世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/01/05 11:54
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  • I don't think I'll be able to speak German by the time I graduate.

  • I feel like I won't make it to the level of fluently speaking German by the time I graduate.

I don't think I'll be able to speak German by the time I graduate. "卒業までにドイツ語を話せるようにはなっていないと思う" という意味です. 卒業までに:by the time I graduate. ドイツ語を話せるように able to speak German. はなっていないと思う:I don't think I'll... I feel like I won't make it to the level of fluently speaking German by the time I graduate. "卒業するまでにドイツ語をペラペラ話せるレベルまでは行かない気がします" という意味です.
  • I am not sure if I will be able to speak German before graduation.

  • I do not anticpate that I will be able to speak German fluently before I graduate from my course.

  • I canot see me speaking German confidently before I graduate.

There are three parts to this statement. The first being that there is a lack of confidence in a certain aspect of ability. This being the ability to speak a foreign language. The examples are " I am not sure," "I do not anticipate," and "I cannot see me." The second part is saying what it is that you have a negative opinion of. In this case it is ones ability to speak German. Finally the last part of the statement is a time frame. And in this case it is before the person graduates.
この発言には三つのパートがあります。 一つ目は、ある特定の能力について自信がないということ。この場合は、外国語を話す能力です。例文の "I am not sure" "I do not anticipate" "I cannot see me" の部分です。 二つ目のパートは、何について自信がないのかということ。この場合はドイツ語を話す能力です。 最後のパートは時間枠です。この場合は、話し手が卒業する前、です。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • To speak fluently by the time I graduate is a difficult challenge.

  • To be able to speak fluent German by the time I graduate, will be difficult.

It is not enough time to be able to speak fluently by the time you graduate.
Claire Gi DMM英会話講師
  • I don't think that I'll be fluent in German when I graduate.

"To be fluent" is to have a high intermediate or advanced level understanding of the four language learning skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. We frequently use this term to talk about language capacity in American English. I hope that this helps! :)
"To be fluent" とは、リーディング・ライティング・リスニング・スピーキングの四つのスキルにおいて中上級あるいは上級レベルであることをいいます。 アメリカ英語では、この単語は言語能力を表すときによく使われます。 参考になれば幸いです! :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not confident i will be able to speak German fluently by the time i graduate.

To say "I'm not confident" This would be mean your unsure and don't think you will be able to speak German fluently by the time you graduate.
"I'm not confident" は、卒業までにドイツ語が話せるようになる「自信がない」という意味です。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • "I don't think I'll be able to speak German fluently by the time I graduate, but I do think it will be to a very high level."

To speak any language other than your mother tongue at a fluent level is to reach an advanced and native-level of speaking in your language studies. The fuller explanation above will tell the person you are talking to, that you don't think that you will speak German at a fluent level once you graduate. Also, by adding "but I do think it will be to a very high level," you are indicating that your German speaking skills will be at a very proficient level when you graduate.
「外国語を "fluently"(流ちょう)に話す」というのは、ネイティブレベルに到達することをいいます。 上記はより完全な説明です。まず、「卒業するとき、"fluently"(流ちょう)にはなっていないと思う」。それから "but I do think it will be to a very high level" を加えて「卒業するとき、非常に高いレベルには達していると思う」と伝えています。
Stephen P DMM英会話講師
  • I don't think I will be able to speak fluent German before I graduate.

To be fluent in a language means you are able to speak a language, other than your Mother tongue, very easily and confidently. I often think a good definition of fluent is when you can speak a language so well you can convey your sense of humour. Therefore as most people graduate when they are still young, generally they have not yet built the confidence to speak a language fluently. It requires experience and time which comes perhaps a few years after graduation if you get more chances to travel to the country where that language is spoken.
"fluent"(流ちょうな)は、母語以外の言語を自信を持ってスラスラと話すことができることをいいます。 個人的に "fluent" のすごくいい定義だなと思うのが、「その言語を冗談を言えるぐらい上手に話せること」です。 たいていの人は学校を卒業するときまだ年齢が若いですね、"fluent"(流ちょう)に話せるだけの自信がついていないことが多いと思います。これには経験と時間が必要です。卒業してその言語を話す国に行く機会が増えれば、もしかすると数年でその日がやって来るかもしれません。
Franji DMM英会話講師
  • I think that speaking German by the time I graduate is not achievable

  • My hopes of speaking German by the end of the course, I realise, are not realistic

You are studying German right now at school. You might be able to read and write by the time you graduate, but you don't think you will be able to speak fluently in German. You want to explain that you don't think you'll be able to speak German by the time you graduate?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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