいのでしょうか? 徹夜で勉強とかカラオケとかして、徹夜明けで眠いとかといいたい。
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2016/04/02 23:58
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  • I stayed up all night.

「徹夜する」は to stay up all night という表現が使えます。 I'm so tired. I stayed up all night studying last night. (すごい眠い。昨日徹夜で勉強してたんだ。)
  • All nighter

All night オールナイトとも言いますが、スラングで All nighter 徹夜 I did an all nighter yesterday 昨日オールしちゃった ちなみに野球のナイターは和製英語です。(*´ω`)
ALPHA English 英会話カフェ
  • I pulled an all nighter.

  • I stayed up all night.

1.I pulled an all nighter. - This means you did an event that required you to be up the whole night. This includes studying or going out. 2. I stayed up all night means you did not sleep the whole night because you were doing something. For example studying. You can say "I stayed up all night studying"
1.I pulled an all nighter.- これは、一夜中起きてやらなければいけない何かをやっていた、という意味になります。勉強にも外出にも使われます。 2. I stayed up all night とは、何かをしていて一夜中寝ていない、という意味になります。例えば、勉強であればこういえます。 例 "I stayed up all night studying" 勉強で徹夜した。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I stayed up all night

  • I pulled an all nighter.

Anyone of these sentences can be used. 1. Stayed up all night. This means that the person did not sleep during the night. 2. I pulled an all nighter. This is another way of saying that you stayed up all night.
これらの文章のどれでも使うことができます。 1. Stayed up all night.これは、 夜寝なかったということを意味します。 2. I pulled an all nighter. 徹夜をするという他の言い方です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I stayed up all night.

  • I pulled an all nighter.

  • I stayed up the whole night.

The most convenient phrases for staying up the whole night are: I stayed up all night. To stay up - to stay awake, to stay alert through the night. I pulled an all nighter. To pull an all nighter is a slang expression that means to stay up the whole night. To pull - to do I hope that helps!
一晩中起きていることを表すのにいちばん便利なフレーズはこれらです。 I stayed up all night. stay up - 起きていること、夜の間油断せず起きていること I pulled an all nighter. pull an all nighter は徹夜することを意味するスラングです。 pull - 〜をする 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I stayed out all night at Mike's party

  • I was out on the town until dawn

  • We went to a party last night and had breakfast on the way home

When you go out for the evening and don't return until the next morning, there may be a number of reasons. If you stay out partying or dancing or drinking with friends then this is called an 'all nighter.' "What did you do last night?" "We went to a party last night and had breakfast on the way home" "Wow, an all nighter!" "Yes. We were out on the town till dawn" "You must be tired!" "Yes, just a bit."
外に出かけて次の日の朝まで帰ってこない色んな理由が考えられますが、友達とのんでいたりダンスをしていた場合でも、all nighterという言葉は使われます。 会話例 ”What did you do last night?" 昨夜何をしてたの? "We went to a party last night and had breakfast on the way home" 昨夜はパーティをして、家に帰る途中に朝ごはんを食べたんだ。 "Wow, an all nighter!" わーお、徹夜したんだ。 "Yes. We were out on the town till dawn" ああ、街に夜明けまでいたんだ。 "You must be tired!" 間違いなく疲れてるでしょうね。 "Yes, just a bit." ああ、ちょっとね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I pulled an all-nighter

  • I stayed awake till the next morning.

Right now, this is the first thing that comes to mind. I believe it is the most common expression used for purposefully staying awake through the night. The actions performed during the night is irrelevant, as "all nighter" simply refers to staying awake.
現時点では、これが頭に浮かんだ言葉です。 これが徹夜を表すもっとも一般的な表現だと思います。 どんなことをしていたかは関係なく、一夜中起きていた、という表現になります。
Roscoe DMM英会話講師
  • I just pulled an all nighter.

  • I've been on it all night.

  • I've been up all night.

I just pulled an all nighter. States that you have been up all night. I've been on it all night. (common) The question is, "on what?" (you could have been partying, drinking, studying, working etc. I've been up all night. States that you have been up all night, normally followed by "I am going to bed now" or something similar.
I just pulled an all nighter. States that you have been up all night. I've been on it all night. (common) ここでは、何で徹夜したのかです。 on以下で説明できますpartying/drinking/studyingなどなど。 I've been up all night. 徹夜を表します。 この後、このように続きます。 "I am going to bed now"
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • I was up all night!

  • The party was insane...I was up all night long ;-))

An" all nighter" is of course, that rare occasion where we do NOT go to bed! We are "up all night" ...Usually having a great time...till dawn! However it could also mean " A late shift at work" and overtime ;-D Its all about..."The Context."
"all nighter"(一晩中続くもの/徹夜)とは、もちろん滅多にあることではない眠らないという事です! 私たちは "up all night"(徹夜する)と言う事です。 大抵楽しい時間を夜明けまでです! ですが、これはまた "A late shift at work"(夜勤シフトや"overtime"(超過勤務)と言う意味にもなります ;-D これは全て"The Context"(内容)によります。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I have pulled an all nighter.

  • I didn't sleep at all last night.

  • I have been up all night.

You are still at work, and all of your colleagues begin to pour in and they wonder why you are still there, then you can say one of these three sentences. For example. Good morning. What are you doing here so early? I have been up all night working. You need to get some rest. Later. No, now. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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