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People laugh when they are relieved from tension.
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2019/01/02 19:58
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  • People laugh when they are relieved from stress

  • People laugh when they are relieved from anxiety

  • People laugh when they are relieved from tension

文章が大変よく出来てます。 細かく言うとすればこの場合 tension よりは stress や anxiety の方がよく使われてることぐらいでしょうか。
  • When someone's stress is relieved, they tend to laugh.

If you use "someone" it means that you are talking about anyone. Also "tend to" means "something people normally do." I hope that this helps! :)
"someone"は、あらゆる人を表します。また、"tend to"は人が大抵の場合することを表します。 参考になれば幸いです!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • When you laugh it helps to relieve tension.

  • Laughing helps to relieve tension and stress.

Laughing is a good method to help relieve tension and stress.
Claire Gi DMM英会話講師
  • "When people are relieved from nervousness/stress, they laugh. "

  • "Laughing helps to relieve tension and stress"

If you want to explain that when people are relieved from nervousness or stress, they can tend to laugh, you can simply state the following: "When people are relieved from nervousness/stress, they laugh" or "Laughing helps to relieve tension and stress". Both these sentences help explain how and why this happens.
人は緊張やストレスから解放されると笑うことが多いと説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 "When people are relieved from nervousness/stress, they laugh"(緊張/ストレスから解放されたとき、人は笑います) "Laughing helps to relieve tension and stress"(笑うことは緊張やストレスを和らげます) どちらの文も、これがどのようにそしてなぜ起こるのか説明しています。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • People tend to laugh when they feel relieved of stress or anxiety.

  • Laughter releives stress

You may use this statement:- 1.People tend to laugh when they feel relieved of stress or anxiety. 2. Laughter releives stress. Laughing is a good way to relieve onself of stress or anxiety. We all love to laugh but laughter has some important benefits, it can also relieve us of stress, anxiety and even pain.
次のように言えます。 1.People tend to laugh when they feel relieved of stress or anxiety.(人は不安やストレスから解放されると笑う傾向があります) 2. Laughter releives stress.(笑うことはストレスを和らげます) 笑うことは不安やストレスを解きほぐす効果があります。みんな笑うことが大好きですが、笑うことには大きなメリットもあります。笑うことはストレスや不安、それに苦痛を和らげてくれます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • People generally laugh more when relaxed

  • Relaxed is the opposite of being tense and this is when people laugh more

When you are free from tension, in other words, you are relaxed, you are much more likely to laugh. But also it is a very interesting phenomenon that when you laugh you immediately release tension. In other words the best medicine for anxiety is laughter!
緊張から解き放たれているとき、つまり、リラックスしているときは、そうでないときよりもはるかに笑顔になることが多いですね。 ただ、面白いのは、笑うことによって緊張が和らぐということです。 言い換えれば、不安に最も良く効く薬は笑いである!
Franji DMM英会話講師
  • When the tension has passed, we tend to laugh.

  • When the stress is gone, we like to laugh.

  • When the stress has passed, we tend to laugh.

1) When the tension has passed, we tend to laugh. A clear way of explaining, that after a moment of stress and high tension has passed, we may have a little laugh after as a bodies natural response. 2) When the stress is gone, we like to laugh. This describes that our bodies natural response after a stressful moment, might be to laugh as a way of release.
1) When the tension has passed, we tend to laugh.(緊張から解放されると、人は笑うことが多い) これは分かりやすい言い方です。「人はストレスや緊張から解放されると無意識のうちに笑うことがある」と説明しています。 2) When the stress is gone, we like to laugh.(ストレスから解放されると、人は笑うことが多い) 「人はストレスから解放されると無意識のうちに笑うことがある」と説明しています。
Anastasia DMM英会話講師
  • It's a nervous reaction to laugh after a stressful situation has passed

  • Laughing may be an automatic response to the passing of a moment of tension

You would like to explain how, when people are relieved from nervousness/stress, they laugh. Any of the above sentences is great for that kind of situation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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