世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/20 10:24
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  • I couldn't do this without the team members.

  • We made it together.

I couldn't do this without the team members. = チームのメンバーなしではこんな事できませんでした。 We made it together. = 私たち一緒だから成功できたんです。 make it は「成功する、無事にやり遂げる」などの意味があります。
  • It was a team effort.

  • We have our great team to thank for this.

  • I can not take all the credit for my team members great work.

All of these phrases express that it was because of the team or teamwork that the project launch has been a success.
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • I could not have done this alone.

This means that you did not achieve this by yourself but other team members contributed to the success.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • The success of this project is not just down to me, it's down to the whole team.

  • I'd like to thank all my team for their invaluable contribution to the success of this project.

  • No one individual is reponsible for this successful launch. We could only have done it by working together as a cohesive team!

Any one of the above statements successfully deflects the glow of attention away from the individual and towards the combined effots of all.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The new project will launch soon and this could not have been achieved without my team.

  • If it was not for my team this project would have never been successful.

>▪The new project will launch soon and this could not have been achieved without my team. >Launch=start or set in motion >achieved=successfully reach a desired result) by effort & skill This sentence indicates that the project has been approved and it was only because of the effort the team put in. ▪If it was not for my team this project would have never been successful. >successful=accomplishing a desired aim or result. This sentences indicates that without the help of the team it would not have been possible.
・The new project will launch soon and this could not have been achieved without my team. >Launch=スタートする。または着手すること。 >achieved=努力と技能により無事に希望する結果に到達すること。 この文章は、プロジェクトに着手できたのはチームの努力の賜物であることを示しています。 ・If it was not for my team this project would have never been successful. >successful=望んでいた目的に達成する、結果を出すこと。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • team effort

  • because i have a good team

  • our achievements as a team

example "our success is because i have i good team behind me". or "we own our product success to our team effort". or "i owe thanks to my team, our achievements are because we made a team effort".
例: "Our success is because I have a good team behind me".(私達の成功の理由は、よいチームがいたからです。) "We owe our product success to our team effort".(私達のチームの努力のおかげで、私達の製品は成功を勝ち得ました。) "I owe thanks to my team, our achievements are because we made a team effort".(私のチームのお陰です。チームの努力のお陰で成功することが出来ました。)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • It was a team effort

  • There is no 'i' in team

A team effort, is when people come together to work towards achieving a goal as one group. There is a common saying in English which is that "There is no 'i' in team". This means that one person alone can not do it alone. This phrase is often used to remind team members that they have to work together, and not be selfish. It's based on a pun: when you spell the word "team", you don't use the letter "I'. On the other hand, the word "I" means "me". So this phrase means: The team as a whole is important, not the individual members. You don't use the letter "I" when you spell "team". "There's no 'I' in 'team'" is very well-known. It's used a lot in team sports like soccer, baseball etc.
A team effortとは、一丸となって目標達成に向けて働くという意味です。 "There is no 'i' in team"という決まり文句があります。これは、人は1人では成しえないという意味です。 このフレーズは、わがままにならずに、チーム一緒に戦わなければならないという、チームのメンバーに気づかせるために使われます。 これは言葉遊びになりますが、teamと書くと、その中にIはない。Iは、私ということです。 ですので、このフレーズは、チーム全体が大事なのであって、個々ではない、という意味です。   "There's no 'I' in 'team'"は、よく知られているフレーズです。サッカーや、野球などのスポーツでよく使われます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • I owe this achievement to my team. 

owe は借りがある=おかげです となります。
  • A team effort...

  • Our new project's amazing success ... was not down to me, it was a team effort!

It takes a village to raise a child...and in business rarely is success down to one man alone! We all need to acknowlege the reality of our successes as a team or group effort;-D "Our new project's amazing success ... was not down to me, it was a team effort!"
一人の子どもを育てるには村全体が協力しなければいけません。ビジネスでも1人の人だけで成功することは滅多にありません。成功したのは、チーム又はグループの努力だという現実を私達は皆認める必要があります。 例文 "Our new project's amazing success ... was not down to me, it was a team effort!" 私達の新しいプロジェクトの素晴らしい成功は、私の力によるものではありません。チームの努力の賜物です。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • It was a group effort.

  • It was a collective effort.

  • I couldn't have done this alone.

Within the first two examples we could either talk about the work being a, "group," or a, "collective," effort to mean that we needed more than just one person or that someone, "couldn't have done this/it alone."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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