世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/01/10 11:11
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  • My classmate asked if he could copy my answers.

When someone asks to "cheat" they are not often asking to cheat. The words that they would use are "copy" or to "see" your work so that they will be able to cheat. In a sentence one would say, he asked me to let him copy my answers.
カンニングを頼むときには、"cheat"はあまり使われません。 カンニングができるように、"copy"(丸写しする)や "see"(見る)が使われます。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • My classmate asked me to let him/her cheat off of me

  • My classmate asked me to let him/her cheat off of my test

答案用紙・テストを見せてあげる To let someone cheat off of you/your test 女性のクラスメートなら、herを使って、男性ならheを使いますね。 He asked me to let him~ ~させてくれと頼まれた ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • My classmate wanted to cheat off of my answers. I told him no.

  • I was surprised when my classmate asked to cheat off of my answers during the test.

  • Don't sit next to that person. He likes to cheat off of people next to him.

My classmate wanted to cheat off of my answers. I told him no. I was surprised when my classmate asked to cheat off of my answers during the test. Don't sit next to that person. He likes to cheat off of people next to him. I was asked by someone to let them cheat off of my answers during the test.
My classmate wanted to cheat off of my answers. I told him no.(クラスメートが答案用紙を見せてくれと頼んできました。私は断りました) I was surprised when my classmate asked to cheat off of my answers during the test.(テスト中、クラスメートが答案用紙を見せて欲しいと頼んできてビックリしました) Don't sit next to that person. He likes to cheat off of people next to him.(あの人の隣に座っちゃダメだよ。すぐ、隣の人のカンニングをしようとするから) I was asked by someone to let them cheat off of my answers during the test.(テスト中にある人に答案用紙を見せて欲しいと頼まれました)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • My classmate asked me to help him/her cheat.

  • She wanted to cheat off of me.

  • She asked for the answers to the test.

You could also state that your classmate asked to look at your test during the exam. "She asked to see my answers" or "He asked if I would give him the answers." Your classmate could also state that he or she has asked you to copy the answers you had written on your test.
クラスメートが試験中にテストを見せて欲しいと頼んできたと言うこともできます。 "She asked to see my answers"(彼女が答えを見せて欲しいと頼んできた) または、 "He asked if I would give him the answers."(彼が答えを見せて欲しいと頼んできた) そのクラスメートは「テストの答えを写すように頼んだ」と言えるでしょう。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • He asked if he could cheat from me.

  • He asked if he could copy my test.

  • He wanted to look at my answers, so he could cheat.

A way of cheating in a test or exam is to copy someone else's work. You can say that your classmate was trying to cheat by copying the answers that you had written down.
カンニング(cheating)の方法の一つに、人の答えを 'copy'(写す/コピーする)ことがあります。 ですから、'He asked if he could copy my test.'(彼が私の答えを見せてほしいと言ってきた)のように言えます。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • He asked me to copy my answers.

  • He asked me to let him cheat.

  • He asked me to show him my answers during the test.

If your classmate wants you to be dishonest, and allow him to copy your answers during a test, you should never agree to this, as this could get both you and your classmate in trouble. If this happens, it is best to bring this to the attention of the teachers. Such a situation can be expressed as :- 1. He asked me to copy my answers. 2. He asked me to let him cheat. 3.He asked me to show him my answers during the test.
テスト中クラスメートに答えを写させて欲しいとお願いされても、それには絶対に応じるべきではありません。そのクラスメートだけでなく許した本人もトラブルに巻き込まれることになります。このようなことがあったら、先生に伝えるのが一番です。 そのような状況は次のように表せます。 1. He asked me to copy my answers.(彼に答えを写させて欲しいと頼まれました) 2. He asked me to let him cheat.(彼にカンニングさせて欲しいと頼まれました) 3. He asked me to show him my answers during the test.(彼にテスト中、答えを見せて欲しいと頼まれました)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • He/She is trying to copy my answers.

When someone is trying to copy you it means they want to make it identical to yours.
to copy something' は「~をまねする/コピーする」という意味です。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • He/She asked me to help him/her cheat

  • He/She wanted me to give him/her the answers to the test.

  • He/She wanted to copy off my test.

He/She asked me to help him/her cheat - This sentence expresses the idea that someone wanted you to help them cheat He/She wanted me to give him/her the answers to the test. - This sentence expresses the idea that someone wanted you to provide them with the answers to the test. He/She wanted to copy off my test. - This sentence expresses the idea that someone wanted to write your answers on their test.
He/She asked me to help him/her cheat(彼/彼女にカンニングをさせてほしいと頼まれた) この文では「カンニングをさせてほしいと頼まれた」と伝えています。 He/She wanted me to give him/her the answers to the test.(彼/彼女にテストの答えを教えてほしいと頼まれた) この文では「テストの答えを教えてほしいと頼まれた」と伝えています。 He/She wanted to copy off my test.(彼/彼女にカンニングをさせてほしいと頼まれた) この文では「カンニングをさせてほしいと頼まれた」と伝えています。
Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • In the test, my classmate wanted me to show her my answers

  • My buddy at school asked me to let her cheat off me during the test

During a test at school, your classmate who sits next to you, asked you to let her cheat off you. You would like to explain that situation. There are a couple of siggestions above.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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