世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/09 09:10
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  • As you age, conversations with others decrease.

  • When you get older, you begin to appreciate silence more. Therefore, people do not speak as often.

  • People who are married do not converse together as much when they are older.

Make sure you do not use the word "conversate". You can substitute talk with converse. You can use this term formally and informally.
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • Since we got older we don't talk as much

「年を重ねてきてから会話が減りました」という意味です。 "Get older"は「年をとる」という意味もありますが、悪いことという訳ではないです。前の自分より年上になったという当たり前なことなだけなので、いつでも使えます。20代の若さでも子供の自分より年上になってるので使えます。
  • After several years of marriage, my husband and I became bored with each other.

  • Now that we are older, we hardly speak to each other.

Any of these sentences can be used:- 1. After several years of marriage, my husband and I became bored with each other. This could one potential reason for the decrease in conversation between husband and wife. 2. Now that we are older, we hardly speak to each other. This sentence means that the decrease in conversation was not always there, but it happened as they got older.
どちらの例文も使えます。 1. After several years of marriage, my husband and I became bored with each other. (数年間の結婚生活の末、主人と私はお互いに飽きてしまった。) 2. Now that we are older, we hardly speak to each other. (年を重ねた今、滅多に会話をしなくなった。)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • We don't talk much now.

ケリー先生よりもシンプルに表現してみました。 「歳を重ねるごとに」というニュアンスを細かく出そうとすると 大変ですので、シンプルに We don't talk much now. 今はあまり話さない(話さなくなった)。 のように言うのも会話ではいいと思いますよ。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • We have become so comfortable with each other, we do not need to verbalise everything as we used to

  • Actions speak louder than words after you've been married a long time

Actions speak louder than words - Proverb: what someone actually does means more than what they say they will do. It could be that as two people age together, they just get used to each other. Especially after retirement, they may have developed an established routine every day and find that speaking is not as necessary or as enjoyable as before.!
Actions speak louder than words (行動は言葉より雄弁なり) ことわざ。誰かが実際にした行動は言動よりも意味がある、と言う意味です。 二人の人が一緒に歳を重ねていると、お互いに慣れてしまいます。 特に定年後、毎日の決まった事をやっていたら、話をする必要もなくなり、以前のように楽しくなくなってしまいますよね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Since we have got older we don't seem to talk as much

  • Since we have got older we don't talk as much

  • We don't seem to talk as much now

If you want to explain that you don't talk as much now as you did then you would say 'We don't seem to talk as much now' if you want to explain it because you are getting older then you would say 'Since we have got older, we don't (seem to) talk as much'
以前ほど話さなくなったと伝えたいのなら、 'We don't seem to talk as much now'(以前ほどは話さなくなりました) と言えます。 年を取ったので話さなくなった、は、 'Since we have got older, we don't (seem to) talk as much'(年を取ったので以前ほどは話さなくなりました) と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • With each passing year our communication decreases.

  • As we got older we started communicating less and less.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that you do not talk with your marriage mate as much as you did before. In the second sentence you will see the phrase less and less. This means to decrease. This is a phrase that is appropriate for informal settings, it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
上記例文はどちらとも「結婚相手とあまり話をしなくなった」ことを表す文章です。 二つ目の例文に”less and less"というフレーズがありますが、これは「減る」という意味です。カジュアルな場面で使えるフレーズなので、あなたのボキャブラリーに追加すると良いと思います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
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