I can't really eat deep fried foods because they give me indigestion.
My stomach doesn't agree with deep fried foods.
1) I can't really eat deep fried foods because they give me indigestion.
2) My stomach doesn't agree with deep fried foods.
「揚げ物」は deep fried food(s)
「胃もたれ」は indigestion
I always ate lots of vegetables in Japan.
"Fried foods are too heavy for my stomach, so I can't eat them."
"In Japan, I used to eat a lot of vegetables."
- "Fried foods are too heavy for my stomach, so I can't eat them."
直訳すると「揚げ物は私の胃には重すぎるので、食べられません」という意味になります。ここで "heavy" は「重い」「もたれる」を意味します。
- "In Japan, I used to eat a lot of vegetables."
「日本では、野菜をよく食べていました」という意味です。"used to" は「以前は〜していた」という過去の習慣を表現します。
- heavy: 重い、もたれる
- upset: (胃などが)不調になる
- sensitive: 敏感な
- light: 軽い、消化に良い