世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/01/10 14:47
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  • each to their own

「人それぞれ」は each to their own と言います。 each to his/her own と言う人もいます。 例)People all think differently, each to their own. 「みんな人それぞれ違う考えを持っている。」 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • Everyone has their own way of thinking

  • Each to thier own

Everyone has different thoughts and feelings about something this is called 'thinking' (to think of something) you can say 'everyone has their own thinking' a common phrase to express this is 'each to their own'
物事の感じ方や捉え方は人それぞれです。これは 'thinking'(考え)といいます。 例えば、 'everyone has their own thinking'(考え方は人それぞれ) と言えます。 'each to their own'(人それぞれ好みがある)は、この意味の一般的なフレーズです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • People are a dime a dozen

  • Different Strokes for different folks

People are a dime a dozen 人をお金に例えると: 12人揃えても皆それぞれ違う Different Strokes for different folks 皆のやり方がそれぞれ違います
  • Each to their own

  • Different strokes for different folks

"Each to their own" and "Different strokes for different folks" A very well known and used terms describing that everyone is different and think in different ways, these phrases are usually said after seeing/hearing something a little bit out of the ordinary, or referring to some who is maybe a little bit different. 'strokes' is referred to the action taken that the individual had done. 'Folks' is referred to the individual, and old term used to describe someone/people.
"Each to their own"(十人十色)と、 "Different strokes for different folks"(十人十色) どちらも、人それぞれ考え方が違うことを表す一般的な表現です。これらのフレーズはたいてい、少し普通と違うなと思うことがあったときや、あるいは、少し変わっているなと思う人について使われます。 'Strokes' は、その人のした「行動」を指します。 'Folks' はその「人」を指します。'Folks' は「人」という意味の古い言葉です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Every person has their own way of thinking

  • Everyone has their own way of thinking.

When you want to express that each person has their own way of thinking; you may express this in the following ways: -Every person has their own way of thinking -Everyone has their own way of thinking.
「人それぞれ考え方は違う」は、次のように言えます。 -Every person has their own way of thinking(人それぞれ考え方は違います) -Everyone has their own way of thinking.(人それぞれ考え方は違います)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Everyone is entitled to their own opinion

  • What is one person's logic may not be someone else's

  • To each his own

People all have their own ways of thinking. If you want to explain that "everyone is different" you can try one of the above suggestions. The correct alternative expression is: 'To each his own'. Regardless of gender, this is the original expression. There are songs and movies using this phrase which dates back hundreds of years. It should not be adjusted!
みんな人それぞれ違う考えを持っています。「みんな人それぞれ違う」ことを説明したいなら、上記の例の一つが使えます。 'To each his own' も正しい言い方です。性別に関係なく、これがオリジナルの表現です。このフレーズを使った歌や映画もあります。その起源は数百年前にさかのぼります。これに手を加えるべきではありません!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We all bring something different to the table.

  • We are all unique and contribute different ideas.

We can say that "we all bring something different to the table," to represent how people are unique and contribute their own views that are often different from one another. It opens our mind to other opinions that might even better our own. And if we don't agree with them, we can still accept and respect them.
"We all bring something different to the table" は「人はそれぞれ考え方が違い、物事について異なる視点を提供できる」という意味を表します。これは、あるいは自らの意見よりも優れた他の意見に対して前向きな姿勢を取ることを促します。そして、もし意見が合わない場合にも、それを受け入れて尊重することはできるということ。
Justin R DMM英会話講師
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